Make America Proud Again

Make America Proud Again

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How do you intend to do that?



By not bending over to the leftists. The time for compromise is over

You have nothing to be proud of, you haven't done shit.

In what way will you not bend over to the leftists? Do you mean to say you will feel empowered to tell your college professor off and not expect to be given a failing grade?

> refuses to apologies

this. you all should just sit down and take it like a little bitch

You haven't created shit you lazy nigger. You're probably some shithead college student who wants to identify with something

your personal pleb ancestors probably didn't even invent a new kind of shovel, kyle

I would even argue that you aren't even a chauvinist. The greatest contribution you have made to humanity probably 404'd on this board 3 hours ago.

I got you to respond on this thread and to drag tooth on my star spangled internet cock and that is something. POYB

You never answered my question.

I design refrigeration systems for grocery stores. Suck dick faggot.

Fuck off. Gavin and his gang of fags are just conservatives.

Do conservatives typically shove black dildos up their ass on broadcast video?

Proud of your boy! I'll make you proud of your boy! I swear as bad as I've been ma, you're in for a pleasant surprise! I've wasted time! I've wasted me! So say I'm slow for my age, a late bloomer, okay I agree!

If I was in school I totally would I stood up to them before but most educators here aren't hardcore socialists unless they are from another province. It's more about protesting the government here for me and showing young people how socialism only hurts the poor.

Uhuru! Proud of your fuckin boy

Speaking of shovels did you know that the founder of Ames corporation risked life and limb supplying contraband shovels and rifle barrels to the Patriots during the American revolution? Did you faggot? No you didn't so shut the fuck up.

Now gtfo of the way, we are the future, bitches!

>to apologies
You have to go back

Oh sure. Like right now. With breaks for shrimp cocktail.

heathen, gtfo off my board

That is a short future faggot.


>unless they are from another province
Well then, it sounds like there's not much risk of doing as you want to where you live.

Nah there is a bunch of these idiots trying to convince people who's family's came here from Ukraine and eastern Europe 100 years ago to escape communism. The west is the best




>to apologies

My guilty pleasure, that fucking cringefest music video...this is golden.

Gavin should get ran over by the car that he's drunk driving.