I made the mistake of going on reddit last night cause I was bored as shit, and I see a thread titled
"TIL that before his death, Lenin published a testament that stated Stalin should be immediately removed from power as Lenin was "not sure if he can be trusted to use authority with sufficient caution"
It was posted by a user named, I shit you not, IShillForSocialism. It currently has fucking 35 thousand upvotes.
Jesus fucking that fucking site is cancer.
I made the mistake of going on reddit last night cause I was bored as shit, and I see a thread titled
Other urls found in this thread:
This was some attempt to rehabilitate Lenin's image?
It's true but I also read that Lenin criticized every high ranking party member in it so that's why Stalin got off unscathed.
I guess, I got into an argument with the poster asking him why he's dick riding Lenin and his main point was that he's not as bad as Stalin....I've lost faith in humanity
Did he write it after he had his stroke?
lenin was a german agent to undermine russia
Yes, he dictated it to his wife.
Redditor with 150k+ link karma here. What you 4channers don't realize is that without "that Reddit crowd" you are so fond of making fun of, you wouldn't even have a site.
It's not exactly secret that Reddit and its users control the majority of online discussion, be that on Reddit itself or any other smaller sites like Sup Forums.
The days of your "secret club" are long gone, hell just this week I capped and uploaded over a dozen screenshots of threads to /r/Sup Forums.
The only mistake you made was thinking /pol gives a shit about your le reddit adventures. You have to go back and stay there faggot.
>Redditor with 150k+ link karma here
Bragging about your reddit karma
Fucking top kek right there.
The only reason I go on there is some good porn to be found but other than that it's a cuck fest circle jerk.
Stalin did nothing wrong. Revisionists deserve to go to the gulag.
Trotskyists are the most pathetic cunts on earth, they're still assblasted after all this time
Not just Trotskyists but all socialists/communists
Just how many countries have to fail at it before these retards finally think huh maybe it doesn't work.
>not being banned from reddit
>without us stealing your dank maymays you wouldn't exist!
Also, Reddit is a top 10 site where Sup Forums is generally a top 500, so while it is far from a secret club, it isn't Reddit.
this place doesn't matter tho, that's the point
It was just one night, I had been sober from reddit for 3 years before falling off the wagon. It was just as shit as I remembered, but you know...even more so.
Post your reddit username kike faggot. I FUCKING DARE YOU!
And ruin what I have going? I don't think so.
Now give me something I can cap.
I fucking double dare you.
i could write a script that looks for plebitcucks in that range of karma, who post in /r/Sup Forums
how many people would show up?
That is true tho. Because the communist kikes started getting suspicious about Stalin, but it was too late and he eventually killed them all.
Stalin did very little wrong.
That is historically accurate. However, doesn't absolve Trotsky and Lenin. Trotsky actually wrote a handbook on State terror and 5-7 million people died due from the civil war, famines elicited by the bolsheviks, and their executions.
Post results please
I mean they're still butthurt that Stalin became premier instead of Trotsky and then had Trotsky killed, Stalin was a top troll
If the Jews are so smart why do they keep getting themselves BTFO?
But it's true, burger
Because they are gods of tactics, but suck at strategy.
Probably a Jew angry that Stalin killed Trotsky and all the other Soviet yids.
Every single person who has confessed to having a reddit account ITT should be banned for fucking advertising.
Holy shit this thread. It really is a new frontier of shameless cancer.
wow good thing you came here to tell us about it
german KIKE agent
Trotsky (Lev Bronestein) also - wall street KIKE agent
85% of bolshevik commies were kikes
ah, yes, as we all know, lenin was motivated into politics by the death of his brother by, uh, anti-semitism
His brother was a terrorist just like him.
Stalin killed (((comie))) kike bolshevik bureaucrats in (((soviet))) government
Lenin and Trotsky killed, tortured and looted Russian peopple and other non jews
that's the difference
desu he was a (((terrorist)))
and you do not neggotiate with the (((terrorists)))
You pic doesn't compute. Dzerzhinsky. He was a Polish noble and catholic, not a jew. Kalinin also was a Russian.
And 100% of the remaining Jews pictured were killed or sent to Gulag by Stalin.
How does it make him a Jew?
>trying to say that the most powerfull weapon ever engineered by the German Empire to destroy their core enemy was something good for the people living in that country
reddit never changes, cannot get into 2 minutes of ideological iconoclasm
+Trotsky would commit more mass murders and probably go for a huge campaign against everyone who were not a commie, but for plebdit "uh trosgy was hte truu gomunist n shiet"
when you actually change something in the world you use your karma meme as some sort of authority
Lenin was an idiot who started becoming redpilled on communism. He mistrusted everyone around him, reverted many commie policies and never went on full retard with the "agricultural reform" (i.e. land collectivization).
Still, he was a grade A degenerate.
take everything with the grain of salt
nothing is absolute and finite
stalin was/wasn't(it's debatable) /our guy//(((jew)))
some say he was a part of the russian secret society who foresaw what the kikes will do, so they infiltrated him into the bolshevik party
Based nips
The fact is, that he was a civic nationalist, traditionalist and killed Jews.
Which makes him at least a decent guy.
His settlement reform alone, which locked ethnicities in their ancestral homelands with no right for anyone to move in or out and his revival of their traditional ethnic cultures and languages makes him one of the most important figures in nationalist philosophy, because he showed how a multicultural empire can function in ethnostate mode without racemixing or erosion of tradition.
good point
>because he showed how a multicultural empire can function in ethnostate mode without racemixing or erosion of tradition.
still though no matter what kind of organisation you chose,
no matter which ideology you folow or invent, no mather how much resources you use and which logistic proces you apply,
most of the africans and middle eastern shitskins are proven to be inept to integrate into your society, your way of living and adopt your values
it's just not worth the cost
>most of the africans and middle eastern shitskins are proven to be inept to integrate into your society, your way of living and adopt your values
it's just not worth the cost
Well, Stalin would give them an "African republic" with no right to move out and let them live as they see fit, but demand economic results and keep sending the responsible to gulags if the results aren't achieved. The logic behind that method looks solid. The DON'T have to integrate or adapt, they may live according to their tradition. They just have to follow the general ideology and work.