feminism was a mistake, we've learned our lesson. please come home white man
Feminism was a mistake, we've learned our lesson. please come home white man
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Sorry. This is the era of asian pussy now.
Too little too late. You're all fat cows now, fuck off.
Only if you make me tendies
NO! You go and die alone with no family no friends no kids!
>we've learned our lesson
prove it.
i will only forgive the virgin girls
The floodgates have been opened, prepare for the end.
I think they only learn that when they get to about 45 and they've got about 2 weeks before it's too late to go on ivf and they're only a year or three away from menopause.
White women are niggers they may as well dress as wiggers. They pretty much do with those yoga pants and shit.
I'm already too broken to care.
Nah. The damage will never be undone.
As a manlet, my options are:
> get married
> wife dumps me for the first Chad that offers her the D, takes all my money with her
> I die poor and alone
> don't get married
> disregard females, acquire currency
> die rich and alone
Hmm, what a difficult choiPHWAHAHAHA
I choose "die rich and alone."
fuck off roastie. i'd tell you to enjoy getting raped by tyrone and ahmed but we both know you will.
All of Sup Forums should read Julius Evola's commentary on women. Women, judged by the moral standards that a man judges other men by, are universally corrupt. They cannot, and NEVER WILL, understand why it is bad to have kids with Tyrone or sleep around in college or divorce their husband because they "don't feel special anymore."
Women are a biological necessity only. The less you see of them the better. You must NEVER form an emotional attachment to one. The only woman in your life who will possibly love you in a non-selfish way is your mother.
The instinct of men is to dominate women and use them for sex. The law prohibits this, therefore an authentic relationship for a man with a woman is not possible. He will always be compromising and being servile to the woman in order to access half-baked imitations of the primal domination and sex that he really wants deep down.
Fuck, I bet it's a trap.
Childhood is putting women on a pedestal and thinking they can do no wrong.
Being a teenager is realizing they're all generally amoral, easily corrupted and less intelligent creatures.
But being a man is realizing that despite all that women are still a necessary part of life as a man, and falls on men to properly take control of them so they are viable wives and mothers and they basically have to be treated like children to get it done.
My favorite is the way they justify abortion.
>like, well if you don't let me murder babies legally I'll just use a coat hanger or have it in the bathroom and throw it in the dumpster before finishing prom.
Their inclination to murder thier own children is so hardwired you literally can't make them stop nor convince them it is objectively immoral. It is a psychotic compulsion and so thouroughly rationalized they see nothing wrong with it.
Weak white men caused feminism. Staying weak and hoping women start finding it attractive. Good luck with that.
I was gonna post that there's more nuance to it than that, but I guess maybe manlets do really have it that bad.
you wish. there's no reversing this and men are men totally independent of women. there's no men and women. there's only men.
I've fucked 10 Asian prostitutes in the last year
Vancouver has some serious prime Asian whores like out of JAV videos.
If only there were people who had feminine bodies but enough male in their brains to understand the need for loyalty, duty, and honor.
If only.
Most women aren't feminists though, it's a loud minority, and in Europe the numbers for their cult drop even lower. They've emasculated you it seems.
fuck off you faggot. every woman loves to abuse feminism and everything it gave them. when they divorce you and take your kids, house, and all your money they aren't a minority. every woman is the same stupid whore like ivanka crying daddy think of the babies and talking about wage gap and muh abortions
oh, alright. I'll fertilize your eggs so you can make babbies. Come over here.
that was the jews did that, user.
You're just hungry for safety dick.
Regretting your life choices at around the age of 30? Your cross to bear. Tough shit.
Ehhh, I don't know. After being persecuted and harassed for decades and after being continuously pummeled with society ruining policies pushed by women, I'm not sure if I feel like cleaning up the mess you caused.
What's in it for me? Can it beat android waifus?
they only want to murder the children of beta males. they're hardwired to make babies for CHAD, for the good of the species
Doubt you're even a white woman op. Most of these mgtow, "redpilled" faggots are the bottom of the barrel scum that most woman dont even want as theyre all beta.
Btw, if woman want a traditional man then marry a man from the middle east as they tend to have lower divorce rates, raise kids better, and are much better fathers and husbands.
bye bye roastie. you've got one use and are being replaced. since you're a tool of jews it's time to smash you into pieces. niggers who are raised by jews and commit crimes don't get off. so don't daydream you're going to either.
it's just your womb is required for reproduction so white men can't murder all white women (yet). coal burners pay the toll and soon all women will pay the toll for feminism
You know not all women are feminists. You should wear the fact that you were ever so stupid, so that people know to avoid you. You will never bring happiness to anyone, not even yourself
>Implying MGTOW isn't the kikeyist idea of all time
>Voluntarily commit suicide white man! Here's a pillow!
nice try, we're sticking with our waifus thanks
Implying its not a game of chicken at freefall and having the greatest nerve is all there is.
living life undestracted by the incessant thought of whats beteen a womans legs.
there are higher ideals and women are mean/
Every step of pregnancy has been done artificially. We even know how to make ovums out of skin cells. We'be even got eggs to implant on an artificial cell line and have grown a lamb fetus in an artificial womb, until a pump malfunctioned. It's all possible, every step has been replicated, but there are too many regulations in place
not all women are like the slut that cucked you jew m9
>china starts pumping designer babies out of artificial wombs as they leap ahead in technology because they don't give a shit about ethics
>world is taken over by a clone army of genetically engineered chinese supersoldiers
>kojima was right again
Checked. And truth.
No we haven't, there's still too much fucking race traiting among white people.
The amount of Black man white female and white man asian female couples is fucking insanity. I'm coming close to just giving up on humanity and just going into politics for the sole purpose of making mad cash and fucking everyone over for personal gain.
Sorry femanon the western world is over we should have put our foot down when we had the chance but you know what they say about hindsight enjoy the collapse
Frankly? As long as they do their job and exterminate the sisterhood I could not give less of a fuck if they're Chinese.
We all know that the only thing that will drive it through your skull that men have had enough of your shit is finding yourself in an extermination chamber.
Get back to us on how sorry you are after you've gotten your lungful of rat poison.
Id cum home to her everyday
Damn, she's beautiful
Feminism is a Jewish Invention
And traps.
"The idea is to create new victimhood groups, then make them as vocal and radical as possible, emphasizing division / resentment / victimhood. Groups must be separate but ‘allied’. These groups could then influence cultural and societal change – far in excess of their actual importance or numbers within society."
(Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Political Correctness, Social Engineering)
Unfortunately, given today's politically reality, the only surefire way to defeat feminism is to reduce women to less than 5% of the population.
So remember to sperm spin, men.
you can't make me
Female empowerment was always going to happen, irrespective of feminism. Technological advancements made men redundant and shifted the balance of power in the relationship towards women. The only reason women couldn't work before the 20th century was because most jobs back then were intensive labour jobs that would probably kill a woman, and not because men forced women to be domestic slaves as most feminists wrongly suggests. There a reason the average life expectancy of lower class white men were worse than those from the third world. So the average womens best chance of survival back then was to marry a productive man and be loyal and promise him children, whilst GE would provide her a home and security. She exchanged her chastity and loyalty for his labour.. Now with industrialisation and the boom of service jobs, women don't need men to survive and be the submissive house wife, and most women revert back to their baser hypergamous instincts. The only way we can make things go back to the way things were is if society collapses and the state no longer existed. Female empowerment is the byproduct of industrialisation and not feminism. I'm sorry, but this is the new normal
How about no.
How about no and fuck you.
Daddy is not here for you anymore. Enjoy your garbage forced reality.
Try to get divorced in that theocracy without getting acid faced or honor killed.
Burn the coal pay the toll?
Men are pigs.
Don't insult boars like that.
and you're a cow
Cows are nice.
asian women will still survive. it's just white women and the brown ones that will die. they'll be screeching about patriarchy and white privilege as they're killed
>Making us choose a fat uptight cunt over a submissive asian
They literally worship us, and we can make master race hapas with high IQ.
In the first option you pass down your genes though. It would just be a matter of fact of trying to save your male kids.
Your female kids will already be degenerate if their mom is a whore anyways.
Anzu isn't a trap, she just isn't particularly attractive under all they make up and has shit hair and puffy chipmunk cheeks because of the bulimia. She used to be a fatty.
Top kek.
The real question is how do we get machine guns into women's hands?
Lel die, cocksuckers.
Cows are gay niggers and so are you.
Only a demon could hate a cow.
Better to be a demon than a woman.
I suppose that depends on if you consider turning everything to shit and cancer "good".
Women were forced to work due to the economic situation. They milked cows, worked fields, baked pottery, wove clothing, women held all kinds of positions because everyone except a small few was poor.
Women believe working for a salary is a right, it's not. It's a way to make money, making profits is much better. Even if they make a decent salary they still don't know how to invest it and secure their future, instead they just spend it on crap that's out of fashion a year later. Most women can't handle financial responsibility and just need constant hand-outs.
> falling for the 3DPD
>Implying women dont do that
Well men have been in control for literally millennia and all you've done is cause a mass extinction event and go to war with each other constantly.
This desu. White women are absolute trash.
My wife isnt femisnist, she hates those retards.
She is wise enough to understand how evolution made man and woman.
And she never bitches about muh feminism, she would punch a femicunt in the mouth if confronted by one.
There are good women, atleast in Finland.
so much anger in the thread, but i know you guys will do the right thing when the time comes. civilization wouldn't have advanced to where it is if you guys didn't.
>go to war with each other constantly
And you think women won't do this? They're at passive aggressive war with everything around them 24/7. Women are some of the most two faced creatures on the planet. They'll pretend to be best friends with each other one moment, then the second they turn around, they're trash talking each other. Women would be hurling nukes because Krissy had the audacity to get a fucking haircut that looked a bit too good on her.
All white people here are on the same team, anyone who would disagree is a kike shill.
>cause a mass extinction
Yes, and? Are you new here?
and what, lose half of everything I own in a divorce?
yeah no, fuck off cunt.
Western civilizations almost over femanon as much as we like to think about sex bots and the like it won't happen because any apparatus in which to create them will be gone soon
Who took a shit by the pool?
Civilizations collapse, roastie. Close your legs and pick up a book.
Ca. 250 years. Very interesting since it fits the pattern of empires. That's how long they usually last. Goddamn Im gonna miss these years, the future is only dark (no pun intended).
Yeeeah... are we just going to be quiet about that?
Feminism is for cucks. Kekism is for the strong.
I never left, 2D waifu.
Yea I've just finished the fate of empires Glubbs predictions match spenglers give or take 20 years
Nice 9d pali.
I guess Kek or Satan after
You will not be forgiven.
What's that white man everyone's on about?
We we're all black, with O-shaped legs, swollen bellies, malaria-ridden arses and lifespan of 25 years - maximum - in the stone age.
Migrating to the cold shitty northern area that's not really suitable for human life and turning white from that idiotic idea and lack of vitamin D does not make white race particularly superior, just very visible whose evolutionary ancestor was the true village idiot. "Men, let's go north"
Yea fuck that guy