What was the fucking point to putting us in camps?

idgaf about your six gorrillion memes, but I honestly don't get something
even if the nazis didn't intend to gas us, why herd and lock up a bunch of polish farm jews with barely a scrap of copper to their name?
it didn't influence rich banker jews in the US at all, and even communist jews in Moscow weren't really affected in the long run.

so why corral and shoot a scapegoat that had zero power? how did that help aryans in the long run at all?

Other urls found in this thread:


Communist Jews were the enemy of civilization and they needed to weed the traitors out of the population.

Hitler might have been right, but he was retarded and crazy, and he hired someone who was also retarded and crazy to do it. Goebbels was the only smart guy in the high command

You know how you put the Palestinians behind walls and barbed wire? It's similar to that.

>had zero power
yea international bankers and usury has no power goyim believe (((me)))

can't you fucking read?
Poland of the time hated communists just as much as Hitler. the jews in it were poor as shit religioustards, not communists

honestly id be happy just sending all the jews in the US to isreal and cutting off funding for you guys


The UN would have never allowed a nation entirely made of Jews in the Middle East in Jerusalem so the ruling NWO Jews hired a Jewish man to rile up a post WWI poverty stricken Germany to launch a genocide against people of Jewish faith so that when the war was won and Hitler threw the war, the Jews would finally be given a new nation with their dwindled population in jerusalem.

ok do that I guess
but again, why kill random polish jews?


you should read about germany between 1918 and 1933 and you will understand why

Stop pushing your false kike narrative. Even the Russians knew the truth.



so imprisoning an enemy is bad?
mass genocide was not the goal
what happens to prisoners when you bomb supply lines and starve a nation?

You're in a concentration camp. It's called izrael


To quell resistance. Same as the Americans did with Japanese civilians.


I read enough to understand why germans hated commie jews and wal street jews.

but what the fuck does that have to do with jews were neither rich nor russian that lived anywhere else? what purpose did the camps serve? even if we accept Sup Forums narrative of no gas chambers, how was letting jews that had NOTHING to do with Germany ever rot and die beneficial to anyone?

same reason the japanese were interned in america, enemies of the race are enemies of the state

Slave labour makes great profits with which you can a keep war effort going and pay dividents your big buisness investors.
Poor jews got basically jew'd.
Funny, eh?

It was always about expanding the german empire.
Being supposedly anti-commie was just one of many pretexts Hitler used to motivate his toy soldiers.
It's very evident in the fact that Hitler pacted with the Soviets(Molotov-Ribbentrop pact) to invade Poland.
And his idealogy was basically meta-communism for germans.

A Polish woman I know had a grandma who lived through WWII, she said the Jews there were like the Pakistanis are in England now, everyone simply hated them and they hated the Poles. They lived in Poland, but did not want to be Polish, and would look after their own people first, and all their crimes against Poles were covered up, exactly like Muslim crimes against the Europeans are being now. I don't know how true it is, she said it's just the way it was, the actually liked the Germans for removing them. They hated the Soviets because they saw Jewish hands behind Communism, and the Soviets really were rapey and evil.

You don't understand. Bolshevism was synonymous with Judaism. And the Jews that control the media cover up the holocausts they performed.

Wake the fuck up.

well, did the japanese camps somehow help the war effort? unless I'm mistaken you didn't just lock up expatriates but also american citizens who simply had a japanese background

Form what I understand, and I could be wrong, they were put in camps to try and control the spread of lice and disease.

>use all man power for the war happening
>waste man power deporting jews and handling their transportation
which one sounds smarter

holy shit Hitler gave you 5 years of vacation and you didn't even like it

I'm not talking about german or french city jews that turned to communism ad novitatem because it was some hip new shit
jews in eastern europe always were fucking poor and lived in shteitels with barely any newspapers, much less radio
are you saying the majority of those jews was communist also?

The intelligence for the Pearl Harbor attack was provided by a Japanese-American in Hawaii. Thousands died and millions of dollars worth of equipment were lost.

We weren't willing to take the risk again.


>Be Germany
>Win War or Gas Mongrels.

they made their choice. which is why they are the most cucked EU country right now. Bow down to the might of USA little israelite, we will protect you.

Same reason you put niggers in open air prisons and Palestenians in gaza where you test out new weaponry and sell it to countries like mine

What was the point of the USA putting german-Americans and Japanese-Americans in camp?

Because Hitler was a Jewish plant and putting the Jews in camps prevented them from having to fight battles as soldiers

No, the spread of lice and disease was caused by the fact that fuckloads of people were stuck in a small space i.a. the labour camps, in addition to the lack of supplies and maintenence caused by getting rekt.


well, either way, I still honestly don't see the point of doing that to polish jews AFTER already winning and taking Poland over


Because most of the Commie Partisan Scum and Commie Sympathizers were Jews themselves.

Hitler tried expelling all the Jews from Germany.
A lot of Jews wouldn't leave.
They were put into camps where they could be watched, because the Jews were trying to manipulate the German people and their politics...kinda like right now.

pic very much related

this niga doesn't understand the resistance in ww I was jewish and sabotaged the germans from within, thus in the next war the logical thing would be to lock them up

Fake Jews is fake. Gas them all. Why would God want to choose some ugly looking fucks with that sausage looking curly strand hair? You guys are some mongrel looking sobs.

The plan was to completely germanify the two new Reich provinces. The Warthegau and Danzig. That means no Poles and no Jews. So they used concentration camps as temporary solutions. As for the Polish General Government the plan was to also get it rid of Jews.

After the Madagascar plan failed, the plan was to make the Lublin Reservation in Poland (kind of American Indian style reservation.

Lots of ad hoc decisions like this made the Nazis concentrate the Jews.

hey, whats a good city to live in the Philippines? I really like your small women.

oh, I understand that perfectly well
but why traget NON GERMAN jews too? vile jew sorcery aside we don't exactly a have psychic hivemind

>Implying jewishness isn't a racial phenomenon

You can take the jew out of the synagogue, but you can't take the synagogue out of the jew. Your phenotype has evolved for thousands of years to leech off other countries. That's literally why you invented usury, since you weren't allowed to enter other professions.

Of course there's plenty of jews who aren't satanic child rapists, but we're talking about ratios and laws of averages here. On average jews are more likely to possess these traits because, as I said before, they evolved as evil parasites.


>How stupid and thoughtless are the arguments of the backward friends of the Jews in the face of a problem that has occupied mankind for millennia! How they would gape if they could ever see their dear Jews in power! But that would be too late.That is why it is the duty of a national leadership to take all necessary measures to keep such a thing from happening. There are differences between people just as there are differences between animals. Some people are good, others bad. The same is true of animals. The fact that the Jew still lives among us is no proof that he belongs among us, just as a flea is not a household pet simply because it lives in a house. When Mr. Bramsig or Mrs. Knöterich feel pity for an old woman wearing the Jewish star, they should also remember that a distant nephew of this old woman by the name of Nathan Kaufmann sits in New York and has prepared a plan by which all Germans under the age of 60 will be sterilized.They should recall that a son of her distant uncle is a warmonger named Baruch or Morgenthau who stands behind Mr. Roosevelt, driving him to war, and that if they succeed, a fine but ignorant U.S. soldier may one day shoot dead the only son of Mr. Bramsig or Mrs. Knöterich. It will all be for the benefit of Jewry, to which this old woman also belongs, no matter how fragile and pitiable she may seem.

Hitler originally put then in their own towns but they were being uppity during the war so he imprisoned them all. Sure it was only a few but germans viewed them as a whole.

>know bout Pearl Harbor attacks weeks in advance.
>let it happen anyways to get your country to go to war
Pretty shit president

Guy you're all the same whether you're liberal or conservative. You guys are master manipulators to the highest degree. It took me years to see how much of a vermin Ashkenazis really are. I have no idea why our country kneels to you Talmud baby dick sucking perverts.


Source: That's where my Dad met my mom on port call lol.

everyone in ww2 had camps, they didn't want people sabotaging stuff you know like the migrants leaving ieds on the street and running kids over in trucks.

What was the point of nearly wiping out the entire Christian population in the Soviet union?

What you have to realize is that you've been heavily brainwashed into thinking Jews dindunuffin. Start at Mein Kampf and work backwards while avoiding non-cucked history. Basically the Germans watched Jews control their government and banks, stab them in the back by surrendering WW1. Then Germans got to watch Jews get fat while ethnic Germans starved during the economic collapse.

By the time Poland came around the Hate Train had no brakes. It didn't have to be rational at that point.

Yeah it kind of defeated Hitler's message. Blame an elite of rich Jews in Vienna, Berlin and Hamburg. End up getting rid of very few of those but instead get rid of Million more poor, barely surviving Jews in Poland, Ukraine and elsewhere instead, living in often decrepit shtels. Fail.

>even if the nazis didn't intend to gas us, why herd and lock up a bunch of polish farm jews with barely a scrap of copper to their name?
all jews must die, even the poor ones that shill for communism.

rich jews would have eventually died as well.

also your own people (soros) would sell out the dumb jews to thin out the jewish population and apply eugenics like you have for thousands of years.

Fuck the kikes

well I don't see myself as an evil individual. I did charity work full time for a year, for example, because the IDF rejected my fat ass

you can claim to know "The Jew", but can you honestly claim you know ALL jews?

thx my dude

>we don't exactly a have psychic hivemind

Perhaps not. But there is something that causes all Jews, whether Semite or Diasporic, to strive after the same things in much the same way. This is why we say: there are no good jews.

Could have something to do with the fact that literally NONE of you can be trusted.


There never was any order to commit genocide.

It was labor for the ones that could work, deportation for the ones that couldn't.

Why be Jewish? You guys rejected your own messiah and tortured the hell out of the guy. Judaism really has no place in the modern age. You're still waiting for your messiah, but we all know who that is. Don't be a heretic and accept that the Jew your ancestors nailed to the cross was your messiah. You're being deceived by the scumbags poisoning this world.

That's immediately what I thought of, actually.

I understand that much
it makes me sigh loudly

this is true and backed up by tradition. Cyrus was the first Jewish "messiah." Christ the second. Both Aryan. The third is to come.

>why herd and lock up a bunch of polish farm jews with barely a scrap of copper to their name?
to send you to your own place. also jews had plenty of things while in the camps, until later on when germany was facing shortages everywhere due to allied attacks.

whats so wrong about rounding people up to send them to their own country? sounds fine to me. every country should do it. diversity is the most destructive force in the 21st century.

Can someone explain to me why Churchill sided with the Jews in WW2?

Was he naive? I've heard the argument that his gambling debts were paid off by a wealthy jewish goldmine owner in 1938, but could this be the only reason? Churchill didn't have any jewish ancestry (as far as I'm aware) and given his earlier writings on the JQ he seemed to be pretty redpilled.

it also protected them from the bombing campaign.

how many camps got bombed?

Pearl Harbor is just the beginning of the thesis of why FDR was a horrendous president.

These sheenies are parodies of themselves,

The Nazis were rounding up Jews into camps before they even had consensus on what to do with them. Some wanted them deported to Madagascar, which might have happened if the war didn't go bad for Germany. Others wanted the Jews put to work for the war effort, which was a prevailing choice throughout most of the war. Others wanted them exterminated which was what they really focused on towards the end of the war. Originally they just wanted them out of Europe, which was why they were rounding them up but they just weren't totally sure on how.

It's fairly easy to see why if one has familiarised oneself with Ludendorff's concept of "Total War".

Ludendorff postulated in order to win a war between modern nations, the nation in its entirety needs to be made subject to the war effort. This means that war is not just a matter of the military and industry but that also social life needs to be subdued. The reasoning behind this is the experience from WW1, which from the German perspective was experienced as a war that was primarily lost ideologically at home rather than on the battlefields. In that regard press and art, anything that may undermine the nation's effort to wage war most effectively must be controlled. Jews were seen as a disruptive element within the nation, a cosmopolitan people with relatives abroad who could not be trusted to fully submit to the German nation. In that regard they needed to be contained so they couldn't do any damage in the form of spreading foreign propaganda thus lowering morale, etc. - containment was thus the choice to solve this issue. This is referred to by Himmler in his Posen speech where he argues that Germany would be in the state of 1917 if the Jews were still within the nation as "agitators and rabble-rousers".

The US did essentially the same with the Japanese, concentrating them in camps as their loyalty to the nation was in question and thus making sure that they wouldn't subvert the American war effort.

>you guys
that was literally 2000 years ago. I didn't exactly have a say on the matter, even if it indeed happened as Mel Gibson put it

besides I'm not an observant jews. I'm just a jew by ethnicity because my parents are, so I can't exactly stop being that even if I wanted to. Hitler knew this and camped out jews that converted to christianity just the same as jews that didn't

Arbiet macht frei

Hitler just wanted you fags to roll up your sleeves and work for once

The third and real messiah to these bastards is Satan himself. That's why they're so hell bent on dragging us with them. The hell is matter with these psychotic individuals.


You're more or less right.
He should have just deported them, but that was an impossibility once the war began.

Make no mistake, though: the Communists and radicals were a cancer in the country he desired to create. In many ways, those people (safe though they were in New York, Moscow, and London) deserved to die—especially the engineers of the Russian Revolution.

tl;dr The Holocaust was moronic, and should have been precise and targeted specifically at Communists and Revolutionaries.

It's Alfred Rosenberg a Baltic German that sold to Hitler the link between Jews and the Communist Revolution... it was probably based on the fact the first Soviet government had a majority of Jews.

The problem with that is it was a one off. The first Bolshevik government had only 1 Jew (Trotsky). And there was only 5 Jews in the Commitee in the 20s. A lot less than Trump's White House.

As for Jews in the Bolshevik security apparatus. Max was 8% before 1929 and 5% after that.

look into zoroastrianism and jewish tradition if youre interested. the jews have three messiahs:

He is considered the first Jewish Messiah. He freed the Jews from captivity in Babylon.
He is considered the second Jewish Messiah, just not by Jews.

The Jews believe the next messiah to come will be a reincarnation of Cyrus -- who was a great military leader. But they're wrong.

>First God freed the Jews (Cyrus)
>Then God taught them how to live (Jesus)

But now it seems God will destroy the Jews because he could not save them from themselves.

I love jews. Jews are awesome.

He didn't side with Jews per se. He made a deal with Poland that they would assist each other if they were in a war, and secretly it was unconditional support in the case of Germany, who Churchill perceived as the greatest threat to Europe at that time. When Hitler invaded Poland they basically said withdraw or you're at war with us too. Hitler refused to withdraw. So Germany and Britain were now at war and then a few weeks later the USSR invaded Poland too. Churchill wanted to win the war against Germany and the only way to do that was not declare war on USSR too, in fact he needed the USSR to help against Germany. It wasn't obvious to anyone how bad the USSR was until later on in the war, when Western Allies were beginning to shit themselves. Churchill actually constructed the plan "Operation Unthinkable" to take back Europe from the USSR but they put it aside when they realised the USSR would steamroll all the allies

Because the were invading Poland and no Polish wanted them there.

The populace wanted them to die for their actions. Thus the germans weeded out those that would rebel against their rule and sent them to the camps.
Standard practice for the time period.

It's as simple as that, heeb.

Of course you can't judge individuals. Just like there are some fine niggers and a dozen brilliant dunecoons, there are a handful of non-parasitic jews not intent on destroying the western civilization.

However, you can't judge a group based on cherry picked individuals.

As of now, no one has the means to vet people efficiently enough to justify not genociding all the jews. We're just being reasonable here.

Shit sucks man, I can sympathise with your plight but as they say: reality is stranger than fiction.

We're all going to die in a nuclear apocalypse fairly soon, anyway, so I wouldn't dwell too much on it. Just enjoy what little time we have left on this god forsaken planet.

jews being exterminated probably had more to do with hitler knowing the war was lost, thus taking revenge by killing the jews.

if the allies never declared war, jews probably would have been relocated to israel.

hitler was already in the process of doing this in the 30s.

The Jews with the big hats would be sad to hear that.

Apparently God put too much trust into the turds. They just keep on screwing up at every turn. Just drop a global nuke and let us start new.

Im gonna side with OP on this, maybe imprisoning poor farmers trying to scrape by is extremely unethical, Hitler was trying to create a great outcome for his countrymen with unjustifiable means.

hope so m8

>can't judge a group based on cherry picked individuals

then what is ?
it's fun to use jews as 90% evil bogeymen to make the world seem simple but it's still not very rational

I think it was more like Himmler pushing it. It seems Hitler was out of his mind on drugs and still thought Germany could win, with his last days in the bunker playing around with divisions on his strategy board that didn't even exist

To protect the security of the American people and military. Many were first and second generation. Prime spy territory.

They were all released after the war ended and the ones that were mistreated were all given justice. Most camps had fucking movie theaters. Many Japanese-Americans and German-Americans were given the chance to help the war effort as translators after entering the camps.

The Native Americans are where we really fucked up. Hitler used our methods on the Jews.

It's confirmation bias. I could find a non-Jew saying the exact same quotes.

Visayas region is mostly good
Great mix of rural and urban

Maybe you can ask some Polish guy why the Polish government stripped the citizenship of Polish Jews living outside of Poland and forbade them to re-enter Poland.

From Jewipedia on Herschel Grynszpan:

"In August 1938 the German authorities announced that all residence permits for foreigners were being cancelled and would have to be renewed. This was in reaction to a Polish decree which was to take away the Polish citizenship of Jews living outside the country, including those in Germany.

Poland refused to admit them at first, as the Sanation regime had no desire to receive the Jews and any others whom it had just stripped of their Polish citizenship. The expulsions only stopped when the Polish government threatened to start expelling members of Poland's Volksdeutsche (ethnic German) minority into Germany."


Before WW2 happened the Germans were rounding them up to ship them up to Pakistan. When it started they weren't able to ship them off anymore so they were stuck. They couldn't let them stay in their society, because they believed the Jews started their depression...which for the most part they did.


Ya its fucking retarded they talk about hitler fighting the international bankers while he was being funding by them lol

I know you can read between the lines, Shlomo. Your kikery won't work on me.

International Red Cross documents confirm 271 thousand Jews - not 6 million - died in labor camps. Most died toward the end of the war from typhus and starvation when supply lines were cut off.

Adolf Hitler was trying to do what had been done 100-plus times before in other countries - kick the Jews out.


Jews have always banded together as a tribe, infiltrated governments, monopolized financial systems of nations, instigated wars, and intentionally created chaos in societies. Jews mass murdered tens of millions of non-Jews over the last century but they've seized control of the media so you won't find out.


Hitler had ultimate responsibility but he didn't bother himself with details. But Himmler had tons of pressure from Gauleiters wanting to germanify their Gaus and from Hans Franck, the General Government. Goebbels was taking care of Berlin and wanted no Jews there now.