Someone explain this shit right fucking now

Someone explain this shit right fucking now

We'll build a nice big gravestone for the Holocaust after Israel fights its own wars and loses.

He's a Zionist puppet like every American President desu
The signs were there but we chose to ignore them at the time, the only people still doing so are The Donald redditers.


If you deny the holocaust you may actually be retarded

The motherland speaks the truth.

the jews have taken him over now

I don't know man.
I'm kind of feeling sleepy, though. Is it just me, or is this board getting a bit tiring?

I think i'm going to take a nap now.

I'll deny the holocaust, then you can send people to my house to arrest or fine me, and then I'll fucking kill them.

goodbye donald trump.

we haven't had a 4 year president in quite some time.

>6 gorillions

Hi shariablue, trying to D&C this board again?

We were never anti-semitic to this extent. It was just a joke and you're capitalizing on it to have the board stop supporting Trump.

It's the same with Assad - you used the exact same tactics even if this board has ALWAYS hated muslims.

You'll never succeed you dumb shills! #MAGA2020

seriously how did this fucker go from emperor godking of memes and dreams to this useless in just 3 months

Consrrvatives love Israel. Israel has always been an ally of America, I don't think that will ever change.

T. Jidf

>We were never anti-semitic to this extent. It was just a joke

What the fuck are you talking about? From the very beginning he was a choice between more of the same shit. You saw the APAC speech you knew about it there is no delusion here except from Reddit retards but we voted for something that may be a sliver of a difference Only dense retards didn't fucking think jizzrael wasnt Trump's greatest Ally. Everu single person in the government must be sucking Jewish cock to ever get anywhere you fucking tards . It's a fucking given.

>we were just meme-ing everything on pol is ironic
back to /r/thedonald you go

all jews must die, friend.

Isn't it near your bedtime? I would bet $10000 you play or have played Minecraft, and have watched at least 10 Pewdiepie videos.

Drumpf confirmed ANTIFA faggot!

>deny holocaust and lose job in 3 years, giving it to one of (((them)))
>do anything else and keep your job
Clearly he should deny the holocaust so that the most dense users of this canadian leaf-raking board can be absolutely sure that he's not a plant.

He's not wrong faggot.

Every Western leader says holocaust denial is bad. It's a meaningless statement. Their own people are so full on propaganda that it did happen that they can't say otherwise.

If you accept it you may actually be retarded
>muh 6 gorillion
>muh always-less-than-6-gorillion non-jews

Doesn't he have a lot of Jewish family members?

Id's too late. They got to him.

idk shareblue.

should we have voted hillary instead?

no i'm pretty sure tiny tim is lebanese

He's throwing off (((their))) scent

>Alex Jones
and now him too??? Noooo!! Tell me, Sup Forums, it's not true!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Only up to 300.000 people died in the Holocaust, not all of them jewish.
The jews still control Trump however, through his daughter and his neo-christian stupidity.

Should have bought that fucking sword.

why would JIDF defend the holocaust
you havent thought this through, have you

This could be virtue signaling.
But I think he is becoming a shill.........
also pol is an NatSoc board XD

Explained. Pic related.

internet tough guy wew boy

Hmm, maybe it is becouse he is the biggest jew lover in american history? He married a jew and sold his offspring to jews. His daughters are getting koshered right now as we speak.

This is the most retarded post i've read all day

Even I don't waste my time baiting this badly fellow pede. Sorry but I gotta downvote.