Pick a color from the OP image
First come first served
Pick a color from the OP image
First come first served
Northern Italy
Gotcha, will start when there's at least three
this appears to be an unpopular map OP
>Portugese Empire
Will wait and see if more show up, stay tuned
Also OP, no bonuses?
This is my first time hosting, so just a basic game
also Pali, if no starting Territory
>British Empire
I started you in Portugal
dont think palis/str8s count
on towards france
Expand in Iberia.
Fill England
What are straights, anyways?
Spills to filling Britain as a whole.
speaking of unpopular maps, does anyone have the medieval risk map?
Second update
srs? 123
I'm still trying to find an active Google drive with all of the Risk maps in, I used to have one, but I think I lost the link and it was a couple of years ago; so the link is probably dead anyway.
Actually fixed the update, British Empire got trips
It was trips user, isn't that 40 t's?
Keep filling the UK.
Corrected it
Okay, I never knew what it was.
Probably cost me some rolls.
Keep filling Iberia.
take italia
Still room to join?
Yes, pick a color from the OP and give a name and location
Blue, Russian Empire, Moscow. cheers
You start off with 5 tiles
Keep filling Scotland.
There are still 4 places left for anyone who wants to join
Keep Filling Iberia.
finish italy, spill towards france
Will post in 30 seconds if Russian Empire doesn't roll
Russia skips this turn
Keep filling Iberia.
Keep filling Scotland.
Fuck, wrong map, updated w/Italy
Fill Russia, sorry had to change trains
German Reich Pink. Northern Germany
Turkish Empire
Portugal gets d_bs and Scotland is full
Added German Reich and Turkish Empire, now we're getting interesting
Will post in 30 seconds if Orange don't respond
Drumpfkins skip this turn
Fill Ireland.
Fill Turkey
Keep filling Germany
Invade Africa.East First.
Do you mean Morocco?
Judging from the name might've been a shill. Continue filling Russia
Germans got d_bs
Finish filling Ireland.
Keep filling Germany southwards
+1 spill to the Netherlands.
Spill into Poland, not past the German border
You have a tile left over, where do you want to put it?
Keep going East in Africa.
see .
Sure, but dont come to close to my borders
Will post in 30 seconds if Turks don't reply
Keep Filling Turkey
Would you like to ally?
I see that it would be beneficial for both of us to go East instead of being caught up in petty fighting.
Also, I won't take France.
Aim to fill the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
Keep filling Germany Eastward
Keep Invading Africa, East.
Keep filling Turkey
Fill Poland, leave a space between Germany's border
Great. Godspeed.
British Empire, i am a diplomat of the German Reich, would you like to have a NAP?
Well, the east in general
Likewise, friend.
Agreed, it would be beneficial for both of us to focus on growth at the moment.
Keeping filling the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
You have 25 tiles, what to do with the spares?
Keep Invading Africa.
Expand North with Germany into Scandinavia
Continue filling whilst leaving the gap, spills fill Russia
Spill into France, thank you.
What're we doing about the Swiss?
Keep expanding to the east
I shall take them after this turn
Keep expanding to the east.
Agreed, may I have Italy?
sorry for the duplicate
Would you not like an alliance? It would be a beneficial defence for both of us.
Invade Sicily.
Keep filling France, concerntrate on establishing a path to Italy.
Spill into Italy.
Expand south with germany
Put 4 South Russia, spills continue filling Poland
Could you leave me some Italy, so I am able to access the east?
I think that aswell, we shall defend the east!
Also, keep expanding to the east
Yep. I'm only going to Kill Orange and that's it.