They've gone fucking insane.
The Independent used to be a respected newspaper... what the fuck is going on in this world?!?!
They've gone fucking insane.
The Independent used to be a respected newspaper... what the fuck is going on in this world?!?!
Other urls found in this thread:
Look at those nazi bastards!!!
Is it the same story? Didn't look like it? Am I missing your point?
No one?
Isn't Harlem really gentrified now and the domain of white hipsters? How fucking great is it that they want to know the soul of the black man so they move into his neighborhood and then price him out of it?
Yes, I lived in NYC 3 years ago and half the libshit beta morons I worked with lived in Harlem.
And they ALL talked as if they were living in an employee of The Wire, meanwhile if someone got aggressive at the bar they whimpered away and let everyone else deal with it.
Hipster numale trash, so glad I left that shithole
top kek
We need to co-opt this and meme a totally common hand signal as a sekrit evul alt right nazi symbol. Normies will then see how Jewish the media is
well funny story OP. years ago some snobs declared that they ruled the world and that the masses were stupid slobs who eat toxic waste and are to stupid to know better
upon hearing such a lofty claim one clever shadowy individual proposed a challenge. if they control public opinion then turn them on themselves and pick a candidate to win.
if you really can do anything then this will be a walk in the park and you will get a 10% return on all of your investments. others will get a cut in their returns on their hedgefunds if need be (market average at the time would have required it)
but if you fail then you not only have to admit that you dont rule the world but you never will. needless to say at this point they have gone double or nothing 2 times since the first failure
You mean like the 'ok' hand symbol?? They just did our work for us. Libshit shave gone fucking insane!!!!!!
f l o u r i s h t h e p i n k y
How are you faggots not all over this dumb shit?
Where here /partofclub/ ?
why is it always some faggot UK media outlet harping on race and racism all the time? its fucking pathetic and cringy. the UK people are such gossip drama queens. its so pathetic.
Where is that pic from?? Are they rly saying it's WP??? Jesus Christ kill me now
Did she delete her twitter acct?
As an active diver this made me kek
This just looks like niggers trying to project their nigger habits on the right
>What they're making some kind of hand sign?
>it must mean something/be some kind of gang symbol!
Nah, her twitter is still up, just checked. Pic related.
>active diver
Did you see any Klan rally's underwater by chance??
I tried shugarman instead of shugerman. nvm. This retard is taking selfies in the ER and making up some sort of social justice excuse for changing her profile pic to what she thinks is a cute photo. bland.
Here she is speaking:
Why do jewish women often have such deep voices?
so OK is now heil hitler or white power or gas the kikes?
so is thumbs up hang niggers? jew burn smoked bodies rises? rape the nearest women?
I'd support that
Fuck sake
>they were living in an employee of The Wire
What happened is that it fell into the hands of a Russian emigré who hates Vladimir Putin.
Yes, the person who made the article posted that pic on twitter.
>walking past park
>see two kids combining their nazi salutes into one super salute that traumatizes poor minority children with its loud clash
when will we just kill all white people? there's no redeeming them.
How do these people sleep at night?