Redpill me on this guy, was he really as bad as his reputation or is there a Hitler-effect happening here...

Redpill me on this guy, was he really as bad as his reputation or is there a Hitler-effect happening here? Many Russians from the soviet area approve of Stalin.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_TestamentЖурнал_посещений_Сталина/1941

he was a man who knew how to get shit done people just didnt like the fact he was willing to lose his own people to get said shit done. great leader if you dont mind collateral damage in the name of progress

Terrible leader. WWII literally saved him. Destroyed his military leadership, fucked up farming and industry. Russians only think well of him now because he was the last time they really won anything tangible. He was a vicious dude though. Had an iron will.

Difficult to disagree/disapprove of a purging totalitarian

HE was a shit father, when he had the opportunity to save his son from the gulag...He didn't.

This. Again n again.

He was a totalitarian dictator. He saved his countrymen from serfdom by forcing them into collectivized farms on pain of death. Saved his people from a monarchy with a brutal paranoid government that purged potential rivals and simple peasants alike. Forbid farmers from continuing to grow crops they understood and lived off of.

Won the hearts of hipsters everywhere.

id have to say as like political leader I guess? b- military leader c- also diddn't hitler try and take the farms when he was like 2 days from taking mascow

He was given detailed plans of the Barbarossa invasion down to the exact time and date and completely ignored it. His continued fuckups propelled the Krauts all the way to Moscow before one of the coldest winters on record intervened.

Yeah, he killed the spy/ messanger because he thought he was lying about the Germans. He also hid in his room for the first two weeks of the war because he was so embarrassed.