what pisses you off on a daily basis?
What pisses you off on a daily basis?
Other urls found in this thread:
shitposting bongs
People with shitty attitudes
Horse benis
The "homeless".
Bait threads and the people that endorse them.
Cunts that live in cities, they're ao fucked when things go bad and they don't even know/care.
People. I can't specify a specific group over the rest because arguably they're all shit...and as much as I try to deny it, and be better than the masses I regretfully must admit I am shit too.
I used to get crippling depression at least once a month regularly. I couldn't get out of bed on some days it was so bad.
I've noticed recently I never get depressed on a monthly basis anymore Then I realized it completely stopped ever since Trump won in November last year.
Now it's your turn you leftists traitors. Enjoy 8-16 years of this. Most of you won't be able to handle it because you're a bunch of entitled cuckold pussies.
defending your boyfriend, faggot?
Libtards coming onto Sup Forums to ask stupid questions like why we hate them. Just fucking take a look at yourself, you'll see why.
You're just a lazy cunt.
honestly jews
Blacks blacking it out
Seeing non-whites everywhere I look.
Artificially loud trucks and the fucking tards who think that a loud,"growling" truck is somehow "more powerful"
My mom puts dishes in the rinse side of the sink.
Its fucking 1/4 the size of the other side of the sink.
I cant put my hands under the tap or rinse anything if the tiny rinse side is taken up by some carelessly placed cup or bowl.
then i have to reach, lift it, move it a foot left. EVERY TIME I GOTO THE SINK.
She knows this is my only pet peeve, and she does it multiple times a week.
Antifa and ShareBlue posting anti-t_d meta threads every 20 fucking minutes and nothing being done about it.
Even mentioning "t_d" should be an autoban because they don't advertise here and the only people hiney holocausted enough to mention them by name are paid-for shills and reddit commies.
Niggers, Kikes, Muslims, Immigrants, Mexicans, atheists, SJWs, faggots, dykes, communists, marxists, leftist, poor people with kids, taxes, housing prices, kikebook, Reddit, censorship, anime haters, politics in entertainment, /sci/ /qa/ Sup Forums along their faggot Mods.
>"people" with New Mexico license plates
>"people" with Mexican license plates
>"people" with handicapped license plates
>30-60 year old white women driving oversized SUVs (this shit screams penis envy)
>16-30 year old white women driving in general (they're always putting on makeup or texting while driving)
>"people" with COEXIST bumper stickers
Hypercompetitive people in my class and soulless asians
Female Hillary Voters that are loud and obnoxious. I kind of think maybe they deserve muslim rape gangs..
miscegenation at college
thankfully not daily, but too often
Stop living with your mum then you pathetic cunt!
Literally every aspect of modern Britain, for fuck's sake just end it.
Stop living with your mom ungrateful cunt
Ugly people
Waking up back into this hellscape.
Women who look down on men, and think they are better than you because they have some form of higher education or more money.
The kind of person who just doesn't care about anyone else. In my area they're usually poor, criminal and very arrogant and hypocritical.
The kind of people who will cheer on their friends as they attack you, but then immediately kick into victim mode when you fight back and knock the fuckers out.
The kind of people that come home at 3am with fucking electronic music blaring, and then swearing and yelling for half an hour.
The kind of people who go through life only taking, never giving. Demanding welfare but then doing nothing byt pumping out ten kids that they then abuse and neglect.
I want to physically remove them from my community.
Sup Forums
Kick that doglet outside, or better yet shoot it and get a real dog.
Wow. that's deep man..i agree
Agreed. Also, whippets are funny dogs
simon go to bed
The constant push to make granny's acceptable. The fact it's now pushed on kids make me burn like the fire of a thousand suns.
Reading the news
Interracial couples
Alcoholic, drug-using, promiscuous normies!
Fucking gummy cunts.
Trannys, fuckin jewpad
What's granny's? Grandma's? Grandma's are sweet, American society destroyed nuclear family structure though. I miss living with my grandma and grandpa.
Yea, Promiscuous normies piss me off thouroughly.
Dum fucks who cant merge onto a highway. Speed up and blend in with traffic , dont stop at the end of the ramp and expect to go 0 - 70 in 2 seconds in front of a truck. Merge...dummy
Just people. What a horrible fuckin species,
If it wasn't for those still decent innocent children is wish for a fucking 6mile meteor
I mean TRANNY. My JewPad was correcting my wrong think
Equal rights.
Sometimes I wish I had kids for some reason.
Niggers, Jews, SJWs and Hawaiian locals. God they're so fucking dumb.
(((the few)))
boy this shit pisses me off
went from hating you to laughing uncontrollably.
>tfw you dream about killing people with coexist bumper stickers and now the FBI know this about me.
Really want to make your head explode?
In my city we have a merge on the left side of the highway, a major fucking highway onto another major fucking highway, that also has a an exit for a bridge to the next state on the right side. Its like it fries people's brain when they realize it is not a normal merge.
Lethargic Drivers. And your a/c refuses to work...
I notice this more and more, I'm only 27 but it's starting to feel like I'm getting to the point of being too old to not have a child...
I see videos of kids with their dad shooting, I see pictures of kids at Christmas. It starts to hurt.
Shit part is i previously wanted no kids, at all, every. So I married a career focused woman with the same views on work, no children, life.
My views have changed, hers have not. What do?
Women that drive dualies.
Surprised no one is mentioning being used by shill and shill incorporated to elect a president and then to have all that thrown back in your face 3 months in.
Niggers IRL.
Canadians on Sup Forums.
I don't know what I would do man. I am 26 and not married so your a step ahead of me.
it ain't gay to suck dick
my loudy neighbourghs, Im trying to fuck some ass and those fuckers argue so loud that it turns me off instantly
Half the news are about sports.
and take up three parking spaces
O shit I hate that.
>dreaming of killing coexist hippy trash
>not dreaming of them getting stabbed to death by an illegal immigrant
>as Juan, his,illegal friend rapes his wife and daughter
>trying to avoid looking at the rapefest he glades out the window and sees the 'COEXIST' sticker glinting by the street lights
Seeing whites associate with minorities
Seeing male feminists
I hate feminists period.
>my husband works in oil and his company pays for his truck directly
The existence of negroes
It makes zero sense why anybody would want them to exist beyond literally "my feelings"
Seeing arabs and gooks whenever I go down the street to buy groceries
When you want soften cultures to coiexist but you can even get you bumper sticks to coiexist
Being surrounded by lefties claiming that gender is a social construct and at the same time complaining about gender wage gap for women
Imcopetent people at work.
Shitty internet connection.
Fucking commies.
The fact that I actually fucked a commie.
The fact that I actually fucked a girl that's one of those "DUDE WEED LMAO" people nowadays
The fact that I actually had sex, had instant gratification, but felt disgusted right after
The fact that my favorite band will never release a CD ever again
Fucking subhumans spending 50 minutes at the squat rack
white people still exist
jigs and spics that litter
My unqualified co-workers who constantly try to undermine me
People who take my tools and don't put them back
Supervisors who should have been fired years ago
Careless managers who only care about their status
White trash
Illegal spics
Coal burning single mothers
People who drive big trucks and tailgate
Fat people
Women who wear animal print clothing disgust me
The list goes on...
People in america that think special favors and special treatment laws create equality
Surprised no one is mentioning being used by shill and shill incorporated to elect a president and then to have all that thrown back in your face 3 months in. who is your favourite band? why not just listen to drake or kendrick
r/the_cuckold infesting Sup Forums
How Rhodesia ended and how South Africa is turning to a similar fate.
bro i feel you in so many levels.
>constantly undermined by coworkers
This should only ever happen ONCE, if at all. The fact it's constant means you're a pathetic beta loser without an ounce of respect in that place ('and I'd assume all your walks of life)
>muh supervisors should have been fired years ago!!
Yet they are in charge, and own your worthless ass...
If they are SO bad, and have been bad for SO long, and you haven't risen to their positions is yet more proof that you're a patheitc fucking loser.
Seriously, KYS faggot
our treacherous politicians and the pack of cholos that hang around a park not too far form where i live (have to go around the fucking place to get home), fuck'em!
>have to go around
waking up in every day in this shithole.
Harvey Danger, It had like one famous song called Flagpole Sitta.
Otherwise, it was a pretty obscure one.
The fact that I always seem to wake up with cotton mouth. I know its something easily remidied but still it sucks. Pisses me off a good bit. Like of all the times to get dry mouth why as soon as I wake up y'know?
Oh yeah and Shareblue, The_Donald, Australian shitposters, most discount Australians (NZ), most if not all leafs, most if not poos and "Islam is based" shitposters. Thats about it though
You don't need to deadlift in front of the squat rack you fucking mongrels.