What's the problem with libertarianism?
What's the problem with libertarianism?
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Low IQ anti free market dumbasses
Libertarians will be helpless to stop organized leftist from undermining their society.
1. Jews
2. Assuming information is costless
3. Assuming interaction is costless
4. Wanting to "free" humans from society, which is impossible to do
5. Roads
If you can't fight the culture wars without the power of the state, maybe your cultural ideas are shit.
2. What does that even mean
3. Why would anyone assume that
4. Society =/= the state
5. Libertarians aren't ancaps
A true free market will eventually lead to globalism and out-sourcing.
That assumes outsourcing is bad, which Libertarians would deny.
Well hopefully Sup Forums would realize out-sourcing is a tool of white genocide.
2. Study economics
3. Study better the authors you're reading
4. Yes, it is.
5. The mind virus is the same.
>society=the state
you're a literal moron
>If you can't fight the culture wars without the power of the state, maybe your cultural ideas are shit.
I bet you get a lot of mileage on sayings like that.
it's the first time i've said it actually. it's not often i encounter people saying dumb shit like "we need the state to help us win cultural battles over petty shit like gender politics"
>tfw would literally die under anything even resembling a libertarian regime
Libertarians are conservatives that attempt to be liberal but realize that they're not fucking degenerate but don't want to be seen as intolerant so they pick a ideology that says they don't care what anybody does but deep down inside they're really just fascists who don't want to admit it.
A society to be a society implies the existence of the state. It is an ontological necessity.
What is "the state" if it is not made of people?
This. I used to be a libertarian for this reason. I always said things were okay but I deeply disliked what I now considered degeneracy and never did it myself. Then I found Sup Forums.
what I now consider to be degeneracy*
Then you probably aren't meant to live if you cannot support yourself.
As impossible as Ancaps. The State is a natural product of humans survival instincts and hierarchical nature.
I don't really know how a person with the minimal intelligence needed to access a computer and write this post could rationalize this statement
Help me Sup Forums
Libertarianism is ironically only practical in an autocracy. Any system that allows voting will devolve into a welfare state, and that welfare state will attract migrants who will do nothing but vote for more welfare. Taxes will have to be significantly increased to accomodate this. And so the perfectly well-intentioned actions of the many will destroy any hope for limited-government. We're already seeing this happen in real-life. And so, libertarianism requires a dictator, ironically enough. Or at very least, voting must be limited to people who have some stake in maintaining the libertarian order. This could be accomplished by instituting a large tax for voting, so that only people with jobs who can afford the tax would be able to vote. Votes would still be limited to 1 vote per person, but you'd have to pay a large fee in order to have that vote count.
So are libertarians finally admitting what they want is social darwinism and barely anything separates them from honest to god nazis? Just making sure.
No it isn't. Literally just look it up.
If it is not made of people? When did I say the state didn't include people?
Nice attempt at mindreading me there, Hitler. but no.
Something being natural doesn't mean it's necessary. Also libertarians don't want to abolish the state.
I will attempt to help you understand this.
Libertarian ideology claims to care about individual freedom with regards to homosexuality and other degenerate issues, but deep down they know that these types of behaviors are a detriment to society.
no reddit. libertarians don't base their entire world view on what memes are in season. fascism is the bluest of all blue pills and there
s a reason it only shows up in hellholes and african countries in the modern era. most fascists grow up without a strong father figure or an abusive one and have an underlying desire to be controlled. you all have to go back.
if degeneracy doesn't produce value, then it dies
Hitler was a drug using degenerate moron who fucked up his conquests and would have failed no matter what. not to say he did anything wrong, per say, but "lolbertarianism" > NatSoc any day of the week. the historical record is clear
>National socialism is a fascist ideology
>welfare state
you mean like national socialism?
You don't know what the state is, kiddo. You probably think it needs to be like the complex set of institutions it is today. It isn't. The state is the structure of ultimate authority within society. There is no society without a source of authority somewhere. Thus, there is no society without the state.
>not accepting the similarities between NatSoc and "true scotsman" Fascism
aww inbred retard wants his gubment gibs?
Libertarianism is ironically only practical in an autocracy. Any system that allows voting will devolve into a welfare state, and that welfare state will attract migrants who will do nothing but vote for more welfare. Taxes will have to be significantly increased to accomodate this. And so the perfectly well-intentioned actions of the many will destroy any hope for limited-government. We're already seeing this happen in real-life. And so, libertarianism requires a dictator, ironically enough.
Or at very least, voting must be limited to people who have some stake in maintaining the libertarian order. This could be accomplished by instituting a large tax for voting, so that only people with jobs who can afford the tax would be able to vote. Votes would still be limited to 1 vote per person, but you'd have to pay a large fee in order to have that vote count. Alternatively, simply restrict voting so that those living on government assistance are not allowed to vote. Take your pick, but you must limit voting somehow or else the welfare state (and the taxes required to supply it) will continuously grow.
I am not a fascist. I don't LARP as a tough guy nor do I favor militaristic bullshit.
Also, libertarianism is the ultimate meme. It's is only strong on the internet because it is thought up and supported by literal autists.
They think that no government involvement in business will let people succeed based on hard work alone. However, the absence of government oversight leads to monopolies that make it almost impossible for small business owners to succeed. They want to make a system work by eliminating the thing necessary to make it work.
> democrat = libertarian
shittiest of the shitposts. Congratulations.
>>National socialism is a fascist ideology
>Fascist Corporatism
>Authoritarian leader cult
>Imperialist agenda
I would like to note that Fascism and National socialism are two distinct systems (TLDR I've studied both, I prefer Fascism to Nat Soc)
The silence speaks volumes. Thanks for thinking I deserve to die because some people decided to take a tire iron to my spine and made me lose control of my legs, I guess. Thank god I've never flirted with this horseshit ideology.
I believe youre talking about liberalism
People are greedy, not willing to work hard, and have few values and lots of entitlement.
(((open borders)))
There ARE distinct diffrences. I'm not invoking some "no true Scott" bullshit. Nat soc is fascistic in nature but it is still an offshoot of fascism. Fascism as its been written about has no welfare. and has different economic policies and handles the state in a different manner. If you want i can get autistic and start listing off all the differences. FFS you don't tell socialists that their belief is communism (even tho its the slippery slope to communism)
I absolutely call (((socialists))) commies
It's not implemented enough
Yeah, that is what I want.
The weak and dumb should be allowed to die so they do not reproduce, letting the march of micro-evolution continue.
This isn't an "everybody but me the oh so smart should die out" thing either if I can not keep up I deserve to die as well
I've been paralyzed from the waist down for over a decade now. Again, thanks for saying to my face I deserve to die because somebody else took out their idiot anger on me, thanks.
That picture perfectly sums us up
Is that society as a whole's fault?
Then why should society take care of you?
Talked to a bunch of real commies today, they still defend Maduro in Venezuela, regardless of the overwhelming evidence that things aren't going well in there.
I guess that my argument is, that it makes you dogmatic.
It has no defense against and often even actively encourages degeneracy.
Anyways 75% of libertarians are just conservatives using it as a Get Out Of Uncomfortable Arguments About The Morality Of Gay Marriage Free card.
I have no one to take care of me, because of the reason why I was beaten so badly. The only thing that keeps me hanging on is a very small government stipend which keeps getting smaller. Why the fuck would I want to ever deal with people who want me to have even less? You're an active threat to my life with your childish ideology.
>Promotes nation destroying ultra capitalism and international corporations.
>Rejects the use of violence by the lower classes or other races to get back the wealth and power stolen by rich oligarchs and (((them))).
Why don't you tell me?
The real redpill is natsoc and libertarianism are
both bluepilled autism ideologies. Neoreactionary and Neocameralism are true hard core redpilled ideologies and when mixed together are a force to be reckoned with. Nobody on Sup Forums reads moldbug or Land now and everyone posting now probably came here in 2013. Its sad because Sup Forums used to be well read and if you posted retarded natsoc/ entry level libertarian crap you'd get told "read moldbug". You should've all seen Sup Forums before any of this post GG/election crap. It was hyper autistic logical political theory. Not your generic trash entry libertarianism or retarded LARPing vikangz TRS meme reddit white national socialism and hitler worshipping.
Your best bet in a libertarian society would be to find someone who is willing to be your caretaker.
Which is why you are cancer in the current political climate. There are existing political issues that libertarian idology simply cannot deal with or outright ignores (see race realisim and whiteflight/replacement/demographic shift.) I was libertarian at one point till i was forced to eat the race pill. Fascism has real honest wasy to deal with these issues so i signed up with that (and before you say it no. Im not saying HURR RACE WAR NOW KILL JEWS) I would settle for kicking the jew out of the west into isreal. Pulling out all support from the region. shipping the dumb blacks back to afric (IE 90%) MAYBE, MAYYYYBE let the smart ones stay but dont let the bred out women. and kick the fucking Hispanics out back into the southern American nations. At that point we have the military power to defend ourselves and cuttin most if not all foreign aid frees us a significant amount of money that gets spent yearly.
>3. Study better the authors you're reading
Its too elitist and libertarians arent nice to other libertarians from other countries
lmao I cant even find that in our apparently Oppressively Statist Dystopia what makes you think I'd find anybody who'd do anything like that when you're even more incentivized to ignore and spit on the weak?
You have people in this thread, who share your ideology, who say I deserve to die because I'm paralyzed. You can't possibly think what you think is anything approaching humane or good
I don't care about hurting people's fee-fees, if they can not find a way to survive they do not deserve to.
paralysis is not the end of the world, I'm sure even in a world of no regulations you could find a place to work that doesn't have steps and doesn't require more than arms and a brain
You are actually a monster and I genuinely hope you grow up before you're in a position to actually hurt people with your shit.
Petition a charity. IDGAF.
Have anything to say, leaf? Or are you too retarded to make a point?
I'm actually on a school board lmao.
Well I sure hope you're exposed as what you are sooner rather than later, then.
Why do you feel entitled to survival?
Why do you prefer Fascism?
>defends that sentence
>calls others retarded
Libertarians are just drug addled conservatives.
The fact that you even asked this question pretty much proves you're a goddamned fucking comic book villain. How can you possibly live with yourself?
Man Stephen Hawking sounds buttblased.
>What's the problem with libertarianism?
What's your plan moving forward? Gary Johnson didn't even get 5% of the vote. How are you going to convince people that fiscal conservatism and social liberalism are the right way forward?
This is the only answer
it has nothing to do with actual freedom
Because national socialism promotes welfare and i believe welfare in any forms is degenerative and breeds laziness outside of injuries that literally cripple you (and real cripple not this new age bullshit "cripple") Plus Fascism as a system is easier for me to agree with and argue. Also Mussolini wrote about Fascism and I play up how Italian I am constantly so it strokes my ego (WE BUILT ROME YOU WHORES. WE ARE NOT THE NIGGERS OF EUROPE)
Damn turns out I'm buttblasted because I reacted poorly to being told I'm not entitled to stay alive, what a shocker dude. Are you autistic or something?
Why are there not more libertarian nationalists?
Its the truth faggot. I have no responsibility to ensure that you can take care of yourself.
You have to go back
Psst guise
Hey guise
What if
What if
Hey guise
What if...
We became libertarian fascists?
We gain nothing from supporting people who can not support themselves, if you do not have the tools to survive that is not other people's problem.
It is not evil to let nature take its course
I bet it's bait but I'll take it anyway. If you want to live without working for food and then die because you need food to live, that's your right. No one is obligated to make sure you live to the next day, and you are especially not entitled to their assistance.
The basic lack of empathy pretty must points directly to you being a literally broken autistic person lol. I'm sorry your parents homeschooled you or something that you didn't get a proper socialization, I guess.
Nice strawman, but you didn't refute my statement.
Like liberalism, it's idealistic and not practical in many situations.
The optimal solution isn't always the most desirable solution. This is the problem with libertarianism in a nutshell.
Muh snek
It's a pipe dream, like communism functioning in a way that doesn't degrade into a fucking horror show for everyone.
Beyond that they're fine, at least they largely keep to themselves and the not shitty hypocritical ones are real big on live and let live, which is just fine by me. Much better than the authoritarian sides of the aisle.
Get good or get left behind, commie. A real capitalist would devote his life to prosthetic robotics and then end the people who crippled your ass.
He doesn't need to refute your statement. Rational debate is meaningless outside of academia.
I suggest you read "How I found freedom in an unfree world" by Harry Browne. If you agree with what you read you're a libertarian. If you don't... you're a cuck. Go read... it will be one of the most liberating books you will ever come across. metaphysicspirit.com
>rational debate
University debates are now just appealing to emotions and victimhood status.
Attaboy, stick to the memes, Costa.
>calling other people broken when you yourself are physically broken
I am not wishing death on you, I just believe If anyone can not provide for themselves it is not other people's responsibility to handicap themselves for your sake
Then rational debate is essentially useless. Propaganda is far more effective, and I mean this in the most neutral way possible. You have to use what works.