You have dealt a blow to the establishment, yet you do nothing, you just sit here and play grab ass with each other. Now is your chance to damage the left further! The longer you wait, the more time they have to recuperate. Start bashing some liberal skulls in already. Get out and actively subvert them! Do something damnit!!
Why haven't You idiots continued pushing onward!?
You get what you pay for.
not your personal army
fuck did you expect to happen
>New fag doesn't understand we just do it for the lulz.
Sup Forums dindu nuffin wrong. Sup Forumsacks are good goys.
I was expecting a chance to make those snide arrogant liberals squeal. To make the suffer, and obliterate them. I hate them with a burning passion, I figured it was through /pol I could take vengeance.
Worthless, here is your chance to make something of yourself, yet you do nothing.
back to plebbit with you newfag
welcome to 4chink, cocksmoker.
I didn't come from Reddit you fucking nigger, get your head out of your ass.
Top kek.
I'm not certain, because I haven't been around as often as since the election, but I'm almost certain Sup Forums has been successfully subverted into not liking Trump anymore. I think there's some entity here that has somewhat successfully memed that supporting Trump is for exclusively Redditors.
So if you're looking for why we're not pushing on, it's because COINTELPRO or your everyday college students have slowed down our work somewhat successfully.
Then there is no hope, looks like I will just have to take matters into my own hands.
make sure you get a high score.
we're trying! but every time we try to ignite a fire that gets the President back on track with his original agenda, newfags from r/T_D call us CIA shills, even when agree with Assad/Russia in Syria/Ukraine
We'll never make america great again at this rate, the President must be held to his campaign rhetoric.
>subverted into not liking Trump anymore.
dude its not subversion, its logic, rationality and a competent understanding of foreign policy and its effects on the USA
He has to stick to his campaign stances or whats the point? He has the same foreign policy as Hillary and Obama!
this place flip flops against mainstream.
with the election of trump, it begins to turn.
Lefties on campus have been bragging about subverting Sup Forums and turning anons against eachother
Pretty sure anons showed up to beat Antifa in Berkeley, I'm working on serious internet business myself. Agree completely though, organize, have letter writing campaigns, call representatives about the WALL etc. that is just the basics and you don't even have to get off yer fat ass to call or write a letter or both. Posting is easy, getting out is hard, but necessary.
Yes, take matters into your own hands, help your local community and fight locally!
His policy is consistent with the campaign promises. Screen shot this post, 8 years from now there will not be boots on the ground in Syria.
First thing the chan needs to do is get the newfags off this board and onto whatever new containment board they are making.
Sup Forums has lost to shareblue. Its over
The proles will never rebel. You bet on the wrong fucking horse.