*sips tea*
*sips tea*
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Why do you keep posting your nigger lip smacking bullshit here? Are you some kind of masochist faggot that gets off on hundreds of posts calling you a fucking nigger faggot? Go back to Africa and capture a monkey in a net so you can fuck it or whatever the fuck you stupid niggers do over there. Stupid fucking nigger.
What is a non-binary girl? He/she already transitioned once? Can someone help me understand this autism?
Can't wait till it suicides
its made up bullshit that means you're highly confused.
Really makes you think...
i dont get it. is this real? is the little girl supposed to be good or bad or just retarded?
It's an edit. Although there is no reason to edit Assigned Male since it's so badshit crazy to begin with.
Labelle grew up in rural Quebec, is an ex-elementary school teacher, and was the camp co-ordinator for Gender Creative Kids Canada. She is active in the trans rights movement and gives conferences about trans history and transfeminism.
That has to be an edit.
There is no way anyone, even a tranny that bent, can write something that proves the oppositions point so validly.
it's evolving
hahah they finally found her font
What its supposed to suggest is
>little tranny just wants to date little boy
>little boy's mom is clearly transphobic
>little boy's mom says little boy should not be dating little tranny arguing tranny is emotionally abusive and trying to isolate little boy from his family/friends
>little tranny cries because transphobia is ruining her relationship
however, little boy's mom is likely right as the case given how little tranny acts if you've read the comic at all
no, its one of those borderly-self-aware edits that have been going around since a lot
they start normal and suddenly drop a huge red pill that completely breaks the little fantasy world but the characters don't seem to realize and you are stuck thinking "wtf, is this his unconscious asking for help?"
very good ones tvh
ive read it plenty here but i honestly can't tell which are edits most of the time.
honestly i thought it was suggesting that the boys mom was right, illustrated in last pannel.
>tfw you want to figure out a way to acknowledge you fucked up without admitting you fucked up
Yes. Judgement Day is getting closer every second.
I like playing the guessing game of "edit or not".
Not, and just oblivious
>don't like being judged because of my gender
>I know, I'll create 40 different genders!
>now everyone can judge me with laser precision!
pure genius
Can we post comics that ACTUALLY make you think?
not, anyone who says otherwise is new
>shills are resorting to assigned fucking male for their arguments
not so obvious
i can't tell at all.
this author must have no self awareness whatsoever
>Gonna be whoever I want until the end of the world.
Hopefully that's coming soon.
i dont get it
Apply yourself.
Me neither
me neither
>don't talk to any tranny they are insane and suck being around
I can do that, thank you based comic.
>is an ex-elementary school teacher
Of course a degenerate country like Canada would let this abominable degenerate near children.
considering the thread we all are, i supposed that is a trans baby.
>oh noes she misgendered better ruin her life
>but her son died but...
Please don't provoke the Leaf, I don't want him finding some shit on us.
Xe is getting misgendered but xe feels telling the old woman to stop misgendering xir would be awkward.
Wait is it that her son died but the piece of shit tranny is only concerned about its fucking pronouns?
there are people who transition more than once?
i thought they just killed themselves after the first one
>transpeople are an inconvenience to me
truer words have never been spoken
Some of them get through on sheer luck. Hopefully the next one gets them.
You guys are dense. It IS her son.
in all honesty fuck fat people who wear clothes like that, nobody wants to see your flab hanging out of your tanktop and short shorts
Then why does she think he's dead, dementia?
Her son is "dead" to her.
>you already transitioned once
>I-I'm dense?
Wait but if she says her son died, didn't she bury him or alteast witness his death? If I was only like 50% sure my son was dead I wouldn't go
>oh he's definitely dead.
I don't read comics because I want to think. When I want to consider new and profound ideas, I read books. I read comics when I'm lazy and want to laugh at someone's clever wit rather than insightful criticism on the state of the world.
Xe is conflicted. Xe feels offended, and at the same time, xe knows deep down that xir pronouns aren't a big deal, but that would go against her ideology, so xe is just awkward and doesn't even know why.
Oh damn. So the punch line is 'My mom was mean to me today, because I chopped off my dick' ?
What a shit comic
You're reading way too deep into it.
How do you even pronounce that.
Is it like "cse" and "csir" or more like "shi" and "shir"?
more like *eats dick*. Be who ever you think to be but you are not free from ridicule, transdipshit.
Damn I couldn't keep it going.
They are literally so retarded that in their attempts to make people understand their movement, they prove their opposition's fears and predictions correct.
Does anyone have the edit where Chad shows up and she hangs herself?
Singular X makes a Z sound.
My preferred pronounds are Fe Fi Fo and Fum.
Pretty sure it's ze or zir like how you pronounce the X in Xavier
I know this one is actually real. I've seen it before.
All the more reason to invest in Zyklon B. Prices are about to skyrocket.
Man that's just a taste of RL. To think that every single one of these freaks would demand their own fucking words. God fucking damn.
Ah. That also explains "ze" and "zir".
We're reaching levels of language manipulation that shouldn't even be possible.
why do even the authors of the comics make the trannies ugly as fuck? like if theyre trying to defend them cant they at least make them look like the thing they want to be?
>talking to trans-people about trans- stuff is a nuisance to them
>all they talk about is gender, inequality and priviledge.
I'm assuming that's a trans woman on the right so they're upset to be called "a nice young man" but don't want to upset the grieving old lady by correcting her.
And as a grammarian by trade it really pisses me off. Precise and consistent language is essential.
Listen the only thing I took away from that comic is
>Trans "People" are an inconvenience to me
>this is unedited
There's nothing funny about this comic
It doesn't mean anything.
Look at that poor dad. It's like he's tearing down the last memory of his son.
I think he's right.
Oh fuck, sorry if I misgendered user!
>actually trash at dialogue ordering
his font
Some of the edits are acceptable
>trannies aren't batshit cra-
Maybe she's secretly redpilled
You know what would be interesting? Some languages do use gendered second person pronouns. That sounds like something they'd culturally appropriate to make some kind of point. Imagine how great it would be if they started calling people "xou" and "jou." Maybe as a way to teach cis people a lesson.
I refuse to believe this is the original version. I cannot imagine anyone can be mentally ill enough to be so lacking in self-awareness.
>fags should be allowed to adopt chi-
>trann just wants to date the boy like a normal grill
>boys parents don't like her, so she doesn't like them. To accommodate her the boy lashes out at his parents / distances himself from them
>she feels guilty because she feels like there's truth to what they're saying but still wants to be with the boy
>She has no response to this but sadness
that's just my take
Keep in mind these characters are children.
Because most trannies are. The point is you shouldn't be mean to them just because of how they look.
>Transwomen arent really women
She's sad that she's seen as male but she doesn't want to correct her (ie "i'm a woman/ im trans") because it would be awkward. It's not criticizing anyone it's just a those feels thing.
Is Sup Forums going to be mad at me that I unironically don't mind if this person does what they want with their life?
the x in xavier is pronounced ecs
*sips cum*
really makes you think