I know one of you has lost the will to live, and has nothing to lose. Just do it, you would be a hero. Pic related
Why haven't one of you filthy neckbeard turned this place into the next Columbine?!
why bother? everyone who goes there is a braindead zombie anyway
Then thin out the horde.
and give the antifa and media another reason to shit all over our heroic cause?
fuck off fag, pol is a board of peace
Make me nigger.
Hello FBI
Sup Forums is board of peace
Please take your violent delights to
They already drench your cause in shit. It's about putting an end to these leftist once and for all!
People on the inside are digging into Berkeley. This isn't the first time the city of Berkeley has been implicated in harboring far-left aligned militants. Don't muddy the investigation.
Expect more soon.
Not FBI actually
>thinking we are your personal army
>literally attempting to incite mass murder
Antifa pls go.
board of peace
get the fuck out
Hi Feds! You're still sticking out like sore dicks around here!
no you troll wth
Not antifa, I'm just someone who has the guts to do something. Perhaps you shits should form an army.
haha good time guys itt we post felonies we've committed xd milhouse meme!
-not the fbi
Sup bigots. Antifabro here
Not fed, this is real nigga.
Antifa already think we are the devil but if we gun a bunch of them down preemptively then that will put the majority of the public on their side and we can't afford that
refugee is synonymous with rape
therefore that sign is consent
checkmate btfo
>I know one of you has lost the will to live, and has nothing to lose.
These things don't happen because someone loses the will to live. They also have to develop a murderous rage towards life itself, due to a existence so devoid of meaning that the suffering which defines their life is absurdly unjustifiable in their eyes.
Where the fuck do you live, I'll gut you, and collect your head as a trophy!
because you'd get niggers and lefties shaking their heads because 'white ppl'? it's practically giving them ammo you trog
letting them exist as liberal cucks is a punishment worse than death
go there as antifa and shoot trump supporters
>everything posted here is parody, or some shit
One time I kissed a man and I didn't like it
The better question is why hasn't one of you suicidal maniacs bombed soros yet?
Fuck what they think, they won't have anything to say when they are dead you fucking Neanderthal!
man, you're just so obvious
like it's sad at this point. try harder.
He's right.
Can't find his house, plus he is always flying around.
>be me
>go to Berkeley
>spend 4+ years earning indoctrination credentials
>top of the class in post-ironic 21st century shitposting specializing in image macros
>minor in black studies
>it's grad night
>walk across stage
>some basement dwelling NEET bum rushes the stage brandishing a pistol
>starts shooting hapharzardly
>get shot
>bleed out in cap & gown
>left there to die because nobody administers aid to me
>chuckle to myself and say
>at least i'm not anthony burch
No one is going on a school shooting for you faggot.
Beside these idiots shitting from the mouth is redpilling Normies.
if you have the guts to do something, do something.
Let's kick this powder keg off.
Make sure you periscope.
Hi, alphabet agency
hello scatifa, eat any good shit lately? how does Yvette's asshole taste?
>kill a bunch of defenseless homosexuals
>turn them into martyrs
>further their agenda
>die in the street and poop yourself
>msm does specials all week about what a loser you are
Who are you, fag? An Islamist telling other sand niggers to go blow themselves up? Lead from the front.
The fuck you mean obvious retard. You are just blind.
I ain't gonna do it, I got a good gig going, plus Berkeley is a 1000 miles away from me.
yes your bullets would reach the whole media when you shoot the telly it's magic bullet theory in praxis damn that's smart
le ebin memguizexd
wow ur so edgy.
>Shooting up Berkeley will kill all the commies!
>Shooting up Columbine will kill all the bullies!
>Shooting up a black church will start the race war!
nice try FBI. I'm just gonna hole up in my NEET bunker until WW4 blows over.
But I know one of you poor bastards are willing to do it. If you are reading this, do it. You will be memed into immortality.
Maybe you should be shot. You seem like a waste anyway
Then you are a cuck asking others to do what your balls are too small to do.
>I'm just someone who has the guts to do something
>not fucking doing it
Image attached is my advice to you.
That's big words, perhaps you can fit the description, or are your balls to small as well?
Thats not how you make yourself a Heß. Luark more
Wanna give me ur address m8?
Can you ask one of your anti-American comrades if the NSA is hiring?
I can be an excellent Secret Police.
I can wipe my ass with the American flag and spit on the US Constitution....would that get me hired immediately with the anti-American traitors in the NSA?
I can go door to door and arrest Americans for thought crimes against the establishment and "deep state".
Any idea how much the job would pay?
p.s why do you pieces of shit hate America so much for?
Donald Trump is going to arrest every last one of you.
OP is a faggot.
Instead of shit posting on the interwebs attempting to incite violence, go do it yourself shitlord.
Do us a favor and don't forget to an hero.
Nice try CIA, looks like you're gonna have to pull your own false flags faggot.
You're the bitch asking others to do it. Get your eunuch fag ass out there and do something for yourself for once.
See #5
Someone does it and we immediately lose the good guy status we have constructed with the normies. Let them shoot first and then we are completely justified in the meme civil war.
A hero* kek.
Get out new fag
I can't wait any longer! I want to destroy them now!
Have you ever stopped to appreciate the irony that Antifa has sided with international capitalists against a global uprising against the establishment by the proletariat?
It's an hero BTFO you're a normie!
welcome to Sup Forums noob
hey fbi
btw columbine is bad. you're talking about a university here, not a high school
i go to berkeley and i'm not a brain dead zombie... sorry not all of us are high iq enough to go to wisconsin u