>this is the deadliest weapon Australia can legally own
This is the deadliest weapon Australia can legally own
Fertilizer.(Potassium Nitrate) Same as US
probably can find some acid
This is your average Australian "sheila."
You're right- probably deadlier than these
You'd probably be surprised by the power of a triple gold theraband Slingshot with 16mm lead balls. In terms of power would put those guns to shame. Bullets have better penetration but a lead ball wouldn't be stopped by your body. The ability to pop out numerous bullets obviously a plus as well but a slingshot certainly isn't a toy.
What? No petrol?
I honestly don't even mean to be racist, but are abos actually human?
I can think of dozens of other weapons more deadly than the literally what you displayed in your pic related
not really
>guns are illegal in Australia
And people call Canada cucked...
no one cares if you're a racist, stop being a faggot though. its annoying
your time is comming, aussie
sorry to offend you, le edgy man
>guns are illegal
card in my wallet says otherwise
the ONLY reason you are allowed to have them by your nanny state government is because you are mostly white and there are giant fucking bears and moose everywhere. take those away and not even fud guns for puckcucks.
you shouldnt post that from canada my friend, IP on terrorist watch list now
Stop playing knifey spoony with us
Australians can own guns, but from what I understand it's almost impossible to get one in a city unless you're in a gang of course, and have black market connections.
Australia is also almost the size of the entire continental United States, with a population of less than 25 million, so even their 'big cities' don't have anything even close to the crime in American cities.
They also don't have the ridiculous 'gun culture' that the United States does. I say good, keep it that way. The less deaths from people playing around with guns, the better. I say this as a gun owner.
In the hands of an Australian, 16mm ball will do more damage than 9mm or fuddy five.
If you want a firearm in Australia you just have to play by the rules.
Join a shooting club, shoot feral animals.
No shit... hence how I own guns
Tell us what that card means and why there is a predispostion for us in the usa to think guns sre illegal in austrlia
how can she even compete?
>trained australian wildlife
Both are dangerous but you need a permit for a gun.
more like heila
reported the the AFP
gun licence
hey that's my mum!
that thing have a toy inside?
is there a case where you can have a gun without a license?
for example, in my country you need to get a license with your gun, when you are buying it, but, if you, lets say you where smoking weed or drinking in a park, you dont have your gun with you, the police show up and take up your name and shit...next time your renew your permit, it will be denied, but you keep the gun, since no crime was committed with it, you cant carry it, but you can have it
its bullshit in my opinion
its bullshit in the case of "not crimes", like a police annotation
if you are convicted of a crime then of course you should have the permit removed
nah its illegal to posess a functioning firearm or replica firearm with a licence, including airsoft, painball, air rifle, crossbow etc, you'll face a pretty steep fine for it. up to jail time if ypu're a dodgy cunt
this police annotation dont hold any judicial value, but the police are in charge of regulating guns are they "hold the right" to have the internal rules they want, only the supreme court can challenge it and thats a pain in the balls
this is how illegal laws are implemented
The only thing that got banned in australia were semi auto rifles and shotguns (autos were always illegal).
Bolt actions rifles and pistols are still easy to get, there's just not the gun owning culture.
>virgin detected
damn, you need license for an airgun...liberals in charge do crazy stuff....in here I am fearing shit becomes like that, libs already use every dirty trick to get away with what they want
>>this is the deadliest weapon Australia can legally own
Actually slingshots are banned in half of australia
nice numbers, sad post
that's not true tho, its illegal to have the wrist attachment thing on it
Literally a stick to throw another stick further...
What the fuck is that suppose to be?
Why the screws?
A boomerang
FUCKED IF I KNOW grip maybe
I am pretty sure that's illegal here.
Be a top bloke and bin that weapon, cobber.
Is it an Atlatl
Oi! u been stealin' me fish n digestiv biscuits?
Pretty much common knowledge. They hide shit like that in "books".
No thanks. I'm sticking with my bike lock.
card is my firearms licence
cunts started believing this "no guns anymore" myth after the 1996 gun grab and media kinda encouraged that belief
outside of a big gun show or the like, chances are every strayan you'd meet or see in your own media believes the anti-gun shit we're fed
i think i'd rather be a vegetable than look like this
man youd get some shockers in the old picture stick mags, been a long time since ive seen one. internet has really killed the porn magazine profits hasn't it.
Do abos and niggers count as feral animals?
So, no handguns were turned-in/confiscated? I remember seeing piles and piles of nice rifles, but come to think of it, don't recall seeing any handguns.
Port Arthur was a false-flag. (1996)
Dunblane was a false-flag. (also 1996)
Sandy Hook was a false-flag.
The kikes want us disarmed pretty badly. It must mean that things are meant to get much worse for whitey.
If I ever looked like this, I would just kill myself. There would be no point in living and I wouldn't want to pass on those shitty genes.
A car.
I still buy it but not for fapping. I like how it temporarily lowers my IQ and makes the world bearable.
It's not a slingshot, you'd need some sort of elastic band. OP, try harder, OK?
Is drinking petrol Halal?
Wow that's fucking disgusting.
Well, time to fap.
how's the fantasy world you live in? A bullet can tear through a person
ecks deeeeeee