Lgbtqa+ activists march their way to the White House to protest Drumpf's position on transgender bathroom laws
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>degenerates marching
who cares? best case scenario a Muslim tears through and kills a few hundred of you
We are going to twerk our way to VICTORY
Muslims are our allies, you don't know what you're talking about
Why is this allowed
>namefagging on an anonymous czechoslovakian szechuan shepherding system
It's allowed because we're not allowed to use the bathrooms we need. Because you bigots need to step down and let us do our business. Because WE. ARE. THE. MAJORITY.
You are not the majority. Fags, Dykes, and Trannies make up less than 3% of the total US population. Kill yourselves! No, seriously, kill yourselves!
LGBTQA+ and straight PoC allies are the freakin MAJORITY in this country, look at your orange buffoon DRUMPF who lost by THREE MILLION votes to Hillary Clinton.
Why do fags still do this?
We've been oppressed since the dawn of times, and this offends you poor little triggered snowflake?
Transgenderism is a right wing plot to destroy homosexual communities and solidify the subjugation of REAL women
Holy numbers
>We've been oppressed since the dawn of times, and this offends you poor little triggered snowflake?
I personally could give a shit less. The treasonous, anti-American deep state (that illegally spies on every single man woman and child in America) and establishment and the lugenpresse lying mass media are a bigger threat to America than some fags dancing on the street.
Keep dancing for all I care.
Help us take down the anti-American deep state and the "establishment" and lugnepresse.
Yet we still won on that front, as we can get married and adopt or have our own children, so don't tell me it doesn't work. Get over it!
Chechnya's gonna fuck up some fags! A slice of happiness in another part of the world. Utter bliss!
Y'all need to get the T out or you will lose everything
Why would we trust a bunch of white cishet men by helping them so that we can be betrayed after we're of no use to you? No thanks. If the deep state supports us, it's all good for us.
I wouldn't trust a woman with some tough work. All of them should be relegated to the kitchen.
We shouldn't abandon our Transgender brothers and sisters. What you're asking for is divide and conquer, which will never work as we are more united than ever.
Don't forget your transnegros and transabled, mother fucking bitch!
Maybe you should think of fixing your homophobic transphobic third world shithole of a country instead of calling me names ;)
My shithole is great if your rich. Luckily for me, I AM RICH here! Suck on that, bitch nigger!
Everyday it seems like the world is getting closer and closer to a society-wide Weimar Republic.
He lost by 3 million because of the metric fuck ton of people on government support and you can't take anything away from anyone these days without getting blowback from you entitled shitheads. Get your shit together and act like adults.
You would still be poor here lmao
Bitch, I go to America and Europe for my vacation. Of course, I pay for it with my credit card. I don't need that EBT SHIT! lol
It's usually used by lazy people, right? I'm guessing the blacks...
What do you want? Take money away from people in need? Typical greedy drumpfuck idiot. Go get a job, we'll be busy marching for our rights and make hxstory
We're sliding into some fucked up Brave New World/1984 hybrid, and I fear they're got all of the bugs worked out this time around.
Wtf does that even mean? You've gone way too far with the conspiracy theories lol
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b8 harder faggot
Go wash your panties, basement dweller
GO fuck yourself, Bitch!
>Women are complicit in this
I swear to god if the world were ever in an Attack on Titan situation women would be gathered up by the door trying to pry it open to let the Titans in
This is so naïve
This is why women need to be subservient to men...
With men like you I understand why they would do that
Wanna zozzle my snozzle?
Too obvious shill
This is where Muslims can be put to use.
bombing themselves up with those degenerates.
allah snackbar!
They aren't a majority of anything you retarded libcuck
Can someone order Zyklon B on Amazon?
>Luckily for me, I AM RICH
>Suck on that, bitch nigger!
>GO fuck yourself, Bitch!
I don't believe for a second that you're rich. You express yourself in way that makes it clear that you're low class and you also have the manners of a lowly street urchin.
That's because I can do whatever the fuck I want. Shall I say: "Fuck You" Money?
How can you even say that you're just a canadian? You have gone way overboard with your niceness that it formed into some shitty form of cuckoldry.
Guess what, he was likely a closeted gay because of the bigoted society that surrounded him. That's why he acted that way. American culture made him hate his own essence, so he got desperate. I am not defending him rather putting context to that horrible action
Dumb shit you guys give up
holy fucking god, can you send us a refugee truck with an ISIS driver please
roastie detected
>Zyklon B
checked and keked
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Russians are keking at our disgrace of a nation at this very moment.
Nothing wrong with this item (except for the retards that believe they need a computer to tell them if they're dressing well). As for me, I have a real camera, tripod, and understanding of self-timer mode.
Holy shit the amount of autism in this thread is real. Answer me this...why does a bathroom matter that much? If it matchs your genitals (as much as you hate them) that's still the part you use to relieve yourself. In all honesty, unless you have transitioned, use the bathroom that fits. It's not hard. Swallow your pride. Quit being pussies. Grow up. Btw I support transgenderism. I think if you're not comfortable with your body then you should do what makes you happy. But if a bathroom is the ONLY thing that's keeping you from happiness then you need to rethink your priorities
>Nothing wrong with this item
YAASSSSS that dude can work it! Why does Sup Forums have a problem with gay people? It's their bodies, it's their choice.
>you should do what makes you happy
Yesss good goy, just do what what makes your dick tingle. Wouldn't want to be BIGOTED would we?
In all seriousness, we can't give this guy control over the spacecraft codes