Are there happily married men on Sup Forums right now? I need reassurance that the beauty of marriage is real. I need advice to know how to find the right one. I'm walking through a valley of shadows right now.
Are there happily married men on Sup Forums right now? I need reassurance that the beauty of marriage is real...
dont marry shitty people its really that easy, the hard part is finding them
All women are whores.
>I need advice to know how to find the right one
How old are you?
>Are there happily married men on Sup Forums right now?
Most experiences with married guys have not been too happy in life. The happiest guys i know are the single or even the guys who did not marry but had kids.
Most guys who are married at not the world's happiest and marriage these days leads to death and depression (death from when you kill yourself over the alimony bill and depression when you have to live with the reality your wife is in your house fucking another guy with your money).
>I need reassurance that the beauty of marriage is real
Marriage is not a beautiful thing the most beauty that lies in it is the fantasy bullshit (true love, magical weddings, disney movies etc).
> I need advice to know how to find the right one
Don't marry since the system is so rigged against you it is not even worth trying to marry. Sure there might be a diamond in the fields of shit but it is not worth risking half your shit in divorce plus more alimony and child support just in hopes of being the lucky gringo who finds the diamond in the shitfields.
24yo right now trying to get my ADN. I'm surrounded by friends who cheat and get cheated on. More often than not, I come across people who are being cheated on, cheating, or the relationship is almost abusive and one-sided. From my POV, it seems marriage for my time is just a social status symbol, a fetish (to get married and get off on disrespecting it), and a guarantee for dangerous drama.
The most beautiful marriages I've ever seen were at hospices. Seems like a metaphor, I guess.
Forgot my picture.
I'm married with 2 kids and it's pretty great. The 3 people that I take care of idolize me and motivate me to do better. It can be a thing, there is hope.
Advice. Tips. Please.
I've been married for 12 years. Getting married was the best decision of my life, and my wedding day is one of my fondest memories.
I take it you're a christian?
How long left until you graduate?
I'm not married to my gf yet, but that's only for economic/distance-related difficulties. I met her at a christian college I briefly attended. A lot of the girls there (it was a nursing-focused school, actually, so the proportion of women to men was extremely high) were somewhat degenerate. But even the worst ones were at least nominally very Christian-ish, and the proportion of genuine traditional-minded Christians to degenerate pseudo-Christians was startlingly even.
So good women still exist, even fairly young ones, and the best place to find them seems to be at private christian colleges.
Be the best version of yourself before getting into a relationship. Don't settle for just any hole that sticks around. Also never show any insecurity. Breed, be a leader, teach your offspring cool shit and have fun.
Many men have said the same, only for the future to hold very bad things for them in the future. To let your guard down for even a second is to fall into the pit many before you have.
Get this into your head. Women are genetically broken. The sole purpose of marriage is to procreate. For whatever reason humans require mothers to mature into healthy adults, so you are going to get married, have kids and stay with that bitch for the kids sake.
Believe not this advice will make sense out of marriage and make it bearable during the hard times.
People fail at a lot of things. Not trying is worse than failing. Sounds kinda gay, but true. Your blood is the contribution you make to the future.
I'm envious. What I would give for all of that..
Why even marry when familial bonds don't mean anything anymore, there's no social harmony in most communities that necessitates the transmission of worthwhile values via the family unit, and women now are fat, entitled, dumb, or some combination of those?
The state is your only SO now and you've only got corporations to rely on.
Bitches will always be bitches. You do it for the kids. They come first, unless you're a nigger.
Im very happily married. It has made my life significantly more rewarding. It can be tough at times and it certainly isnt easy but I would never go back. If you want advice i can share.
I consider myself agnostic atheist, but I admit I've been a little bit more interested in Christian Atheism. To explain my photos, I just enjoy how religions have influence cultures in many ways - especially Slavic Art.
>best place to find them seems to be at private christian colleges.
I'm actually gonna go to CUI for my BSN, I hope what you say is true. Unfortunately, I have a friend who is Christian moreso than the average American; but his relationship seems to be a nonstop passive-aggressiveness with his wife and... he seems to be dealing with some temptation right now. I begged for him to be a better man and to stop this now at its weakest, but I can't help to not have high hopes because of my experiences.
I don't mean to be offensive, religion doesn't seem to hold much sway in America especially with relationships.
This. I'm saving myself for a 10/10 robot who will never age, bitch, or cheat
I'm married to the almost-literal woman of my dreams. Marriage is much better than it's portrayed nowadays. The "party culture" of youth is an immense waste of time, money, energy, and health.
Married people on Sup Forums? What are you smoking mate? You'll have more luck finding unicorns in Tennessee.
Plenty are broken and marriage is work. But it is rewarding. It's something you build as a man. You shape it. Women are natural followers and need a strong leader. Kids need a mother and father together.
>I need reassurance in order to delude myself that marriage isn't a trap and that women are sweet innocent angels like my beta cuck indoctrination told me and not hypergamous manipulative whores
You're a fucking faggot, OP. If you want to breed, wait 10-20 years and get an artificial womb.
Easier said than done. Women in general are shitty people.
There white moms on here, at least.
Chat rooms used to be a good place, but chat rooms are so 90s and now even normies use the Internet.
Really gives my life meaning. Sucks riding on a rollercoaster alone bro.
32, 4 years dating + 10 years marriage, 2 kids, + 1 expecting.
> I need advice to know how to find the right one
Stick to good one and make her right. And don't forget that this is 2-party game.
Happy family is not a lottery win, it's a full-time job.
> muh only lone men are happy own your life whomen are whores
MGTOWs up there are waste of oxygen. They all will vanish in short time, without any trace.
It is better to be single than to settle. Take your time.
3 years in mine, only one brother out of 6 isn't married yet and all 6 of my sisters but one is married.
You will burn in Hell, while my grandkids will remember me and bring flowers to my grave
You too
>You will burn in Hell
That is implying your ass makes it to heaven which probability wise you will end up in hell like the rest of us.
>while my grandkids will remember me and bring flowers to my grave
I don't go to my grandparents graves the last time i saw their graves was 5 years ago on the way to another funeral outside of that one event i have only been to their graves twice in my entire life.
The first time is when grandma died back in 07 and the second time was when my great uncle died and we were on the way to his funeral in 2012.
Your kids probably won't visit your grave too often since it is not in the youths best intrest to just visit a grave unless the guy is famous.
Go to the CHURCH, find a nice virgin girl, and make her your spouse.
Consider a prenup if thats the case. Embrace the christian home, and make a huge family.
No whores, only virgins.
Marry them young if it's the case.
Met my wife on Sept 11. I worked at a gas station to pay for vocational education and she came in to fill up on gas when everyone was panic buying.
> I don't go to my grandparents graves
So, you simply don't know how to family? Sorry about that.
The worst part about people like you is this is not exactly your fault. Growing up with parents who don't really value family you have no chance to learn the real meaning of that.
Happily married 16 years. Least crazy woman I ever met.
Here is an extremely illegal life hack I'll let you in on, this goes for women too: only marry someone who's parents are still married so they're not a typical dysfunctional child of divorce retardo who doesn't know how long term relationships work (sorry to trigger 100% of the people reading this).
I can say there are definitely good women here in Oklahoma.
Let me start off like this, the two most important things BY FAR that I've learned. 1) Never yell at her. Learn to control your tone. Do NOT yell at her. If she consistently yells at you after you not yelling initially at the start of a conflict, cut it off immediately and leave.
2) ALWAYS be honest with your feelings, don't withhold them. Even if you explaining them makes you feel weak, you MUST communicate, also don't withhold the truth or your feelings even if you know it will hurt her. If she consistently doesn't listen or downplays your emotions, cut it off immediately and leave.
My recent experience, been dating a girl for 3 years now, engaged since October and getting married in September. We have 1 kid. Lived in 4 different houses together. I cheated on her once and lied about it for a year and gaslit her, we took a break before her reaching out to get back together after a month of no talking. She found out she was pregnant with my kid a few days before finding out I cheated. She's never cheated on me, and didn't run off with some guy when we broke up. She's always been completely honest, open, and loyal. Things are now just as good as before, we just hang out and enjoy each other. She cooks and I clean. We play video games together. Sex was at least once a week before having a kid, after having our son 4 months ago it's just been once because she's still healing from birthing. What I learned in my deep dark hole of regret is that things will be ok no matter what situation you're in. So the answer is yes, there are definitely good women out there.
>So, you simply don't know how to family? Sorry about that.
They are buried a few counties away plus one is buried in Puerto Rico.
How am i supposed to visit their graves? sure i could drive but i need a bigger reason to drive all the way there.
Why do you have to get married, its the most illogical concept i have ever come across.
Who the fuck wakes up and goes "hey honey, we love each other so much we should get the government involved"
Since so many marriages are in churches i cant help but wonder if its based on a religious ideology
Marriage is a woman thing its aimed towards woman because woman's thoughts are generally based on emotions rather than logic. Do males dream about getting married and having kids with a white picked fence when they are 12?
There is literately no benefit in being married and hundreds of reasons not to. Its a security blanket for insecurities, its constricting and once its "done" people just tend to stay together just for the sake of no having to deal with lawyers and family court.
It's tough, but you've got to do it, OP. It's true that religion has lost its importance in America and much of the West, but churches and other Christian establishments (social circles, colleges, etc.) are basically the only way to get good women.
Just make sure it's Christian, not Churchtian. Churchtianity is absolutely terrible, and you ought to avoid it.
>kids before marriage
Please stay out of our thread on
True dat
I mean to say, "Please stay out of our thread on marriage, user."
You're a sad fuckin cunt, m8
Why because me and my partner don't have a piece of paper registering us as a couple lol
FOH beta
36yrs old, married since I was 24. Its not the easiest thing and desu I felt poorly about getting married and commitment for a while. That was my own problem though, and not my wife's or family's.
The best book I have ever read about marriage is "Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive". There is a sentence near the end of the book that completely floored me and I had to stop reading. I can't read it without tearing up.
All (((modern marriage))) and cock carousel aside:
The just of it is that one of you will bury an irreplaceable lifelong friend.
Can you handle loving her, despite eveything else, knowing that it will be you or her in that position? Can you accept yourself and love yourself knowing that? Can you open yourself up with enough vulnerability knowing that and still do this? If you can then you will do fine.
All this about the state being involved and that women are broken now a days, and feminism is poison - just ignore that right now, it's a different issue - and focus on the love you feel for this woman. If it isn't there you know the answer to your problem.
If you remove marriage from the equation of a relationship nothing changes if you really both love each other you don't need government / church approval.
What will your family and friends think of this lifestyle? I imagine it would be rather awkward.
who cares what other people think, That's a mind prison.
Marriage and relationships are hard but it is all worth of it.
t. Husband and father of one.
Western women are the PROBLEM.
I dated/fucked dozens and realized they are CRAZY. All the bluepilled shit their whole life, and they wont wake up.
Ive had an asian thing since i was young, so i saved up and went on vacation.
I had a few pin pals, and one i talked to for 1 1/2 years, ended up marrying her.
Marriage had ups and downs, but she is the best. Attitude of a 1950s women, (men r kings, she is queen) and great family material.
Not nearly crazy as american women, and she is red pilled worse than me in some respects (asians hate niggers).
Best thing i ever did, every one of my friends has been divorced, except one and they were both already divorced each.
Good luck, go abroad, american women are nuts and annoying
Double that guy
So you at least thinking about that? Do you remember your grands? What do you think about them?
Government will be in your life womb to tomb Ausfriend. It is a religious symbol to get married tradionally. We have common law here which is living under marital law without getting married anyways. You're absolutely right it is emotionally more important to a woman to have a wedding at first, but when you have children I think it's a good thing to uphold traditional things. It's not for everyone but I enjoy it.
I understand what your saying but i think you can have a child and still be a good father and a faithful partner without some traditional concept, and yes Government will be wil everyone for life but i guess it comes down to how much you want to limit that infiltration of your personal life.
I m glad you enjoy it and many obviously do.
>christian atheism
yeah right, the devil summons me for favors, christcuck
>So you at least thinking about that?
I might visit at least one of their graves in the future but i'm not sure yet as i need more things to do to justify using all of the gas (aka i'm near the city because of something else but i vist their graves on the way there).
>Do you remember your grands?
Both grandfathers died before i was born (what i call live fast then die) and i only really remember one of my grandmothers well since i was 9 when my grandmother (mothers side) died.
>What do you think about them?
My grandmothers are/were just average nothing too special about them and my grandfathers are mostly founded in mystery and legend. My father never saw his grandfathers and i never saw mine.
Damn this poster actually lists all my options.
the only really smart way to do it is have a good career and get a prenup. otherwise you won't have any authority in the household and the problems of self-doubt and finances will eventually lead to your doom. Quite possibly at your own hands.
This guy gets it. When you get your QT robot sex doll, you should take it for walks, out to dinner, mom's house, doctor appointments, job interviews, basically everywhere you go. That way you will always have access to it when you feel the urge, and you won't be living in the mind prison of caring what other people think.
>She's always been completely honest, open, and loyal
If you believe this, I've got a nice bridge for sale, you naive motherfucker.
>tfw Sup Forums sez im not allowed to get married because I'm brown
Now read my first post.
That's what I was talking about.
If he has a QT robot and wants to walk it who the fuck am i or you to disagree?
You can get married, have brown kids.
Just do it in your homelands, and work to improve them, instead of parasitizing ours.
>you fucking brown monkey, you.
That's the most loving racist post I've read all day.
I meant in general. It absolutely sounds naive but I am answering OP's question. Not cheating or talking to anybody else is the main thing, of course you're going to lie sometimes. Its pretty hard to hide talking to another guy when sleeping in the same bed and living in the same house for 3 years. We go through each other's phones sometimes just because. A change in normal communication is almost always a giveaway that something isn't right. I'm thankful that I can confidently say she's been loyal. It's sad that it's so hard to believe that type of relationship still exists.
>They are buried a few counties away plus one is buried in Puerto Rico.
Can confirm my mother is the worst human I know, selfish, meanspirited, spoiled, dumb, a prude. No sign of romantic love towards the husband ever seen. It's the reason I have no faith in marriage.
>32, 4 years dating + 10 years marriage, 2 kids, + 1 expecting.
Okay not bad reproduction wise but always make sure to get DNA tests are birth to make sure they are your kids.
>Stick to good one and make her right. And don't forget that this is 2-party game.
This is a 2 party game but 1 party is incentivised to leave and divorce at any time while the other party is told to work it out without getting any of the power such responsibility should hold.
At most men are given half of the power in marriage but a good deal of the time none.
>Happy family is not a lottery win, it's a full-time job.
Why would you want 2 jobs that you cannot get away from? one job is bad enough but two jobs one of them were you are given no power but all the responsibility is not worth it.
>MGTOWs up there are waste of oxygen. They all will vanish in short time, without any trace.
Mgtow has the internet and as long as it exists mgtow knowledge will exist however mgtow will fade away when women lose their rights and men actually marry again.
I'm married and happy. My life is kind of garbage otherwise but it won't be this way for long. Having a good wife helps a lot.
I can offer no advice on how to find a suitable wife, I did nothing specific for it.
Just keep fucking different girls until you find one who's so awesome, you no longer want anyone else, who becomes your best friend, and who's so fun that you'd rather be with her than being alone even right after coming inside her.
When you get all of the above covered, there's a good chance she's the one. Still, live together for at least a year before getting married just to be sure because you don't really know a person until you've lived with them long enough to have gone through some hardship (not necessarily related to her; could be monetary or occupational problems etc).
If she sticks by your side and supports you through the really shitty times, she's worth keeping around for the best of times too (which will likely be thanks to her anyway).
That last bit is because some people bail when things go south and life gets hard.
And yes, I've been married for almost 10 years, my wife has literally saved my life once, we're best buddies, and to us a holiday means alternating between video games and fucking. We know from experience we always have each others' backs no matter what (real trust requires experiencing all kinds of shit together and witnessing her always have your six) and both want the same things from life, so yes, happy marriages exist.
Don't settle for less and you'll be happy. Just keep moving from girl to girl until you meet the proverbial unicorn (it can take a while but you won't regret a single lay; the good ones will become fun memories and the bad ones will become fun stories). Obviously the same shit applies even if you're looking for a husband instead; doesn't matter.
i am an old fag. i have been married for years
most women are cunts
i will give you the secret to finding the one who isnt so you all better listen
if the woman doesnt make you laugh the first time you meet her and the second time you meet her
your life will be hell as it will all be work
if she makes you laugh every time you are together, just take her on weekly dates and you will be happily married for decades
that is all
Happily married for 10 years and counting. The secret is, right before sex, I use a dick pump for 3 hours, then I take a felt tip marker and paint my dick black before pulling a ski mask over my face. Then I run into the bedroom screaming "nigguh niggah nigga niggums gimme dem tittays fug yeah nigguh" before raping her and as I cum I scream "blacked nigguh take my bull seed fucking ho nigguh rap Kanye west not my baby Dna nigguh" before running out of the room.
Never had a single problem.
happily married for 10 years this year. been with my wife since i'm 18. wouldn't change a thing. marriage is great and gets better every year.
Happily married for 15 years myself, proud daddy of 3 mulatto babies. I second all of this.
Voluntary socialism is the only acceptable form of socialism.
Any additional form, whether it be state, national or otherwise, is a lie and thus HERESY and WILL BE PURGED.
I've been happily married for 9 years. I would change anything,
You just have to find a girl with two good parents. Look for one with an alpha father and a non liberal mother.
Wouldn't change a thing.
Women are all the same. Consider the government attached.
Happily married, kid number one on the way.
You wonder if marriage is has religious origin? Your fucking joking right?
I can tell you right now you can stop wondering. You guess is absolutely right.
The problem is that all this silly religious beliefs exist for a good reason.
I didn't see that when I was younger too.
this right here, good strong parenthood is what creates decent human beings with values
always talk about parents with a girl, if there is anything shit going on forget about it, she is going to have ton of issues and expecting you to fix them
Will remember
I married a Sioux.
Met in college.
11 years later:
1 kid
House paid off
Cars paid off
Sex good, occasionally bring in other women for occasional kink or ongoing triad.
We've had ups and downs, but things have been really good between us these last few years.
You made me laugh loud as fuck, it's 4:33 am here, Jesus
Happily married. 5 children, so far.
She's out there, user.
My advice: ask God to give you a moral girl who He willed that you be with, if it is His will.
Also, pray for her, even not knowing her.
Can confirm this post
> Just keep moving from girl to girl
kys jew
no hymen no diamond
met my girl at a church college seven years ago. we're in our early 30s now and have 3 kids and another on the way. life is amazing even though I've lost my faith and she still believes. we have a great marriage because we have the same traditional values. keep your chin up. become the kind of man women respect and willingly submit to. also lift some fucking weights.
Married 15 years. Very nice to be married.
Just stay away from women in the Anglosphere and you'll be OK.
wew lad are you guys Mormons on steroids or some shit?