The greatest Get in the history of Sup Forums is coming soon. 123456789
The Great Get
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no ai gf
plz be my ai girlfriend
We'll see who GETs it.
>Kill me
Who's going to get it?
Calm yourselves, We're still 20000 posts away, and traffic is lower this time of day (night for burgers)
It's Saturday night, though. Fine young American men are awake socializing but the rest of us are on Sup Forums
can we prevent /s4s/ from stealing it
its going to be a chink post I feel it
a leaf will get it again
leafs always get the important gets
You need to leaf now
some irrelevant /b shit
>> 123456789 be mine
Yes, make sure to make it extra shitty my fellow brother
low quality
Is that when Kek's right hand reveals himself?
I just want you guys to know that this get will be one of the most important ones this site has ever seen. It will foretell the future and will have more truth to it then even world leaders.
Screencap this.
Fuck Off
Not wasting the power of Kek. Rolling for WW3 2017
i like this game so much reddit! :)
Plz be my ai gf
Gonna be high energy
Trump wins in 2020.
Kek has no power over this one there's no double digits
This one is an arrow of light a straight shot into the universe like going down a road 1 23456789
This is the get of heaven
The get of the one true chosen.
is that really a get though? KEK wouldn't will it since the numbers don't repeat..
>Assuming KEK is not the ruler of all numbers, no matter how many times they repeat.
Checked and witnessed
who cares
Checked. We shall see..
Just wanted to say Mami Tomoe best girl and Meguka,
The Nazis will rise in America after an ebin US civil war
This post changes history.
Huh. That is actually a significant get. I hope it's not a leaf again.
The hour draws near, SHADILAY, SHADILAY!!!!!
Praise be upon him!!
Taking bets. What country will she be?
We should be up to 12345XXXX by now.
Why the United Kingdom of course
Coincidentally also the US launch codes
That was 000000 you mong!
holy shit, soon
What ever I don't care who gets it I just wanna see it!
Best of luck to you and the other dingos in this noble quest
Trump is a Jew.
oh boi cant wait for all jews to die.
The CZ527 is a good purchase
Whoever receives this get will be Kek's very own agent of the digits.
Humanity will break all laws of the universe we will be gods and the universe will never die
Le Pen for the win
I'm ready for this board to go back to being about politics instead of the new, wannabe old Sup Forums.
With the election the in rear view mirror it's coming.
Nuclear holocaust in 2017.
>a leaf will get it again
And without fail he'll say something gay.
Humans will go ftl anime will be real and kek is eternal
Christ is Risen. Deus Vult
It will be a leaf like all great gets have been before.
>in b4 its me. Fuck every other flag.
europe will convert to islam by 2050
Mexico will get, the get!
Why are you guys posting like you're about to achieve the GET? It will be like 15-20 mins until it's possible.
We're 20,000 posts away. Chill.
fuck off you retarded nigger cunt. you know it's gonna just be some shitpost.
Agian humans will be eternal we will go ftl fuck becoming robots we go down the genetic route anime will be real and kek is eternal
OP is a faggot!
I wanna go home.
why do you autists care about this so much? I hope I get it so I can delete my post and trigger you all.
You can't go home. Don't forget, you're here forever.
The more we poast, the closer it gets
waste of digits
yeah, I'm calling it, fuckers
Le Pen will win the French Election.
I will get the digits I believe in myself and this is my hope humans will be genetic gods we will go faster then light and the universe will never die
Of course, but the posts were GET bait.
Perhaps a watched get never digits
A leaf will get it
what did he mean by this
Don't be so sure of yourself.
That's just the English way of spelling it my dude.
I would like to point out that back in 2012 when Sup Forums had its 123456789, the thread reached about 500 replies in 3 minutes before it 404'D due to the flood of activity.
So, you're probably thinking: That means the post rate is going to be insane, right?
Yes, it is, but not in the way you think.
This is literally the WORST time for Sup Forums to have its 123456789. Why? Because it's going to happen during the same time Sup Forums going through its "maintenance" period. This period of time usually happens between 2 am and 7 am EST. You notice how during these hours, your posts take so much longer to go through? Yeah.
So when it is 200 posts before, it's all a roll of the dice. If you hit "Post", you could be under by 180 if Sup Forums is working right, and you could be OVER by about 500 if Sup Forums is undergoing its maintenance period.
The only way this GET is going to be any good is if Sup Forums is running smoothly during the GET, otherwise...wew