Why does Sup Forums think families are falling apart? They seem closer than ever

Why does Sup Forums think families are falling apart? They seem closer than ever

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is that a man or a woman? or both?

nice tits

God dam white people what the fuck

not my proudest fap

What the fuck

Weirdest boner right now desu

1- Is that real?
2- Is that thing male or female?
3- Sauce if it's female

Based on the hairline and shoulder-to-waist ratio, it appears to be a male.

their dicks are definitely touching


It's funny and disturbing. Fuckin weirdos


fucking disgusting. should be executed.

Orbit siding so much at poletads who've never seen a naked woman.

That's a man, baby!


Binomials for Doctor Piss.


Yes, very close indeed

Me on the left.

Lots of these types of photos on Reddit. I think they miss being children

White people were a mistake

Same. Also, definitely not my lowest either...

Is this normal? Just thinking about touching my sisters boob makes me feel sick wtf man.


He looks like a girl in the second pic

dating your sister is the only way to ensure a pure bloodline


It's not

They are brothers you retards. It's really funny, albeit odd.

No moral simply pure degeneration

>White """""people"""""


Just found the Facebook the guy on top is gay and on his page it says put it in my butt.

The older brother probably raped him or something as kid.

for the lulzzzzzzzzzzz

quality posting.

This image is so flipping ridiculous that I actually laughed out loud for like five minutes.

Is this how degenerated our ways of life have become? The world is falling to pieces and all we can do is sit back and laugh?


>"Death smiles at us all...all one can do is smile back."

not that bad.

So gross.


Still have a hard time believing a few crazypants magicians instantly weaned the world off fucking animals and family members/praying to idols and demons/nonstop debauchery by a simple act of martyrdom.

Whatever political revolution caused it to happen before is long overdue. Trump and anything else Western civ shat out lately is not that.

did he fuck her, Sup Forums?

He's not fuckign any Clinton.

>that pic
What the hell man


Wrong reaction pic.


t. Habsburg

I'm more disgusting by his son's man tits.

Go back to leeddit.

theres a lot of this stuff. some of it is pretty weird.


I actually beat off to mine once but it was more all of my friends told me she was hot. It's a weird dark memory now.

Why do think being naked is always sexual, do you also think a naked baby pic is child porn?

Wtf man, I could understand recreating it wearing underwear but no clothes...

i think we've all had some weird faps at one point or another


>t-there's nothing wrong rubbing your d-dick with your father's
t. coping


In the US it's normal. During holidays, we will go through old photo albums and find a photo that would be funny to recreate. We set everything up as a family and then take the photo. It's actually really funny, especially if everyone has been drinking. This last Christmas I had to get in the bath with my sister, and Easter of 2016 my cousin had to get peed on by my other cousin. The shit is fucking hilarious. I'm pretty sure it's only white families who do this. Mexicans usually stab each other on the holidays and black people don't have families.

>implying this drooling stud wasn't ironically the best monarch to ever exist

>In the US it's normal.
No it's not you fucking degenerate. No one does this shit, what kind of fucke up inbred family do you belong too? Sure, families might recreate a christmas or family group photo, but not some bizzaro toddler bathtime one! The golden shower on your cousin is right out!

I pray you are baiting, and if not, I pray I don't live near you family you fucking freaks.


>This last Christmas I had to get in the bath with my sister, and Easter of 2016 my cousin had to get peed on by my other cousin.
>my cousin had to get peed on by my other cousin
>peed on
user, I...

The dad is obviously wearing shorts you dumb niggers

>he doesn't grab his sisters tits regularly to check for abnormalities and assister through her life journey as safely as possible


This hurts my head. Can't tell wtf that thing top of that freak in the tub. Why is this happening? Why did they posted this?
Also: Certain things are not meant to be shared...or even to be done....


Got any more father-son moments?

Your test is so low it's making you feel woozy. Any red blooded male would fuck their own sister.


Bill Clinton has fucked everyone but Hillary

RIP In Peace Darkness
