>pol thinks it is smarter than elite students from top colleges (see pic related to get BTFO)
....top kek alt right sub humans need to die:
this is a ronald reagan board now ahahhahaha
>pol thinks it is smarter than elite students from top colleges (see pic related to get BTFO)
....top kek alt right sub humans need to die:
this is a ronald reagan board now ahahhahaha
Just like your life.
not an argument
Pretty sure de Tocqueville would have agreed with most Trump's policy positions
Pretty sure this college and this group is a bunch of Jews.
>Let's vote for Jeb, the clear intellectual choice
The racism isn't slander and "misogyny" comes disproportionately from brown people.
You clearly don't understand the purpose and creation of memes. We live in a lazy society which wants easily digestible eye catching memes which doesn't overstay their welcome. Your message could be spot on but your outreach is absolute minimal. In this sense /Pol is smarter.
>repeated mocking of the disabled
Why did these idiots think Trump was wrong for mocking sleepy Hillary?
These cocksuckers endorsed Bush and the Iraq War. Twice.
I'm supposed to see Harvard University as some call to authority? Fuck off.
>Jewish neo-cohens are not in favor of Nationalism
Gee, color me surprised
>(((Harvard Republicans)))
>President: Kent Haeffner
Fuck off and kill yourself, nigger.
>teenagers at a university populated by communist professors know more about the world than adults who actually pay taxes
nice meme
>hur dur we are triggered as fuck
anyone who responds after this is a faggot
and i should care what these yuppies think of us why???
Harvard kids know precisely nothing about the world the rest of us have to live in. They just think they know everything.
The Day of the Rope will not be kind to them.
Tl;dr: Trump is a sexist, racist and facist, so we dont endorse him.
My god! They are quoting Reagan and De Tocqueville like they are writing some kind of high school essay! This shit is 'Hillariously' bad! Trying so hard to be inspirational so hard yet restricting themselves to borderline 'five paragraph essay' format. And these kids supposedly go to Harvard... Just goes to show you that just because you were grandfathered into Harvard doesn't mean you are all that smart...