anyone else rather their daughter marry an educated black than a white trash republican?
Anyone else rather their daughter marry an educated black than a white trash republican?
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Yes, class over race.
...the worst white trash can really ruin a family.
Nope fuck niggers
Hell no if those are her only two options then that bitch is becoming a nun
No, the negro gene pool must be eliminated.
a nigger will ruin your whole bloodline you fucking retard
She can marry anyone who isn't black or muslim as long as he is a good provider and has a good soul.
class can be dealt with, race cannot, race is your hardware and all the problems and statistics that come with it.
No you cuck.
Yes I will
what about indians and arabs?
Class and high culture will always rule over skin color. Blacks were only said to be inferior to justify the economic benefits of slavery.
History choses who the niggers will be for a time in order to accelerate economic progress. Many white people are falling for the same propaganda that plagued and undermined the black community :
> Degeneracy
> Female fascination with the niggers of the tribe
> Breaking up of the family unit
> Drug use (heroin/opioid) crisis
> Degenerate media
> infighting (liberal vs conservative)
> etc
The kike doesn't care what your skin color is. A lot of white people are going to learn this the hard way.
>what about indians and arabs?
I already said no muslims. Including those guys that wear a turban. As long as my kids are happy and successful, that's what's really important to me. Just no niggers, muslims or ragheads.
No, an ape in a suit is still an ape. Everything that ape has has been given to him by the White man. With Whites he would be eating his mother in law. Educated ha.
Blacks are inferior, in every way. There's no justification for interbreeding between whites and blacks.
See: Brazil.
They're genetically incompatable. More importantly, they dilute the white gene pool and actively degrade a country. Mulattoes will never have a successful nation.
class cannot be dealt with, half my family is classless white trash and each generation just becomes more messed up ruined than the one before it
I would rather have a mixed race grandkid with a good life than a fully white grandkid who gets molested by my son in law billybobs creepy brother and grows up to die of a heroin O.D. since neither are going to be perpetuating the white race but one gets to not be a miserable drain on society
what kind of question or thought is this? kill yourself, cuck
What about secular Arab Muslims or Sikhs? That's what I meant more precisely
Sup Brake?
>Including those guys that wear a turban
Lol, what do you have against people that live in hot climates?
He can't come in my house, and neither can his kids.
If your name is Mohammed and/or wear a turban then you can fuck right off. No niggers, muslims or sikhs. I don't want my grandsons walking around with their head wrapped or be named Abdul or Ahmed.
Go back to plebbit with your cuck threads faggot.
not for a single second
fuck off kike. KYS KIKE BOY
I am a civic nationalist and I love based black men. Much better than white trash BOYS. Culture is the only thing that matters. There is no such thing as racial purity anyway :/
yes, who would want their gran-daughter to get raped by inbred hillbilly retards.
people can meme all they want but the choice is pretty obvious
Much rather the nigger stay in his race
Still wouldn't want my daughter marrying Julio Gomez
Nothing is worse than white trash. White trash should be rounded up and murdered.
I thought Indians were more racist than whites.
That's one massive cock.
Whatever you say m8. Such ignorant comments tend to only work on people who have reason to believe you are correct.
I have no reason to believe it and am a contradiction to such lies. Muh genetics and genes.
You are an individual. If you're a low-IQ manlet, maybe you need to constantly feel that a particular ethnic group is inferior than you. It's called an inferiority complex.
There are many among that your claimed groupin who are far more educated, successful, cultured, and intellectually grounded than you.
My concerns center on such individual characteristics and traits and preservation therein. Ignorant niggers exist in all ethnic groups regardless of genes. You're welcome to marry your daughter off to a dumb white nigger to preserve what clearly aren't good 'genes'.
White Trash at least have morals, Niggers are filth.
White trash has no morals. They are heroin addicts, jobless lazy shits. White trash is the lowest level of society
Depends how dark he is, and if the rest of the family is successful
This is reddit. This is memes.
I'm not in any way exaggerating when I say I would rather have a dead daughter than a daughter who fucks a nigger
>1 post by this ID
Saturday night pol is best pol.
American blacks are even lower, I don't know any black person who doesn't speak in Ebonics. At least so called "white trash" speak American English properly. They just speak in a southern accent. I'd prefer my child being an inbred white over a disgusting mongrel brat. Mongrels (Hapas,Halficans and Castizos) are the most anti-white faggots in this whole country.
I'll be here all night :^)
My daughter married a very successful, wealthy American Indian. A much, much better choice than an alcoholic, meth-snorting, trailer-dwelling piece of white trash.
Why does he have a spic name?
You're a shitty father for not stopping her from race-mixing. You're a literal cuck at best. Should've let her marry a successful white guy.
what if its normal Indian?not Sikhs
>muh white race
Cry moar faggot
No such thing unless you're meaning North Indians but even then they're sex crazy people.
Pic related is what the average northern Indian does in their spare time.
You should just off yourself, you don't deserve to be a father. Fatherhood is only for stronger more tougher men.
you should have just killed yourself at a young age if you hate your own race and your own family lineage so much
Said the kissless virgin basement-dwelling NEET.
Do you have any idea how funny it is that other people's lives trigger you so badly, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it? Kek.
How was he supposed to stop two consenting adults from marrying each other?
He put his daughter's happiness over some autistic desire for his kids to look a certain way, seems like pretty good parenting to me
>having kids at 18
fuck off op
check'd for truth
>you cant affect someone elses life user
welcome to Sup Forums, have you heard of our latest special feature, He Will Not Divide Us? it is rumoured to be getting a seventh season!
> Muh white race and lineage
> nuh tradition
You have no right to take pride in things other people accomplished. Do something yourself
How does it feel knowing your daughter's husband doesn't shit in a toilet. I have a GF but however I can't deny my NEET lifestyle.
>t shill larper
Mixed people don't accomplish shit most of time due to their fucked up genetics. Lenin was a hapa and he's the reason Russia is now a shithole.
White trash doesnt accomplish shit due to their genetics.
White trash has nothing to be proid of aside from being white
kys shill
>niggers dont accomplish shit due to their genetics.
>niggers have nothing to be proid of aside from being white
why is this troll/propaganda thread not deleted yet?
Of cource the Yankee nigger lover posts this dumbass shit. Go sell your father for a rock you dumbass Yankee fuck. 50% white
Not an argument, There's more rememable whites in history then are mongrels. You rather have you daughter date Ebonics speaking Tyrone Magnus then Successful Chad Stunnington or Average John Thomas. You're a literal cuckold and you're basically proud of it. I mean the other guy's daughter is dating some Indian on an H1B visa. He most likely doesn't know how to shit in the fucking toilet unlike his northern brothers.
>wearing a $3 Hanes V neck undershirt under sports jacket
Educated men never dress in retard meme fashion.
They usually dress either in traditional suits for work or like a normal person in their leisurely time
This is literally why the Chinese kill of their girl babies
Fucking leaf, go back to Chang you cum drinking fuck
You and your whore daughter deserves to be killed. Fucking race traitor
So will a dumb fuck redneck from the Appalachians
He should show his daughter's husband this
Maybe he'll learn to shit in the toilet. In fact I want this faggot boomer to bring pajeet in the thread. I want to see if he can poo in the loo
muh redneck boogeyman
>an educated black
Don't you mean an "educated" nigger?
This is an example of an "educated black", so no...the answer is obviously fucking no, you fucking nigger and/or nigger loving piece of shit. Kill yourself.
>redneck culture
>nigger genes
Rednecks are the lowest of the low. Rednecks arent human.
>How does it feel knowing your daughter's husband doesn't shit in a toilet
He's a North American Indian, not a Pajeet.
>I can't deny my NEET lifestyle
Then you're literally nothing. No wonder you cling so tightly to "muh pure white race". Youve got nothing else. Might as well be a nigger.
Niggers aren't humans
So he's a casino owner then? Also Native Americans don't shit in toilets either. I'm planning on having tons of kids.
Please, come and try it whenever you feel manly enough, leaf. Kek.
>le race is a social construct meme
Plebbit pls
Obvious photoshop is obvious, this whole bbc meme should have ended with Trump
i don't give a fuck i'll kill them if they chimpout i just want white grandchildren
pick one u fagoot while i suck my wife in dubai trip
Of course not. His education is not genetic.
>all the edgy 14 year old autists in this thread chimping out because they can't control who marries who
>will probably never get married themselves because too beta/NEET/autist etc
Is this her husband?