What's the best political book? Looking for a book that is so good it could change ones perception or world view of politics and government.

Other urls found in this thread: jones books


I too want to know the consensus


'Reasons to vote Democrats' by Michael J Knowles. It's an inspiring read!

The Lucifer Principle by Harold Bloom

Maquiavello "the Prince"
Marx "das capital"

The Gulag Archipelago, Death of the West and Being and Time.
It's your complete red pill kit.

Democracy: the god that failed

Platos Republic or you are a nigger

The Closing of the American Mind by Allen Bloom
Most libraries have a copy.

the talmud. read the talmud

Plato's The Laws as a follow on

You have to read all of the major ones.

Atlas shrugged will help you hate freeloaders the correct amount.

The frog looks better.

Pretty good reviews.

The Fountainhead (easy read) or Atlas Shrugged (harder read) by Ayn Rand.

I know she's a meme, but those two books changed my life and sent me on the path of light.

Mein Kampf faggot


>best political book
all books you fucking faggot, exapnd your horizons on all fronts and form your own opinions degenerate faggot.

rim my asshole and leave now.


Ride the tiger by Julius Evola.

(((Ayn Rand))) the welfare leech. Shut the fuck up and go post on a Rush forum about Geddy Lee being so great you fucking lolbertarian schmuck

1984, Animal Farm... Orwell was a fucking genius.

Mein Kampf
Animal Farm

every book is going to be biased towards one thing or another. look through history books and come to your own conclusions about how you think things should be run

Rights of Man - Thomas Paine
On Liberty - J.S. Mill

Mein comfy chair

one fish two fish red fish blue fish

any 1930s or before schoolbook talking about race, civics, society. Blow your fucking mind.

How the fuck has only one person said Mein Kampf? What the hell's wrong with you people.

Legacy of Ashes by Tim Weiner is a great intro to CIA history

Yeah he was.

the Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald. Get to know how the jews have been jewing us for the past 100 years.

'The Rise of the Coloured Empires'


For My Legionaries by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

A Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell. jones books

i've read about 250 books
mostly sci fi like: brave new world, 1984 and classics like: catch 22, brothers karamazov

those Sup Forums books list are huge and i'm runing out of time
reccomend me 10 bet out the whole list

Mein Kampf

the law by bastiat

Be wise as Serpents by Fritz Springmeier.

not including 200 years together and eternal jew

Pol is overrun with reddit faggots after Tim Pool and Mike Cernovich spent the last week with our dicks in their mouths