It is no secret that the identity politics appeared shortly after the 1% protests began. Is this another effort by the elite to distract the masses? A US civil war seems inevitable, but the elite will not be the focus. They will likely slither away in the heat of it - only to return to rule over the 'victors'. Well Sup Forums? What do you think?
Right vs Left Identity Politics - A Ploy to Protect the Elite?
It is Marxist communists annon, the protests against the """""1%"""""""" and the identity politics, devide and conquer, street politicking, media . a bunch of Marxist Jews trying to pull one over on the masses like they did in the late 1890's and early 1900's Russia
I did a really shit version of that guy myself for an art appreication class...
I am not so sure...the 1% outrage has been entirely replaced by identity politics. The vocal groups could not care less about the ongoings of wall street, unlike before.
well Occupy Wallstreet was a fbi honeypot to imprison wanted hackers from the old original Anonomous.
start researching Occupy wallstreet, and a guy named sabu squealed and became an fbi mole. then they set up occupy wallstreet to bring certain people out of the shadows.
woops that grammar was all over the place. my bad... anyways I dont have links on me
it blew my mind when i saw how braindead the liberals and the general mases are
those peopple went FROM: occupy (((wall-street))) TO: we need 62 different gender bathrooms and starbucks christmas cups are racist, like over night
they are irrational, emotionally unstable, naive, self centerd braindead imbeciles with zero critical thinking skills
genociding them would be a service to the civilisation, after that the the remnaints of the civil war should fokus on the (((elite)))
it will be much easier to gas them without their army of usefull idiots
Nah. It's just that the JEWS don't learn new tricks.
Just like thirty years before WWII, they were talking about that magical 6,000,000, in the early 1900s and the late 1800s they were pulling exactly this short of shit in russia.
Look at Russia today: far worse levels of "wealth inequality" than a country that stayed capitalist. the Jews know communism is unsustainable, but they also know it allows them to plunder a nation more thoroughly than anything else they have tried.
simple idiots are the only tool the Marxist Commies have left.
Well a certain old jew got like 40 something percent of the vote when he ran for president largely advocating class warfare on said 1%, so I don't think it has been lost entirely, but given how quickly he was eviscerated by his own side, maybe you have something.
Imagine that the umbrella corporation released the T virus to destabilize a government that was about to regulate them. The people who are left still have to kill the zombies to not die.
In other words, it's probably a trick, but it doesn't matter. The trick worked. Now we are here.
> identity politics are new
No friend the only new thing here is you
never underestimate the stupid peopple in larg
Yeah, basically. The left is the traditional enemy of the capitalist elite but they've been completely neutralized by focusing so heavily on identity bullshit that doesn't threaten the wealthy at all. So (((wall street))) can erect a statue of a little girl and feminists praise them. A company can lay off 30% of its workforce and ship jobs to China but appear "progressive" by touting their inclusion/diversity programs.
Virtue signaling about progressive politics doesn't hurt the bottom line.
It seems that almost all people are lead by propaganda - both left and right. Critical thought seems lacking on both ends.
The answer to that is yes OP
and guess what screaming about how mad you are that there are different races does? Same shit
>then they set up occupy wallstreet to bring certain people out of the shadows.
hey steve, you're a dick
The entire two party system exists to distract the proles. By dividing the elites into the Democrat Elite and the Republican Elite it makes it impossible for the 99% (who are also divided down the middle) to focus on them as a group. They pit the underclasses against each other and pretend to ally with them to keep them from rising up against them.
The most dangerous thing Bernie and Trump did was break ranks with their party's elites, which put the entire 1% at risk since now there was nothing to protect them. Unfortunately Bernie turned out to be a cuck and Trump might end up going native, so they're probably still fine at the end of the day.
All these left wing movements almost immediately get co-opted by the homeless, crack heads and dope fiens.
yep, simple idiots come in all colors of the political spectrum.
More like a Canada civil war. You fools will kill over pronounce and gender spectrum bullshit.
not to get all /leftypol/ but it really is a huge meme, as if it matters what race or orientation or gender you are one way or another, what really makes you privileged or oppressed is how much money you have
Hegelian Dialectics
controll all the sides in the political spectrum
whoever wins, voala: you have your guys inside
that's how (((they))) stay in power
So how can "we" win? Or will we just be strapped in for the ride forever?
all we have is knowledge, which is kryptonite to (((Them))). so spread red pills
I think a Canadian civil war driven by identity politics is highly unlikely. The majority of the people here truly believe diversity is our strength.
This is so beautiful :')
just stuck on the ride.
forming organisation to fight your interest
front(public) and backbone(secret) and then backbone behind the backbone(even more secret) with the hiearchy inside
forming fake organisation that larps as (((them))) but paints them in negative light, like they do with us with honeypots - neo nazis
redpiling even one member of your closely related gropus, friends and families
not consuming their shit, not voting with your money
being self sustainable
>t. r/anarchism
Begone, I can smell your bullshit from a mile away. Fuck the elites, but double fuck you niggers for aggressively advocating the power and influence of whites within our own countries. It wasnt corporate fat cats puffing fat cigars that caused me to hate illegal immigrants and minorities, it was their profound and negative impact on our communities over the course of my lifetime.
Although I understand that immigrants were highly damaging to many city great areas of the US, it is hard to just accept that the fat cats had no part in it. Wouldn't it be reasonable to protest both simultaneously?
Especially since it was likely fat cats profiting off of those illegals to come here and work for pennies because citizens know their rights and won't work for a slave wage. The reason why our southern border has been so loose is certainly because corporations like paying less.
Right - but it seems weird. How could they be so naive. The demographic shift will likely come back to bite them. They aren't stupid.
Of course. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I appreciate you faggots trying to debate instead of throwing fisticuffs but any alliance we'd ever forge would be as shaky as the allies and comintern during ww2.
Definitely. But it doesn't let the left off the hook for grossly exacerbating the problem by heaping loads of feels onto the mainstream narrative and making impossible to have an honest discussion
It seems likely to me that the elite recognize the demographic shift as a threat to stability, and intend to weaponize the right as a tool to rectify the mistakes of their greed. If this is true, it feels like a mistake pursuing right identity politics.
>removing the groups changing the demographics of your country might be in the elite's best interest as a corrective measure for them fucking up so maybe we should all just blanda up and convert to Islam then kill the fat cats and become ancomms
How about no?
ya fair enough
democracy's change depending on the populace you just have to scare them hitler stated in mein kampf that the parties went completely against the interests of the people and he got voted in
the elite doesn't matter as long as our racial extinction as been averted. William Pierce discussed this in that the elite of our own race must be respected and that they do not seek the destruction of our race, only the foreign elements within our society both elite and non elite seek this. Only they * foreign elements * must be removed.
This likely wouldn't work with identity politics panning out like it is now. Both sides are being emboldened.
An interesting thought. So as long as the rulers of your nation are the same race as you, you don't care how much power and wealth they have, so long as they aren't bring your race to extinction?
There is no larger imperative than the constant struggle for existence, the tribe must act as a collective to always ensure this goal is never subverted in any capacity. If individualism begins to supersede collectivism in any race, especially a recessive gened race, that race will expire very very fast.