Can we get an art thread going?

What is the least degenerate and most aesthetic period or style of art?

You read my mind OP.

Was just about to make a White supremacy thread.

Bernini was the master.



its beautiful





This isn't an actual painting (it's from an animaymay OP), but I'm curious, is there a genre or school of painting that would allow me to find this sort of stuff? I find it really amazing, I honestly think I'd even be willing to spend money on a painting like this.

Grounds for Sculpture, in Trenton NJ essentially has a scale model of this painting, on their lake.

Immediately recognized it. Not really too big on impressionism though.

>t. New Jersey fag

what anime?


Lmfao isnt this from the Sopranos...

thats Tony right there thats the guy!!!

this kind

I like the dark ones.

Also by Bernini, that entire net is sculpted.

Shinsekai Yori

Pretty good, definitely worth watching imo

word to the wise remember pearl harbour

Reminds me of pixel art in a way. Not sure of the actual name though.

Bump for answers with a phone background for you

Kys filthy Swede.

Go on artstation it is literally full of that aesthetic





Lucerne, Switzerland, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen



famous scene takes place there in La Dolce Vita, the film that coined the word paparazzi



damn im not into art so im not really familiar with his work. i have to say it looks amazing


That's fantastic. Never heard of it.

Stone Mountain, Georgia.


what is this scene?


Been there. Pretty amazing to see it

Napoleon in Egypt I assume.

i really like disney artist eyvind earle.


This one is so powerful


I had no idea Stone Mountain even existed up until someone showed me a picture of it about a week ago.

Completely ignored, presumably because of "LE WHITE SUBREMACY!"


>oy vey


Maxfield Parrish

This is a very unique style... Is there a name for this?




lol yeah. first thing i thought. i love that show. still watch it even today every now and then



He has a great museum in New Hampshire, My parents bought Reproductions there when they had money.

Gonna throw a wild card in.

Zdzislaw Beksinski, was plagued by nightmares of hell and painted them.


Is this degenerate? The man who painted it had a troubled life, and I believed he used his art to help cope.


More Beksinski.

this one floats around on here every so often

Roger Dean was just... Roger Dean.


Really like his style.




Huh. Nice.

Obligatory Brennus

now who's got the British soldier lighting a smoke next to the soldiers he shot?



Kek has a love of art, confirmed.

so serene


Kek seems to like chaotic art..

Dom João II offers is legacy to his son Dom Manuel I of Portugal. by Carlos Alberto santos

Then let Kek feast their eyes upon this.

Hey, It's Tony Soprano
