If the UAE can pay for their own THAAD why can't South Korea? I thought Trump wanted them to pay for their own defense?
ROK is still using Nike missiles. If their economy is so great then they must have some tax money laying around.
If the UAE can pay for their own THAAD why can't South Korea? I thought Trump wanted them to pay for their own defense?
ROK is still using Nike missiles. If their economy is so great then they must have some tax money laying around.
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the ROK economy is nowhere near as good as people think and is stagnating quickly, it should probably collapse in the next 15 years.
Whats going wrong?
I mean with Shit heating up it might not be a good idea to let the gooks pay for their shit at least for now
SK THAAD is effectively and very conveniently US THAAD in terms of covering its area of operation.
that's western/jew economy for you,it will always collapse and jews will reap the benefits and control the government
Its not like it can protect assets outside of Korea.
how much is it. a billion dollars? sk could easily pay for that. but it wouldn't be appropriate since the recent increase in tensions has largely been between america and nk
This is slowly starting to look like economic theatre vs a real military threat.
Is the world economy this fucked up and the powers that be this lost w.r.t to how to resolve/cover it up that they're behaving like literal children in the public sphere?..
Why would ROK ever buy their own then since this thing probably will never leave now.
>we've instigated your retarded neighbor into total war,
>buy our protection goy
I dont really care, but I think that is how some people here and over there view it
>Trillions in debt
>Trump administration cucked into paying for an expensive military hardware halfway across the globe
right on man I bet DRUMPF didnt even get anything in return..
If we are going to start a war on their peninsula, the least that we can do is pay for the missile battery.
Personally, I wish Trump would stop with the foreign adventures.
pretty much . and also sk has been reluctant to place it in the first place. after trump said they should pay for it they've been talking about removing it
He probably got a new pair of korean golf shoes to play golf with at Mar a lago
they're done catching up to the west and they have no strategic locational benefits or in-demand raw resources
just another developed country where people are having too much fun to have kids
Total speculation but I think that Trump sees the North Korea issue as a surefire way to get some positive publicity and an early legacy establishment if he can bring down the Kim regime. So then he would be willing to pony up some money for one of the few things he wants to do that wont have congressional blockage
First they should move thwir capital city to to the south it is ridiculous to think think that they are risking the center of government by placing it within arttilery range. Just like during the us civil war where DC was ON the border of the south and the north
As an American at least the sand niggers are finally being charged for US weapons.
The Koreans don't have control of THAAD as they are still under US Army ADA in Korea.
you can't just move your capital city when there's generations of historical and cultural significance attached to it. and yeah the korean war is also a civil war
because USA is playing wargames with multi-millions of SK Seoul lives
personally I think its due to all the loans he has outstanding
this is good shit
don't tell me lefty/pol/ did this, did they? CIA meme factory?
do they mind that they're being just as anti-Semitic as an old/pol/ nazi?
It would also be historical to move the city. We don't repair the old roman colossiam because they want to preserve how it was destroyed . Time moves on as well as history, they shouldn't be making a self destructive descion for the sake of culture, they need to survive to keep alive their culture
The south would like the technology.
Of course they could/would buy it, but its not for sale, 'for some reason'.
>Implies bossing round the Asians from determining their own futures...and, not letting slip based tech...worth 1.2billion each...to foreign agency collaborations rendering the tech partially obsolete.
>Implies circling/cornering Russia Chinese influence in the region.
Seriously how much did SK think they were going to pay for? 50%? 0%?
>South Koreans don't want THAAD
>US puts it in anyways
>US about to start WW3 in Korea which they don't want
>Trump: That will be a billion dollars goys
>Trump: That will be a billion dollars goys
>Proceeds to take money from US taxpayers
nobody gives that much of a shit about the DPRK you hysterical retard
They want it...they don't want/need murica in charge of it...(Problem)
Yes, they'd be a political issue paying it, an there's always a wealthy anticipant to cuck the motion...someone ziolim cucktard like joohy in chief.
Le pen dragon might win lads...