Should incest be illegal even if both adults are consenting?

Should incest be illegal even if both adults are consenting?

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Yes because the two individuals may otherwise have a healthy offspring. Incest has always been thought immoral even if it has the consent of the two individuals, because it weakens the group of people the couple belongs to. Same reason why fratricide and pedophilia are considered immoral.

Itss fine for about 3 generations anymore and it fucks up the genes beyond recognition.

if you want to fuck your sister just do it

This but post a video 720p is acceptable minimum

Like you have a hot sister that would wanna fuck you anyway when she could literally pick from millions of chads on tinder.

People with incest fetishes should just end themselves.

>minorities wishing they had hot sisters
I've seen case after case of family rape in the African American community spanning back to the days of slavery.
To them its not a relationship.

only child who doesnt know the bond siblings have detected

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