100 days and literally done nothing. Bush clone.
100 days and literally done nothing. Bush clone.
Other urls found in this thread:
Obama did nothing in his first 100 days
Obama signed the stimulus bill into law
What legislation has trump signed from congress?
so he's as bad as obama good shit
Doing your homework on a saturday night. Are shills this sad in real life?
He didn't make that bill though.
Quite a bit actually
lmao, wow 100 fucking days out of 1460 days. Obama didn't do shit. Trump got us a Conservative justice, killed TPP, and has to fight against liberal fagtard judges creating new laws out of thin air in everything he does. Here you are "Hurrr durrr fags like me on pol wanna know what he did in 3+ months"
Trump is shit but he's still better than Obama and atleast he isn't Hilldawg
Hiding in /ptg/ fingering each others assholes.
noone expected him to lock her up
noone expected the wall to wall to be up this fast
noone expected him to keep campaign promises
Obama had the house, senate, and the entire media from news to holywood in his fucking pocket and it took him 4 years just to fill his nigger lungs with enough air to gather a thought.
trump is laying the ground work for his future projects and bills, these 100 days were a feeler and he has set things into motion regardless of the fact that the entire establishment is against him.
if digets you will die a very painful death very soon.
also this
you should stop expecting politicians will fix shit.
they always do nothing.
What a sad fucking human being you are. Spewing misinformation just so you feel "superior" for a second because most likely this is the highlight of 2017 so far for you. Go back to your (((safe space))) dumbcunt.
remember, during the election, how CTR always said "it's fucking nothing" in every single thread where something had happened? Reminder that these are the same failed tactics as before, be vigilant brothers, the scourge will never go away because misery loves company, but we can eventually immunize ourselves against them and learn to spot them within the first sentence of any post they make.
No major legislation that matters. I'm talking MAJOR legistation.
Fuck off kike with the CTR meme. Is this still oct 2016?
He's done lots. Not his fault that democrats are petulant children blocking everything they can out of spite.
And guess what, voters notice. 2018 willed glorious.
He hasn't done shit. No wall, no repeal of Obamacare, no lock her up
Users have ID numbers on Sup Forums, this is the #1 mistake you people make when you first start, D- see me after class, you need to get better at shilling or you are going to fail this semester.
>no one expected Trump to keep his core campaign promises
kill yourself. you have nothing to offer this world.
No serouiosly fuck off kike
>no true scottsman.
If he builds the wall, I'll give him a b+ and vote for him again. Fuck zuckerberg.
Defending Trump is a sign of mental illness.
>Bush clone
Don't be unfair, OP.
The Cheney administration had several successes to list at the end of its first 100 days. Not very nice to compare them to t3h dahnahld.
> "blocking everything"
Republicans have the Whitehouse, full locked down control of the Senate, full control of the House, majority on the Supreme Court, 31 out of 50 Governorships of the States, control the legislatures of 29 of the 50 States.
Sup Forums --
> B-but, the libruls hippie demoshits say mean stuff
> it's making the God Emperor have an sad
Do you even know what the term "petulant children" means?
Pro-hint: google it up and find the wikipedia entry. It says (((you))) should cry in front of a mirror for a while.