"There are IQ differences between the races." - Dr. Sam Harris, PhD.
Tell me again how this guy isn't redpilled
"There are IQ differences between the races." - Dr. Sam Harris, PhD.
Tell me again how this guy isn't redpilled
He's also a savage atheist.
He's also a Jewish atheist. That said, he is pretty intelligent and he can have a productive discussion.
Whatever social or political issues we may agree on, he's very very rational and knows how to listen as well as speak. These are rare qualities for a media personality.
If you're a Jew and won't criticize Israel, you will never be truly redpilled. Of course, if you're a goy and won't criticize, that's still true. Just more so in this case.
its funny because he gets thrown in with the neckbeard fedora crowd but hes actually (almost) enlightened. Tfw most kids on Sup Forums luterally dont understand his stance on free will and never will.
He has critisized Isreal, even saying they were guilty of war crimes and that he disagreed with the entire creation of the nation.
he has criticized isreal. and said nobody should have a holy land
I have been enjoying him coming to terms with Trump getting elected, he definitely fell for the main stream media's narrative. That one reporter chick he had on his podcast was ridiculous she just vented her Trump is a NAZI nonsense the whole time while Sam was mostly quiet .
Lol you don't have to be a retard Matrix loser to acknowledge that. The difference between redpill cockroaches and people like Sam is saying that those differences are inherent.
>serial killer on death row eating his final meal of fried chicken
lmao Sam Harris confirmed for a RACIST
>not retaking Constantinople
Israel shouldn't have been created, it's against the torah. In 1947 Rabbinic Jews even protested the formation of Israel, and still torah following Jews criticize the formation of a Jewish state and are persecuted. The dissenting Jews are beaten and jailed in Zionist prisons. Criticizing Israel is always equated to anti-semitism which is fucking annoying. 1) semites refers to a certain group of people indigenous to a small area in the middle east (Arabs, Hebrews 2) Zionists aren't from this area. They arrived in the 40's, slaughtered a bunch of actual Semites (Hebrews, Arabs) and proceed to build a wall around Jerusalem and finally after a bunch of Semite slaughtering had their borders completed by 1967 after the 6 day war. The only anti-semites in this fucked up situation are the people supporting Israel and the founders of Israel. I once got told to stop using history as an excuse for my anti-semitism. I simply replied, stop diminishing the rights of torah following Jews for the expansion of Israel and genocide of Palestinians. SHUT THEM RIGHT THE FUCK UP
>that he disagreed with the entire creation of the nation.
Lol what? He said he understood that the Jewish people needed a nation to be safe from persecution, but didn't agree with the religious basis.
>le religious people are crazy argument
lets be honest here, it's not as if atheists or clueless modernized normies who haven't even contemplated god are any better. in fact i'd venture to say that many of these "non-believers" are far less moral than those with faith
you can all go fuck yourselves though, i just hate faggots like this guy giving the false impression that they're the key to a "moral and just way of living". it's just making people feel like they are doing the right thing, same as religion.
I agree. There are wrongs to both sides yet the altruistic properties are still present.
I always felt the biggest enemies of Sup Forums aren't liberals but rather right wing people who became lost along the way.
I mean David brock used to be a conservative. Ben Shapiro who came up with a lot of anti trump points was also conservative.
I believe Shapiro still resides with conservatives. He commends Trump on the good things he does and criticizes him for the bad things he does.
Morality and faith are independent.
Technically I think even Christians are not supposed to eat pork per Old Testament ...
>Tell me again how this guy isn't redpilled
Basically, because low IQ races can't understand his words :)
Atheists cannot be "red pilled" as you like to say, because the REAL truth is in God the Father, Jesus the Son and in Holy Ghost
>Ben Shapiro who came up with a lot of anti trump points was also conservative.
Probably because Trump is a fucking senile retard. Dude is 10 years over the hill.
He's a vegan? Jesus Christ, everyfuck day I grow to have less respect for him.
>But, but, but I hate Trump not because of any facts but because of the way he speaks.
if he still holds equality over liberty as a value, then no. If he he still holds liberty over order as a value, then he really hasn't thorough through what racial difference in IQ means in a society
If you are white, you can't look realize this and look at the tribal nature of minorities and not panic over what is going to come over western civilization
>The real red pill is that Jews are god's chosen people and you should turn the other cheek while they destroy you from within
I liked him in night of the museum
Of course the Jews know about racial differences. That's why they don't allow non-Jews to immigrate to Israel. The Jews who have invaded the universities just pretend race is a social construct because it helps them destroy white countries.
"The Jews" have allowed Africans and Asians to come illegally and legally by the millions into their borders
Some guy named jesus might have existed.
So much crap in one video,people are so ignorant
>Whoops! The atheist superiority complex is losing its appeal now that only total retards think religion is still a problem! Muh shekelz!
Soros criticizes Israel, is he redpilled?
Molyneux was a fedora tipping Christ hating faggot too, but now he recognizes the importance of christianity even though he remains an athiest. The same can happen to Harris.
That's modern, corrupted christianity. God doesn't want us to bend over and let the world become Islamic, or do nothing while the Synagogue of Satan controls the world. Jews haven't existed since christ came back, because all the real jews converted. Christianity itself isn't the kike lie, it's this neutered form of christianity that's being preached nowadays that accepts faggots and lets millions of heathens in.
Kek, mad kikes. Convert or burn.
Old Testament was nullified when Jesus died for our sins, fag.
>using IQ as a serious metric outside of diagnosing the mentally handicapped
>being the mentally handicapped
He isn't a Christian and he hasn't accepted Peterson as his savior in his heart
This is why we cant have nice things.
We have someone with influence in academia, a lefty and has a very large audience of lefties. Admitting to race realism. But pol literally cant get past the fact that his Jewish or an Atheist. Can you all stop being fucking retarded for 1 second to see how crazy this actually is? The world is changing like you wouldn't believe. The truth could never hide forever.
Am I redpilled to you too, user?
Gee, that isn't because Molyneaux tries to milk you out of your Neet bucks, is it?
He recognized the shift in the market and changed his rhetoric, because anarcho capitalists were sending him ONE FUCKING DOLLAR.
When I first heard him say something slightly 'red-pilled' I knew that he will increase his style to more pol-tier, and lo and behold - ' I no longer believe in the equality between races' video, because few niggers smashed couple of trash cans.