>Sup Forums constantly rants about how “The Jews” control the media, crafting false narratives to push an agenda. Well it seems that, for now at least, Sup Forums has become The Jew.
Is it true? Are we the jew now?
>Sup Forums constantly rants about how “The Jews” control the media, crafting false narratives to push an agenda. Well it seems that, for now at least, Sup Forums has become The Jew.
Is it true? Are we the jew now?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying you aren't Uncle Chang
Not clicking on your shit article, gook.
Did you not know? Sup Forums has always been Jewish, that's why we complain about everything and shit talk muslims.
oy vey
>implying i would want to be a tiny dicked gook
i follow him on twitter though which is how i found the article
the jews do control the media shit for brains
and they are pushing an agenda
im jewish where's my media empire?
We learned from the best.
who the fuck do you think owns the money
but ya know keep telling yourself there is no such thing as race
become a tragic greek hero bruh
>directly linking to article
you're not getting my clicks faget
there is no conspiracy, race doesn't exist and we should all multiculturalize except for Israel
sorry lads
I remember those days.
what did he mean by this?
Thanks OP, you are forgiven.
you have to become the jew in order to fight the jew
Which is hilarious since for years people here have been saying we should do just that.
>false narratives
>doesn't try to prove Sup Forums wrong
There is so much evidence against the jews, it's not even funny. Usually when someone says "you're wrong" there are usually facts to back up that claim.
I think you read that wrong user
>anecdotal evidence
>not high enough IQ to understand this argument
You're the Jew they put on the short bus.
You're right. I didn't realize it was a trash, low-traffic website, which OP is probably the owner of.
This is advertising. Sage.
No. I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't.
Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
nobody said all jews are involved
we aren't antisemitic
dah fuck multiculturalize kys yourself
Shut your face
>Sup Forums isn't anti-semetic
i have no face for this
>Surprisingly, scat didn't turn the normies off Pepe as much as Donald J. Trump
>normies embraced poopoo peepee
that still slays me. /r9k/ tried so hard with that one too.
Actually it seems like a lot of boards try to do shit first (meme magic, tulpas, co-opting memes) and fail miserably. Then Sup Forums comes along and does it with ease.
We are the anti-Jew, you silly Chinaman
Oh it's true, it's damn true
The only reason he is so stupid is because his grandpa survived the camp then they let him reproduce
>Actually it seems like a lot of boards try to do shit first (meme magic, tulpas, co-opting memes) and fail miserably. Then Sup Forums comes along and does it with ease.
It's because they haven't learned how to weaponize their autism. They're just autistic.
>shut it down
Sup Forums is made up of all the btards from 2006-2010 that migrated here after b died. We've been the ones getting it done since the start
We are the jews now, embrace it and go forth and manipulate the mainstream culture in our image.
"First they came for the wizards, and did not speak out because I was not a wizard, then they came for the gamers..."
"All Sup Forums-ers are hoarding dank memes..."
"The International Kekistani conspiracy to secure a Red Pilled State..."
We've been the jew for years.
This is crafted counter-psy-ops intented to make us personally upset/angry at being compared to jews. dont fall for their tricks
Speak for your fucking self, you untermensh.
Anyone can be the Jew if they work hard enough to be, it's just that our work isn't even work to us, it's just fucking fun!
Toothpaste is the real brainwashing tool of the jews, this is why the west has been degenerate since the baby boomers
Is it so surprising that we would witness the kikes gain global power and not adopt their tactics in our own bid for power?
Yes, we are. You should have come to terms with that already during the election last year when we somehow memed Trump into being a contender.
Those of us who understood jewish tricks the most used this knowledge to utilize our memes to maximum effect. We learned to fight fire with fire and it turns out that we're just way better at the game.
>Sup Forums, and Sup Forums in particular, has become so powerful they effectively own the media and control the news cycle.
>Sup Forums constantly rants about how “The Jews” control the media by crafting false narratives to push an agenda. Well it seems that, for now at least, Sup Forums has become The Jew.
Then why am I still dirt poor?
Can confirm
Most of us are probably cryptos and don't know it
Are you sure you're part of the tribe? The satanic jews only go by if your mother was born a jew. Do you have a long line of Jewish born mothers? Obviously not because you're asking about your lack of gods chosen membership card
I'm white where's my black slaves?
I enjoy Sup Forums has become the jew. Sums up the past year or two.
Gas Anons! Media War Now!
>defendind kikes
your ancestors are rolling in their graves
>Sup Forums has become The Jew.
Damn it they know.
Shut it down.
Sup Forums is unironically moderated by an Israeli advertising company with ties to (((Kushner))).
all we need to do now is meme a country in to existence
I'm not sure I've ever seen someone publicly stating they're a 4chin mod apart from mootiekins and snacks.
Just happened the other day. His twitter says the same thing.
I mailed it to you hasn't it arrived?
Shit I'll find a tracking number.
Well son of a bitch
Yeah, between this shit, all the dumbass bans I've been getting, and all the normies, this place is turning to shit. Guess it's time to head to infinity chan for a few months.
Advertising and marketing companies are cancer upon this earth. I studied that shit for years and ended up dropping out, because it was so depressing. They infiltrate bloggers and pay them to spread their cancerous agenda, newspapers, journalists, municipalities, governments, NGO´s, grass roots, astro turfing, forum infiltration and dozen others shady, two-step methods. Absolutely aboherrent.
Problem is, pol would be the most effective communications company on earth, if it was properly coordinated.
>im jewish where's my media empire?
you're not an elite jew. did you know that elite jews intentionally sacrificed untermensch jews during WWII?
>jews control the media
>false narrative
smug anime girl.jpg
Pol has always aspired to be the Jews
what happens if one stops using the toothepaste?
Freemason here. I thought you guys at least knew this much about Sup Forums.
I think some time ago someone said Invisibro handles ads for Sup Forums.
Then somehow hiroshima had ad problems and begs to us instead of asking for help from invisibro.
Sounds a lot like some kind of jewish manipulation is going on
We don't own the media (yet), but the gradual evolution of the DDoS attack from technical to psychological means that we are becoming too powerful for our own comprehension.
We have people thinking that the "OK" sign is a white supremacist symbol. We're accidentally dictating the terms of their reality.
I wouldn't be surprised if it all turned out to be an experiment in how to make people unconsciously fight a culture war.
kys you race traitor faggot
you're kidding right? Joel Stein of the LA Times wrote an article a few years ago crowing about how the jews control Hollywood. Now, you need to realize that these same media conglomerates control television and print as well, and it's only gotten worse since his article.