what did he mean by this
What did he mean by this
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Trump was the star of the show by not even showing up. All the hype is gone. Trump killed the WHCD this year by not showing up.
this. He made them look like spiteful flailers.
omg somebody wasnt sensitive to other people
get a fucking grip
sage this shitty bait
trump lost tonight. low energy rally and more same old complaints about "this mess I inherited, its not my fault, fake news REEEEEEEEEEE"
Trump is a whiny little kike. at least MSM was able to laugh at themselves.
Idk, but he BTFO MSNBC for going after Russia and the tax returns narrative.
that's not an american
He looks like he's on adderall or something
And people wonder why Trump didn't want to be around those fags. It's just the same old libcuck crying
He was really bad. The media could not even stand the little bit of shade thrown there way as well.
there must have been the who's who of the (((media))) in there, 100's of people and none of them were relevant. embarrassing.
Why is he making the "White Power" gesture?
>He called him a Nazi!
>So funny, witty, and original!
>Where do they come up with this stuff?
trump chickened out. this proving that he is a beta and calls for assistance to sexually satisfy Melania.
>A nazi
>Doesn't like Socialism
and niggas wonder why Trump boycotted this shit
so nasty
>at least MSM was able to laugh at themselves
There were noticely less laughs when it was about MSM.
Don't forget:
>How will Drumpf ever recover?
>Is this the end of the campaign?!
Bernie can still win, guys!
>Daily Show
It's all brown people who hate America and the white race now. The Daily Show died, in its place we have a less funny version of MemriTV
they love to dish out criticism, but they can't take it
even look at the hesitant laughs the media had when Conan roasted the media during his correspondents dinner
so but hurt losers are still calling people Nazi racists, shocking
saged cuz no one cared enough to watch it
were you watching the C-Span one? the biggest laughs of the night were when he roasted MSNBC and Huff Post. most of his trump jokes got nervous chuckles, they legitimately seemed uncomfortable with everything.
kill yourself or stay in /ptg/
Why can't we have something thus good?
virtue signalling
What does he have to say that i cant hear from a random lefty at a college? I would literally rather hire a parrot to repeat things rather than a buggy eyed roach, because at least when the parrot did it it would be entertaining
rooooaaa it was the russians!!
ahaha who even gives a fuck
i'm not going to waste a minute of my time watching that loser circlejerk
TRUMP RALLY gave me a boner full of LIBERTY, you think I give one wit about what some cucked failing comedians think about the greatest US President in the past half a century
based english teacher
Is he the American Waleed Aly or Nazeem Hussain? Who keeps pushing these unlikable personalities?
All I can say is Thank God this is the best the left can do. Imagine if the left was not a bunch of kike agenda pushing cucks.... we might actually have a fight on our hands. Instead we get faggots like Minhandjob who that best he can do is push his kike masters Nazi lines.
Also, for future reference. Anytime someone claims that their opponent/enemy is a Nazi you can bet there is a kike behind the message.
>"We are not fake news, we are not failing news organizations. And we are not the enemy of the American people,"
Idk I thought he was pretty funny
His career is the joke
>Who keeps pushing these unlikable personalities?
Trump destroyed them by not showing up. He took himself out of the picture and forced them out into the open on their own, exposing them as the rats they are.
He's on Islam, a thousand times worse.
Projection much?
It means 6 months until the snackbar opens.
whats with muzzies and pointing their fingers upwards ?
pisses me off
now THIS is top-tier comedy
>Daily Show
>Trevor Noah
>Fucking Hasan
Jesus christ I've never been triggered by a nobody so hard in my life.
It's the inbreeding.
> Lolbiterian idiot
He said those things while secretly signaling the white power sign with his hand...interesting
I tried watching it with an open mind
It was so fucking unfunny I shut it down after a minute
Probably gay porn with this guy in it somewhere.
I love watching the slow realization of Liberals when they realize Trump isn't as bad as Erdogan or Putin while calling him a dictator and Nazi were ridiculous the who time.
>Timmy. Jason. Timmy.
>guy doesn't show up
>spend the rest of the night whining about how he didn't show up
They just proved Trump is more important than news.
What a bunch of total faggots
They went even though the president didn't go. Pathetic. I can't wait until no one watches TV anymore and all these virtue signaling, hyper sensitive progressive faggots don't have a job.
It's literally what "nazi" means you moron
He meant, "Please deport me."
We see this as pathetic cringe, but every single fucking top comment is about how it's hilarious and Trump's a "wimp"
are these all shills or are normies this retarded?
The narrative can be either
>Trump pussied out
>You wanted Trump to be at a dinner with the 1% over the working class just to have mediocre comedians bitch about him?
People are simple creatures, you know which they'll choose.
Shit, I forgot my favorite snapshot
>makes a lame ass joke about Rick Perry wanting to be Spiderman and exposing himself to radiation
>all the brainwashed whites laugh
>sole middle easterner in shot recognizes this clearly fake performance and has a look of utter contempt
Still can't believe Trump didn't show up.
Only President since Reagan to not attend. And that was because Reagan got blasted on before hand.
All it did was reinforce the narrative that Trump is a giant fucking pussy who can't handle being criticized.
Seriously, fucking Bush showed up. BUSH. The guy who pretty much set our national debt into tailspin and sewed our national destiny to a bunch of desolate 3rd world country with literacy rates below Slav nations.
And he still showed.
What a fucking pussy.
Thos r sum gud jokes
He meant "nigger". "N Word" is the polite way to refer to the word "nigger". Johnny Cochran in the OJ Simpson trial - "the N word, the racial slur"
Every top comment on what? Even if they aren't artifically pushing anti-Trump comments to the top (Twitter), this just happened so every comment is from people who subscribe or follow this unfunny shit.
Trump already destroyed the WHCD as hard as you possibly can.
Seriously, how do you top this?
Why are only Muslim Indians making it into (((Hollywood)))
Hmm really makes me think
The numale epidemic is even spreading to muslims
>people lying about you constantly
>literally tried to get you killed by advocating assassination and giving airtime to attempted assassins
>tried to get you arrested for rape by forcing mlre than a dozen women to make up false sexual assault stories
>called you "Hitler" and "Nazi" on multiple occasions
>claimed you were a traitor, for which the penalty is death
>these same people: "lol come to dinner with us so we can mock you and slander you on live tv and film your reactions! Just for laughs haha!"
Please hang yourself.
nah, people searched to find this; people aren't following "Global News" for comedy
Re Twitter: is anyone actually saying Twitter is manipulating this directly? I'd assumed it was just bots. Patriotic Pepe used to be at the top prior to the inauguration.
>what a fucking pussy
see this here is pure shill shit. nobody's gonna be convinced into thinking Trump pussed out for not listening to this bullshit
Here's what it looks like when a president is too pussy to tell the org to go fuck themselves.
Wtf is that?
who is this filthy terrorist? and how did he find out?
And the MSM was shocked Trump decided not to go because?!?!?!?!?
got the same hairstyle as that jew Kasher with the new SJW show... i guess instead of fashy hairstyles they're pushing cucky hairstyles
>American "comedians"
Literally every one of those things has happened to literally every president before Trump. Stop playing the victim for someone else you dumbass.
The press is never fair to the president. That is the entire fucking point you simpleton.
You think before Trump every president and the press got on well?
>Please hang yourself.
>nobody's gonna be convinced into thinking Trump pussed out
Except anyone who is over the age of 25 and has a view of history that extends beyond this last election.
based poo-man, speaking truth to poower!
Yeesh would ya look at those noses.
>Literally every one of those things has happened to literally every president before Trump.
Post the sources for this claim for Obama.
He's throwing up the White Power hand sign, clearly he's being sarcastic.
It takes balls to break Washington norms. Trump was elected to be a disrupter.
Good read history if you want examples of the Press and Presidents not getting along.
It's like I am talking politics with my brothers kids of something. Fucking ridiculous.
Bush fuck ups were orders of magnitudes larger than Trumps could even possibly hope to equal. And he still had the balls to take a little ribbing for 2 hours.
Turkish coffee I believe. The sand is the medium to transfer heat. It is coffee ground and water in the metal pot and it brews it right there. If you like coffee I bet you it takes fuckining amazing
It wasn't real socialism
she looks like she smells bad
>waaaaaah he'd much rather spend his time with the American people instead of a bunch of corporate elites
Holy shit you guys are such easily offended, sensitive bitches. He told it like it is and ended up spending A LOT of time dissing the liberal media too, but you focus solely on the mean words about Trump and friends. Take a joke for once in your life.
Why should anyone care about what a Hasan has to say?
>drink instant coffe everyday
>not sure if its even coffe
only a few old italians have good coffe here, everybody else have basically the same shit brew machines.
This guy reminds me of taqiya ali. I want to punch him in the throat. Twice.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with what he said. Kys
>Trump spending time away from corporate elites
Talk about a paradox.
Are you illiterate or something?
Obama didn't give as much fodder. Trump has been a comparative clusterfuck of a president and if you can't admit to that then you're delusional.
this guy is a gigantic asshole
>the "N" word
Fucking hell
it's NIGGER you fucking sand nigger (or is it taco nigger?)
How are journalist corporate elites? People in the US seem to think journalists are rich and powerful and come from distant galaxies to plot world domination.
>Obama didn't give as much fodder.
Obabo's fodder was not covered by corporate media hence Sup Forums and so called ALt right sites.
Witth Sup Forums and the ALT right internet sites there is also now no need for corporte cuckservative media like Fox News