Why do you reject science Sup Forums?
Why do you reject science Sup Forums?
please keep pushing this shit on normal people
want to see the europiean white male chimp the fuck out and kill everything please keep pushing this degenerecy
I want you to
That's as scientific as the homunculus shit.
I do not. However I reject the shills who are pushing a narrative of tolerance in a world where only the fittest survive.
So scientific
If you look closely at the big yellow blob in the middle you can almost count the data and science that went into it
Just make sure you guys don't intervene this time. I wanna see what unbridled white chimping looks like as they take Europe back.
>if i make a graphic, it's "science"
Lol read the fucking paragraph below it.
>full of shit
Updated genders chart
weird, I see zero science in that graph. good try though?
>Random blots of made up words and colors
>Litterally invented in the last year
.3% of any population is a scientific anomaly. 99.97% of people experience gender and sex as the same thing. Gender is not a 'spectrum' for 99.97% of people, who are identify as their sex and do not see their gender separately. Gender is a spectrum only for .3% of the population.
This 3% of the population have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (transgenderism) is a rare egosyntonic mental health issue that is characterized by symptoms of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and body dysmorphia. The suicide rate of sufferers is 41%, compared to 2% of the general normal population. Current treatment for Gender dysphoria is psychiatric counseling coupled with reinforcing therapies which allow the sufferer to take on the appearance of the opposite sex, by taking hormones and making cosmetic changes up to and including cosmetic surgical procedures.
Psychiatric counseling is the foundation of treatment however, and sufferers must be clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist before treatment can be prescribed. Psychiatric counseling takes place concurrently to 'transitioning' to help the patient through the changes.
'Transitioning' helps patients short term by providing them some relief from their symptoms of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and body dysmorphia. However, after transitioning, suicide rates climb back up to pre-transitioning levels and so transitioning is not effective long term.
this is not science you are fake science.
it's so fucking obvious that's going to happen it makes me think it's on purpose.
>flick paint at a canvas
>call it a graph
>we STEAM now
Someone photo shop it to represent this data
>Biological Gender
I'm triggered.
But all those little blobby colors would not be visible in that incredibly narrow .3% slice of pie
>both is not in the middle of male and female
>male and female are not separate dimensions with neither at the origin
>random gradient colors representing nothing
>forbidden regions will no explanation
>clearly isolated regions undermining "it's a spectrum"
They can't even plot their fake data right.