Was /r/The_Donald always like this?
Yes, and now they're shitting up this place.
wtf I hate drumpf now
Oh hey look another SHIT FUCKING THREAD
Mmm did I do thaaat???
Professional memesters on plebbit? Shocking.
When it started out it was a pure Sup Forums colony and had Sup Forums levels of dialogue but as it became more popular it became watered down with normie views.
I fear the same happening for Sup Forums now.
Let's do it lad.
Just look how handsome you are. White boy can't even compete
Steve Urkel looking ass nigga
>Not safe for cucks
>Literally cucking for minorities
Really crumbles my croutons
I figured that was the whole point.
Do you fucking retards not understand that politicking involves pandering?
Jesus christ. I knew it was bad but i dont remember it being this bad. Granted, i was only there for probably 30 minutes total pre election but i at least thought they were slightly redpilled. It seems as though now they are basically leftists and neocons who just want to call themselves something else and latch on to something trendy and moderately edgy. I never thought they were full on GTKRWN but i thought they were maybe aware of the JQ or at the very least didnt suck jew cock like the average boomer in yahoo comment sections. Either it was always like this and i just didnt notice cause i ignored it or the true nature was covered during election season or it has gotten more cancerous post-election.
Who are they pandering to?
You'd think niggers would be insulted and embarrassed by this type of patronizing behavior.
>Hey look at this 45 year old nigger that finally learned to tie his own shoes!
It's becoming more and more neocon each day.
From this meme cult, the perception of the outside is one of emotional amatuerity.
Since when can emotions be skillful? Is the burying of emotions what gives clarity?
Is this cult of emotional depravity logical? How do we find comfort in a state of lovelessness? We are practically alone in thinking and cursed with a drawn-out fate of self-inflicted suffering labored in the name of what is true and sensible. What do I grasp? How do I live without any loving emotions, with an abandoned heart?
pandering wasn't the word he was looking for
What he means is that It's done explicitly to annoy and discredit the opposition
Nigger seems pretty based for a redditard. I wouldn't hang him in front of his family.
he's got a fucking do-rag on lmfao
Fucking Based!
Not in the beginning when CisWhiteMaelstrom was running the show. Eventually they kept changing mods and now supposedly the jews run the place. Sometimes its good though, I saw the 14 words upvoted tons of times before and white identity being promoted. But they can get extremely cucky.
You didn't include motorcycle helmet american flag bandana guy in this. Why not?
Yes, it's always been cancer, and Sup Forums has been cancer ever since le_donald has arrived.
Reminder that r/the_donald are Israeli supports and jew ass lickers.
Reminder r/the_donald has a legitimate base on Sup Forums (/ptg/)
Reminder anybody using "David Brock" or "Shariablue" is a legitimate r/the_donald member.
The two go hand in hand.
The burying of emotions is what gives us clarity, but it is emotion that drives us. It is logic that shapes the views one has, but it is the feelings that arise in response to how one feels about those views that causes one to act, and put those views into motion.
"Six million Jews, two-thirds of the Jews in Europe, murdered by the Nazi genocide," Trump said. "They were murdered by an evil that words cannot describe and that the human heart cannot bear.
best thing murdoch murdoch has done is associate that garbage with a squeaky toy.
Their colony here - /ptg/ is the same cancer. Mods need to start banning them
if I roll Jedi, don't let me die of old age as a nig just....
It wasn't always like this. The Sup Forums people got pushed out for being racist.
The current Donald Reddit represents Trump the best though. It's the closest thing to what Trump believes in
>civic ''''''''''nationalism''''''''''
>Israel worship
>BASED black guy
>billions of non-whites can come in, but they have to do it LEGALLY, so we must make all the illegals legal, and there's no problem
>Assad gassed his own people
>BASED Trump is bombing ISIS haha FUCK YEA! :D
le roll
Yep, they're here too.
I was one of the highest mods at one point. I still talk to Ohsnap regularly. There's no goyim running the place they just don't hate israel
I don't see how acting like a cuck and worshiping black people would annoy them. And they certainly don't care about being discredited. Hell, they call Ben Carson a white supremacist, they don't give a fuck.
Too many Urkel's on Trump's team.
That's why he's Winslow.
Yes, now stop making this stupid thread and go watch Murdoch Murdoch again.
Left can't into memes.
The previous version was a lot better, but left does what it always does. Some leftist piece of shit took the original, and spewed WORDS over it.
this picture is infinitely funnier, meme worthy, relatable and sharable than WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS
Stop making ''''''''memes'''''''''', commies
I saw that when i went to go look what they were up to and fucking closed the tab
not hotep
He's not robbing anyone. Fucking based!
for the record.. we tricked the kikes into giving the top mod status to us.
>says the guy posting controlled opposition civic nationalist race mixing cuck 'based' kikeman
red pilled pol thinks ptg is the donald
thinks Assad did nothing wrong
thinks Hitler did nothing wrong
wants to ban people with different opinions
What a bunch of faggots you are
Did Farage really denounce Trump?
Well thats good to hear
I don't know if you've gone outside or something but that's the the average normie opinion. Of course it's what a subreddit would believe.
you can take the redditor out of reddit, but you can't take the reddit out of the redditor. they all got this infection of seeking validation from authority. they look to the same authority that the left does which is nigs and women.
Welp, that image is fake. I knew it was bad even for them. Search for yourself.
If that is the case and Trump is just playing ''ļol X D 3D chess BASED BLACK MAN'' then part of the plan involves us getting mad at him, so what the fuck is your problem, retard?
If this ''god emperor'' is so smart, and it's all according to plan, he knows we want him dead and that is also part of the plan.
It's almost as if you don't actually believe that and you are only saying things like these because you want to convince yourself that there is some sort of a complex strategy in place.
Holy shit this photo lmao
Truly a place for intelligent discussion.
They're partially aware of the JQ. I saw a post of how all corporations are basically owned by the same people and one highly upvoted comment said how their names all have something in common
Was Sup Forums always like this?
>what is the bell curve
It's not fake.
/mlpol/ was great.
Lets do this.
The funny thing is, Sessions actually wants more white immigration. If r/the_donald would flip their shit if they find out about it.
This would piss me off so fucking much if I was a nog.
"Oh you're a white 20 something wow how did you do it user?"
Also there is no such thing as a based black man. Fuck reddit and fuck r/The_Donald
I don't care if he's a redditor or a nigger as long as he supports extermination of niggers and redditors
You dumbasses realize that the culture war can only be won by redpilling normies right?
Who cares if non-whites conglomerate on plebbit. Judging by what I saw at HWNDU half of you faggots aren't even white yourselves
If by appealing to normies you mean sucking Jew cock then no, fuck right off.
>before election
>America first! No more foreign wars!
>after election
>America first? No, more foreign wars!
Its true
/ptg/ is t_d ?
guess that makes sense, always wondered why those were so popular. I post in one of them maybe once a month and it's usually just to call someone a faggot
/ptg/ has never contributed anything of value on their own.
Duck roll
>was reddit always shit
Very much, yes
Oh look, more (((divide and conquer))) tactics
keep trying you dumb shill. we saw you faggots spamming the sticky to delete /ptg/. you're not fooling anyone
Bannon did too.
I feel bad for this guy, looks like he is just enjoying himself and everyone is shitting on him tbqph
Its amazing how much people eat this shit up. You have some white guy make an alt lite account on youtube and he gets like 5k subscribers but if it is some le based black man on youtube then they get like 50k subs. I guess people like having their views vindicated by someone who is the opposite of them is the best i can come up with.
It's pretty much a forward base. They post the same reddit shit (LE KEK, SHADILAY, AWOO). This fucker:
and pic related is just one of many people who use /ptg/. I know because he mentioned Sup Forums in the posts he made.
Did you even read what you just wrote, retard?
>hurr let's redpill normies
>haha, the normies now worship black men and aren't racist at all, haha RED PILLED :D
Yes me too a little bit.
He made it to Sup Forums before
Found the /ptg/ Jewlover. Did you remember to lick King Jew Lovers asshole clean? Don't worry, licking Trumps ass is all part of the plan, as is admitting to being a globalist.
>Nintendo fan
But of course.
Well he looks like a fat fucking faggot.