Is there any sport in which white people dont get BTFO by superior black men?

Is there any sport in which white people dont get BTFO by superior black men?

>inb4 chess



Yes, all of them.

Raising a child

Anyone care to explain why Klitschko took the fight? He is clearly too old now.



pfff...thats just because blacks haven't found those yet

Also if you are going to claim it was because of his race that he won, try harder



>Blacks don't play cricket

La cross.


Swimming because..... well niggers


yeah, Implying tiger woods doesnt exist

nobody plays cricket nigel

Poo in the loos do and dominate

Trip Trey

Semper Fi.

Niggers are afraid of water so that doesn't count


Part CHINK part black. And btw ever heard of Phil Mickelson, Arnold Palmer, Sam Snead, Jack Niklaus..

There is 107 countries that play cricket.

Conquering the earth (it's a no rules type of game where strength, intelligence and discipline rule)

fuck i don't want niggers to go near hockey. they always bring an annoying following of wiggers with them

We dominate every sport. White race has majority of all gold Olympic medals.

Not to mention Tiger hasn't even won shit for years since his poor feels are so damaged ever since the divorce

You do know the heavyweight champion for boxing has been a white person over the last decade right?

They arent niggers, they are shit skins literately

Rowing and sailing.

Medieval fights

Not real countries

Klitshcko isn't white, he's a fucking Jew, you Hrvastke cuck faggot.

are you faggots ever going to stop responding do obvious bait?

Tiger Woods isn't black. He's 3 different races numbnuts. Also outside of him sport is 99 percent white. It's like saying because larry bird whites dominate basketball. That is how dumb you sound.

Highly specialized competitions that weed out a very small number of elites, like World's Strongest Man or reaction based video games, are virtually 100% of the time dominated by white people.

Basic sports that have generalized "professionals" like football, boxing, etc. wherein dozens of people are some of "the best ever" are typically dominated by blacks.

>conquering the earth

implying blacks havent already conquered US and aren't right now conquering Europe.


Every thread on Sup Forums is obvious bait

>Implying majority of the world aren't real countries
I guess you are American you have world championships that only American teams play in lol

Klitko is a jew


Auto racing

There is a reason white men ran to watch mma. It's the only combat sport they were able to compete in. That's changing though.

Well no niggers are projected to neither increase or decrease in the US and sandniggers moving to Europe for free gibs after the USA destroyed the ME on behalf of Israel isn't conquering

>You do know the heavyweight champion for boxing has been a white person over the last decade right?
>Klitshcko isn't white, he's a fucking Jew, you Hrvastke cuck faggot.

lol, get your stories straight white bois


>27 year old vs 47 year old

kek, come back when Fury fucking kills the nigger




(((klitschko))) is a jew


all of them


Wlad has been beating up blacks for 15 years, this was just one young buck too far

It was very close m8..
>Tony Bellew

>Looks black
>His wife(ex? now) is black
>His kids are black
>He identifies as black

I'd say he's black

Major League Warfare

Either point you accept still destroys your pathetic argument. Also retard Tyson Fury holds the belt not Klits anymore.

fury broke him

that's not mma you faygo


Any winter olympic sport, or raw strength related sport.
Blacks have good endurance but that's it.
But you don't see a lot of them in triathlons so i might be wrong.

Sport Shooting

>Major League Warfare
lol, I read this as Major League Welfare


when did i say it was?

Klitchko is 41.
Guise, I'm turning 30 this year. When do casually fit regular people really start to slide physically is top athletes are pretty much all done by 40? I feel like I have like 3 or 4 good years left before I start to feel old.

that's a very strong accusation you're making, I'm sure OP would do nothing of the sort.

>ex wife is black
You didn't even bother to Google how Swedish she is before shitposting you fucking faggot

you know what you did