>Australia is looking to buy anti-radiation missiles from the United States worth about $183.7 million, according to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency.
>Pauline Hanson's One Nation party has been referred to the state's electoral commission by Queensland Senator Murray Watt for allegedly breaking the law, which risks it being deregistered as a party if the complaint is upheld.
>You forgot QLD Premier said Turnbull is a useless cunt and worse than Abbott.
All 3 are fucking useless - giving our coal and gas away for free, tearing up money earning farmland to do it - while all the while screaming "B...bu...but they'll leave if we ask them to pay tax and people will lose their jobs"
Our pollies should all be charged with treason...
Andrew Price
>Our pollies should all be charged with treason... No argument there. They are all either incompetent, traitors or lazy fucks who are only in it for the paycheck and pension who will gladly take the money and run while Australia burns.
William Edwards
30 year old NEET here. Just woke up.
Highschool drop out, Never held a job and pretty much a shutin. Been avoiding seeking mental help because of the stigma, but I'm at a point where I dont care anymore. I can't even drive because of the tism.
Going to my first psychologist appointment soon, what can I expect? I'm afraid of being put into an institution. What should I not say?
Nolan Thomas
Just be yourself :)))
Christopher Foster
Footscray is A+ suburb would recommend
Ian Garcia
>seeking mental help There is no helping us user. There is a system that will do things with you, but it will not help you in terms of making you a more functional person.
The only reason I subjected myself to the system is because it was necessary to get on the Disability bux.
Jacob Evans
Hmm I was hoping they could give me some meds that would snap me into a normie. Does that exist?
Lucas Flores
Are you psychotic? Do you see things that aren't there? hear voices?
Aiden Barnes
Where's the edition where it's not posted my a melburnian chink?
Jeremiah Martinez
yeah. same trying to get on diso, the world doesn't need people like us. but in doing it because i fucked my lower back when i was a kid. thought it was normal till the doc told me thay I'm a useless cunt now.
Leo Russell
Evan Walker
So you are just a depression/anxiety case?
Parker Fisher
I tick every box for AvPD, depression and anxiety. I also have a bunch of other issues with food, I won't eat out, can't eat specific foods. I need at least 10 hours sleep everyday.
I exercise daily (parents bought me a home gym a few years ago) but it doesn't help anything besides make me gain muscle and lose fat
Samuel Jackson
Also, I can't drive, I can't use public transport because AvPD. I can barely walk around outside in public unless there's empty routes.
Thomas Clark
is this ayyy/pol/?
Ian Anderson
OP is a faggot and his headlines suck
Tyler Morgan
i have bipolar, was sorta like you, try Wim Hoff method, guided meditation and do puzzles and some reading. teach yourself something, ie coding. helps
Levi Bell
Yes your symptoms are quite common around here.
You may gain some benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy.
Drugs have a patchy success rate but they might be worth a try. They are not a miracle cure though.
You do not need to be worried about being "institutionalised". They almost never do that these days. You have to be a danger to yourself or others. And even if you tell them you are about to kill yourself they will only hospitalise you for a week or so before sending you home.
Brayden Ramirez
You can expect to be called a faggot
Michael Perry
We'll I already told my parents I'm gona kms when they die, because I'm going to live on the streets. I don't want to die but I'd rather be dead than live on the streets. It's a simple choice for me.
My parents are now strambling to figure out some way to buy me my own place so they dont have to worry about this.
Jacob Barnes
Harden the fuck up cunt.
Justin Robinson
Why couldn't you just keep living in the house your parents lived in before they died?
Jack Flores
I have normie siblings (all married and moved out) who want to sell the house.
Adrian Ross
this, they might even have life insurance or something for a few hundred grand. You could live on that for a long time if you stay at home and do nothing but shitpost on Sup Forums.
Dominic Allen
i learnt programming, worked as a freelancer, started trading fx, and options, make enough money to live by myself and only go out at night
Jayden Wilson
Your parents can grant you a "life interest" in a house, where you get to live there but don't own it. Once you die your siblings can sell it and divide it up amongst them.
My parents won't do this. At most they're willing to perhaps buy me a property now, or give me a higher % cut of inheritance. I'd prefer a property now desu.
Benjamin Thompson
Such a parasite piece of shit
Dominic Gutierrez
Are you on centrelink bux?
You should be able to save up enough to contribute a fair bit yourself to a cheap house.
Eli Rivera
see goddamnit im sick of you little whiby fags thinking youre the only generation that ever had to put up with shit just fucking neck yourself or some shit and do a flip so we can get a giggle out of it you poofter
Aaron Martinez
Fuck u cunt.
I was on Austudy recently but flunked out of uni because autism
Isaiah Evans
just look them square in the eyes and give them a firm handshake
Samuel Robinson
Get on the Disability Support Pension and then if you are living at home you can save some big bucks.
With some solid savings and your slice of your parents' inheritance you should be able to buy yourself a house when the time comes.
Liam Kelly
He doesn't put up with anything he just tells his parents that he doesn't want to work and they accept it. Now they're on the way out and he's telling them that if they don't buy him a house it will be their fault he's on the street, he can't tell it to the siblings who are actually going to sell the house though. He's scum
Daniel Martinez
>We'll I already told my parents I'm gona kms when they die, because I'm going to live on the streets. I don't want to die but I'd rather be dead than live on the streets. It's a simple choice for me.
the future of the white race everyone. disgusting
Daniel Mitchell
as for you, you jewish cunt... fuckign have a look at yourself - actually encouraging neet bux/ gibmedats like a nigger - you can off yourself to you bottom dwelling fuck
Isaac Butler
He didn't ask to become psychologically fucked up.
It is not his fault he grew up in an insane and destructive environment.
Cooper Martin
yeah mate im a pussy ... but fuck what kind of screwed shit is that, telling ur parents you will kys, what the fuck they washed your ass and fed you and clothed you for literally years and you pull this weak shit, man.. you cant do that shit to your poor parents, living with them is fine but you should be helping them doing all the yardwork cleaning and washing, not whining your gunna kys. no wonder ppl dont want to have kids.
Eli Roberts
Parents who get shitty kids deserve them. they obviously did something wrong.
Ian Phillips
I don't think it's the environment
Jackson Morales
People giving me shit on here is the reason I've never gone to a psychologist years ago.
this shaming/insulting has done nothing to fix my mental issues which have been with me since childhood
100% don't give a fuck at this point, I can't be shamed forever, i have no ego left for shaming to even work lmao
William Ward
>tfw doing masters >have asians in group for projects
wake me up
>captcha: titanic 2 accurate
David Scott
Are they foreign Asians or home grown?
David Green
Don't give a fuck
Michael Morgan
Alright you soft cunts. I've been huffing gasoline and drinking shitty beer how long before I develope a funny accent?
Ethan Thomas
how soon can you move to texas?
Jaxson Butler
>boohoo. people give me shit on teh interweebs does it make you angry? does it MAKE YOU PISSED OFF? the fuck have you done about it then?
Joshua Jackson
one is home grown handling the spreadsheet like a legend, others are staying up all night playing LoL and being asleep during group meetings scheduled at 1pm
Blake Scott
I said funny not retarded.
Levi Torres
What is wrong with our youth? They don't want to work. I hate 457 and all that shit, but you talk to tradies, carpet layers, roof cleaners,etc that you might hire about people they hire, they will tell they chew through 19-20 year olds that quit after 5 weeks and go back on the dole.
Australians have a reputation of being hard workers. Do you even believe that anymore?
Jacob Hughes
gday gday, how ya goin, what d'ya know, well strike a light
John Miller
>7pm project comes on the telly >Nasheed saleel sawarim starts playing
Eli Perez
All it's done over the years is make me avoid social interaction more. I'm not just talking about memers online, I'm talking in general about people over the years who have just called me lazy or that there's nothing wrong with me. Yeah I'm sure being a HS dropout 30 year old HHKV shutin whose never been to a doctor in 15 years or ever leaves the house is just perfectly mentally sane, just very lazy haha!
Nathan Johnson
>19-20 year olds that quit after 5 weeks and go back on the dole They aren't even eligible for the dole. But that aside, people don't work because they don't see the point.
They don't see the point in ANYTHING. And they are right. It is all pointless.
Life has been stripped of its meaning.
Noah Myers
Channel 10 has lost like hundreds of millions of dollars for a few years in a row now. I guess the mining companies and Murdoch see the propaganda is worth the loss.
Liam Campbell
>the propaganda What benefit does Waleed serve to them?
John Barnes
The mining company is Rothschilds
Anthony Nguyen
Did you reply to the wrong post?
Brayden Anderson
buy our missile, cunts.
Nolan Campbell
The hurdle will be if you want to sell to us or not. It is secret tech.
Bentley Barnes
>Australia's Ted Cruz rapidly gaining influence Why aren't we talking about this?
Alexander Hernandez
>rapidly gaining influence family first a shit
Michael Gutierrez
hey gay cunts
Gabriel Lopez
>rapidly gaining influence So now 4% of the population know his name as opposed to 2%.
Anthony Flores
wtf, do something to get your shit together, if i was your parent, i'd kill you myself
Lincoln Stewart
because all he;s done is subsume FF in SA, and FF's only federal representative has told him to bugger off and shes a nigger thats why
Austin Cook
Does anyone know why FF put that niggress on their ticket to start with?
Anthony Gomez
He also hired mum though, that's the real news. Next he'll merge with One Nation after they have another underwhelming performance at a state election.
William Russell
She can barely speak English. I don't know her, she could be /ourgirl/ for all I know, but I can't understand shit.
Sebastian Martinez
before Bob's disqualification? no, not really. im guessing shes a god botherer tho
Juan Reyes
Queenslander here She's a useless pole bitch wanting to further infringe on my freedom to drink myself silly. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on
Brandon Cooper
>anti-radiation missiles Is this a joke? The fuck is an anti-radiation missile?
Xavier Phillips
What is an anti radiation missile
Josiah Mitchell
An anti-radiation missile (ARM) is a missile designed to detect and home in on an enemy radio emission source.[1] Typically, these are designed for use against an enemy radar, although jammers[2] and even radios used for communications can also be targeted in this manner.
Andrew Perez
Oh, I looked it up, that's a misnomer. Here I am thinking you guys were dumb enough to think you could get rid of radiation with explosions.
Lol hello fellow burger. You're as dumb as I am!
Luis Cruz
Only thing they're doing is taking votes from Leyonjelm
Camden Sanchez
Anti-radar/radio missile. Homes in on the source of emission.
Carter Wright
I don't mind her
Connor Thomas
>merge with One Nation Pauline's ego is too big to share with Cory.
Henry Watson
What is sound radiation
What is radiation from a laser
Radiation isn't solely hurr nuclear lel XDD
Christian Clark
Pauline is a moron. I hate labor and liberals, but lets be honest, if ON actually won in QLD, QLD would be fucked. Just look at all the morons she hires to be MPs.
Aiden Butler
did one nation or family first even run a candidate in his electorate?
Lincoln Howard
>taking votes from Leyonjelm Good. best case scenario is One Nation axing Hanson once she gets their feet in the door, then letting somebody competent and likeable like Bernardi taking on the momentum.
Jaxson Smith
>QLD would be fucked We need the whole country to become fucked. That is the only way we will stop being a target for third world immigration.
We need to demolish the whole edifice and rebuild from scratch.
Colton Torres
>competent and likeable like Bernardi Is he really either of those things? HE is more competent than Pauline I suppose, but I don't know about likeable.
Luis Taylor
Lol at the pipe dreams of a Q society wannabe >Smokes meth >"Wouldn't it be nice if we got mroe than 1% of the vote"
Brandon Phillips
>he doesnt know q society is funded by jews
Bentley Wright
What white race? There's just treasonous faggots groups one, two and three and only 10% Aussies.
Anthony Sanchez
> muh lock out saves lives No, she's shit, and she'll kill the nightlife like kings cross if she gets the chance
Nicholas Mitchell
Maybe drinking beer and the confidence you get being drunk might help. The false confidence turns into a bit of real confidence over time.
Eli Sanchez
Psychologists are a fucking joke. If youre "red pilled", nothing is going to help you unless youre highly medicated. When you see the world for what it really is you can never truly be happy.
Zachary Reed
>wanting degenerate "nightlife" culture to continue
Lincoln Collins
This. Tinkering around the edges is faggotry because the changes can easily be wound back if people pussy out.
Ayden Jackson
> not wanting criminal businesses to make money
Hunter Gomez
unfortunately it would have to be more fucked than the middle east before the UN stops wanting us to take refugees, so that's not gunna work fampai
Andrew Bennett
The UN has no power over us Let them write their letters of (((deep concern)))