Brit/pol/ - prettiest flag edition

> May urges Scots to 'strengthen Union'

> UKIP leader Nuttall to stand in pro-Brexit stronghold in election

> Merkel lays down the gauntlet: EU leaders take just FOUR MINUTES to agree anti-Brexit tactics and demands on migrants, border controls and Gibraltar

> Exclusive Telegraph ORB poll reveals Conservatives take the lead over Labour in Scotland and London

> Why some Tories aren’t thrilled about the prospect of a May landslide

> FT: EU summit approves Brexit negotiation stance

BritainElects Tweets

> Scotland // There [X] be a referendum on Scottish independence in the next five years:
Should: 42% Should not: 51% (YouGov / 24-27 Apr) (embed)

> Westminster voting intention:
CON: 47% (+2) LAB: 30% (+4) LDEM: 8% (-3) UKIP: 7% (-2) (via Opinium) Chgs. w/ 19-20 Apr survey. (embed)

>Westminster voting intention:
CON: 42% LAB: 31% LDEM: 10% UKIP: 8% (via ORB) (embed)

Thread theme [Open]

Other urls found in this thread: women street uk&qn=&lic=6&lic=1&imgt=0&archive=1&dtfr=&dtto=&hc=&selectdate=&size=0xFF&aqt=&epqt=&oqt=&nqt=>ype=0&pn=1&ps=100&qt_raw=fat women street uk#BHM=foo=bar&st=0&pn=1&ps=100&sortby=2&qt=fat%20women%20street%20uk&qt_raw=fat%20women%20street%20uk&qn=&lic=3&mr=0&pr=0&aoa=1&creative=&videos=&nu=&ccc=&bespoke=&apalib=&ag=0&hc=0&et=0x000000000000000000000&vp=0&loc=0&ot=0&imgt=0&dtfr=&dtto=&size=0xFF&blackwhite=&cutout=&archive=1&name=&groupid=&pseudoid=&userid=&id=&a=&xstx=0&cbstore=1&resultview=sortbyPopular&lightbox=&gname=>ype=&apalic=&tbar=1&pc=&simid=&cap=1&customgeoip=&vd=0&cid=&pe=&so=&lb=&langcode=en&saveQry=&editorial=1&t=0&edoptin=


Start buying guns.

Typical Brits continued……

Daily reminder Corbyn is an anti semite who calls Hamas and Hezbollah is friends and would invite them to Downing street.


Oh no?

This guy is standing for PM, we talk about Le Pen being dangerous, if this trot got in?

My God IRA supporting cunt, wants to give Islands to Argies and would not use Nukes.. ever so reducing our Trident deterrent to zilch and Trident is a LABOUR policy.

Reminder Trump supporters are subhuman

going to ask mummy out when the election is over lads


Fuck that, have you seen the Burger death rate due to guns?

We have a knife epidemic in London right now, and want to give these fuckers guns?

Jesus lad, we can never ever have guns, and bloody right too


tunnocks teacakes desu


"Six million Jews, two-thirds of the Jews in Europe, murdered by the Nazi genocide," Trump said. "They were murdered by an evil that words cannot describe and that the human heart cannot bear.


Meanwhile in Cornwall……

Opinium’s latest poll has topline figures of CON 47%(+2), LAB 30%(+4), LDEM 8%(-3), UKIP 7%(-2) (tables here). The changes are from last weekend, though should be taken with a slight caveat – Opinium have added recalled 2015 vote to their weighting scheme. That changes means it’s hard to tell whether the four point increase in Labour’s support here is in line with the intriguing YouGov poll in the week, or just a result of methodology change. We’ll have another YouGov poll for the Sunday Times later tonight which may shed some light.
UPDATE: There is also an ORB poll in the Sunday Telegraph. Topline figures there are CON 42%, LAB 31%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 8% – a Conservative lead of eleven points. No changes, as I think this is first proper ORB poll of the campaign, but it is clearly a lower lead than other companies are showing. The Sunday Telegraph themselves have gone rather over the top in their write up of the piece, focusing on the individual regional crossbreaks in what I assume is a normal sized GB poll and saying how remarkable it is that the Conservatives have a bigger lead in Wales than the South-East. This is not remarkable at all: it is because in a GB poll of a thousand people there will only be about 40 respondents in Wales, far too small to get meaningful figures from. A sample of 40 people would have a margin of error of +/- 15 points.


Universal income will become a reality not because of automation but because everyone is going to be too fucking fat to leave the house in 20 years.

what should i say to mummy when I ask her out

Karen in 2020 after persisting with her Tunnocks craving.

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 44% (-1)
LAB: 31% (+2)
LDEM: 11% (+1)
UKIP: 6% (-1)
GRN: 2% (-1)

(via YouGov / 27 - 28 Apr)

Uh oh..

What I really don't understand is why the British man did not invent the Burka first? Why?


Who are we voting for anyway?

Truss is my MP, no one can dodge a question and spew party rhetoric quite like Truss, well maybe Thornberry.

Don't worry, they will be dead soon.

There will be an obesity crunch, where a lot of people will die off early

CON: 47% (+2)
LAB: 30% (+4)
LDEM: 8% (-3)
UKIP: 7% (-2)

(via Opinium)
Chgs. w/ 19-20 Apr survey.

the germans are literally responsible for the bolshevik revolution. ludendorff put him on a sealed train to russia in order to foment revolution and knock russia out of ww1. but whatever, i guess you are one of those antisemites who believes that he cant get a gf because of the jews, that it rained yesterday because of the jews, that he just stubbed his toe because of the jews etc etc


Is your fanny haunted?

There's literally no good meme politicians for me to support now big Nige is gkne

oy vey!

>LAB: 31% (+2)


Is election day Brit/pol/ going to be comfy?

Brexit was very comfy.

That isn't that good of a question, what you should be asking is who or what is it haunted by.

I think you're overestimating how quickly obese people die. A lot of them live for a long time.

I am Puße

Labour were level with the Tories in the polls going into the last election and the tories still got a 12 seat majority

Even the yanks are distancing themselves from him with the Bannon situation.

The deep state and illuminati have got to him, he's one of them now.

The ones that want guns in london already have them. The main reason why we shouldn't have guns is because it would be a bloodbath for 5 years until things settle down.

If the Native population was already armed and aclimitized to guns london wouldn't be in the state its in.

got to Trump i mean.

I wonder if he's had his secret ceremony yet..

Here's your promised (You)

Lads, this is important: Have we left the EU yet?


How do we deal with the weeb posters?
Let the police raid their houses to confiscate their hardrives? Ban their internet? Send them to Wales? Publicaly shame them?

>That isn't that good of a question, what you should be asking is who or what is it haunted by
I get plenty of (You)s from you, you dumb fuck.



Does Portsmouth win the prize for Britain's ugliest woman?

>completely irrelevant non sequitur that doesnt even address what i said

its impressive that you have a quote from 200 years together given that only a partial english translation exists


You want to give guns to one of the most violent peoples in history , on an Island, with bulging population, guns?

wew lad, there are no frontiers left to need guns, on an island it's madness that's like adding baking soda to vinegar screwing down the cap and waiting for it to explode

No good has come from Burgers owning guns, they have not saved' anyone, how many white knight stories do we hear from gun owners? None, but muh gunz muh ganhz, muh respect mentality in US is crazy and people die, it means even weak people can wtfpwn the strong.

In my town i know who I can have 1v1, i feel comfortable in that. In America you could be hard as fuck and get put down by a 89 yr old granny.

Fuck that. Guns are for war, killing the enemy, not for the population to chimp out with.

Do you think that her mail sorters would see what i wrote and throw my letter in the bin or do you think they might show it to her for a chuckle and it could at least plant the idea in her mind

you really didnt get my post did you, i don't want guns in the UK but the gangs in london that want guns already have guns.

No lad. We are still posturing, this is a long game of brinkmanship and you will hear so much bullshit for 2 yrs, but EU and UK will both compromise so both appear to have got a bloody nose and a good deal too.

Merkel is a dog of the EU and look where that got her country she will only suggest what they approve I'm not surprised it took 4 mins


>If the Native population was already armed and aclimitized to guns london wouldn't be in the state its in.
what exactly do you imagine would have happened? americans are armed to the teeth and their cities are still complete shitholes


Oh sorry i'm still sleepy.

Aye thats bullshit, but we dont have it nearly as bad as the continent with their porous borders into Russia and Asia where gangs have access to semi automatics.

Parts of London are total ethnic now, was that Blairs plan?


Is Multiculturalism just a word Labour came up instead of admitting 'lost borders'?

You lads seen this yet?

Part two

Did you hear Joshua after the fight, wow what an arrogant egotistical prick.

Sounded just like a coke head chatting shit about how great they are.

it seems like a lot of boxers have to have this insufferable arrogant over the top "persona". Haye is the same, just sounds like a fucking idiot

Cities in america are "gun-free" zones

I am Puße's life

I collect antique guns.

A good gun to legally own is a Schmidt-Rubin Model 1889 chambered in 7.5x53.5 (obsolete calibre). Straight pull action.

I have one myself, not deactivated either. Really nice piece.

holy shit lol

lol, but what was the pic?

Watching niggers on Jew vision. Listening to niggers talk on Jew vision. Disgusting.

Why exactly does anyone care what's happening on the little degenerate island?


>We're going to need a bigger door

this is Sup Forums faggit. Not autismobot appreciation central.


First flag is best flag!

But alright, the union is kinda pretty. Good balance between simplicity and complexity.

Maybe too pretty. It seems to attract gibs-me-dats

Wankers on this site don't know what comfy means.

Brexit was not comfy, your nation's future hung in the balance. Opposite of comfy.

they're attracted by the scent of aryan blood

Posting from church lads. The man in front is going on about the election and how despite our differences we're all the same really and we should be nicer to each other. Something about how Jesus went and helped others.

hes correct, it has nothing to do with the election though

i love mummy

Daily Reminder: Sport is NOT a plastic bag with the word Sport printed on it.
welfare pasta

Brighton is the only constituency that the greens have yet I don't know anything about them.
How have they done? Is Brighton running well? Are people there happy with their local government?

Might start going to mass at Westminster Cathedral. Walked past it accidentally yesterday and it's a pretty nice building desu. women street uk&qn=&lic=6&lic=1&imgt=0&archive=1&dtfr=&dtto=&hc=&selectdate=&size=0xFF&aqt=&epqt=&oqt=&nqt=>ype=0&pn=1&ps=100&qt_raw=fat women street uk#BHM=foo=bar&st=0&pn=1&ps=100&sortby=2&qt=fat%20women%20street%20uk&qt_raw=fat%20women%20street%20uk&qn=&lic=3&mr=0&pr=0&aoa=1&creative=&videos=&nu=&ccc=&bespoke=&apalib=&ag=0&hc=0&et=0x000000000000000000000&vp=0&loc=0&ot=0&imgt=0&dtfr=&dtto=&size=0xFF&blackwhite=&cutout=&archive=1&name=&groupid=&pseudoid=&userid=&id=&a=&xstx=0&cbstore=1&resultview=sortbyPopular&lightbox=&gname=>ype=&apalic=&tbar=1&pc=&simid=&cap=1&customgeoip=&vd=0&cid=&pe=&so=&lb=&langcode=en&saveQry=&editorial=1&t=0&edoptin=

Toss yourself silly

Brighton is where the gays live. They have plenty of cash because they all have dead sugar daddy pensions. It has always been a seaside shit hole but compared to other places for example Clacton it is a paradise.

>"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
MayWatch: Tomorrow is May Day.

One on the left isn't half bad

If you are around that part of town during the day sometimes you can catch a free concert at St Martins as that is where they go to practice.

Will Bill Oddie let her ride on his maypole.

jesus what a horrific photo.
sacrilege if i am truthful

sacrilege of who though

What is the CIA doing visiting britpol?
When will you be bombing fat boy of the north?

Why do Theresa May's pants look so lumpy?

maybe we have different opinions on that

Yeah, I meant there will be a period of 10-15 years where a lot of them will die off, they generally don't survive longer than into their 60's.

So I imagine there will be a tremendous drain on the NHS as they consume resources until their death, which will then free up some houses, eliminate some benefit expenditure, free up GP spaces and so on.

I imagine also that this is all known and planned for.

>tfw Labour are surging harder than Jeb! ever could

Obese people do not die earlier. Just look at the US. If you base a proper comparison with Japan the US actually live longer. Fat is healthier than booze and cigarettes and cancer.

definitely women as old as theresa should not be PM

Owen Jones looking very handsome on the Andrew Marr Show this morning.

>Corbyn is an anti semite
wtf i'm voting labour now