We are all descending into madness

I mean, just LOOK around you!

Morals and what people consider "normal" are completely BTFO

How quickly do you all see the rollercoaster derailing? It is getting rusty and people are getting tired of it

>Pic somewhat related; eg. This world makes me want to be the one to launch the first nuke. Just, game fucking over man

Other urls found in this thread:


>this place is literally tied to Tavistock and TardLikeProductions

>social engineering is gonna kill us all


>mfw i try to make threads about this and it gets deleted within 15 mins

>mfw shameless self bump to spread truth and incite discussion

>tfw rampant communist propaganda across uni
>tfw widespread degenerate media consumption

the only good thing is that everyone's a conservitard and won't buy into the commie bullshit, and that although the media is fucking cancerous, people get angry when things get too far

You dont seem to understand

>we are all trapped in the cage of our own minds
>subjugated to what is essentially "mind control" through all forms of media

Still convinced any of your opinions are really your own? Look deep enough into the rabbit holes and you realize that even if you choose not to fight it.. you are very much disposable in the grand scheme of things.

Oh, you're talking about cognitive infiltration...


>newspeak is real

>war is normal
>opinions are facts
>freedom is slavery

Well...I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this nowadays. Even the right has their own "newspeak".

Although this doesn't surprise me when juxtaposed with how hard the internet has been shoved down literally everyone's throat.

We are too immature as a species/culture to handle all this tech.

Personally I feel like we were given outside "help" to have advanced so quickly