Have you taken the black pill?

Have you taken the black pill?

The white couple, you fucking mong.

>'Compared to divorce rates among white couples'


Probably than the average couple

blackpills are bad for you mmkayyyyy

man I hope he's still here.

triple quoted on a retarded post. Reading is Fundamental!


you're data is old. the new one, again having a white couple be standard, has asians (any combination) with the lowest rates

Not sure why white men and black women stick together more than white men and white women (lol actually I can imagine why, and yes it's the women's fault), but it looks hawt.

Yup. She refuses to leave my side

Maybe it's just because it's so cold up there.

But then you're kids will be half ape. Do you really want to be a race traitor?

black girls are gross and ratchet.

It's an LDR, she's in Oklahoma and burning all my limited texting

law of small numbers my friend. literally no white men marry black women. therefore, the few that do will have more random number.

niggers are ugly and I definitely dont want children that look like them

I love the fact that, outside of freak occurrences like Tiger Woods, Asians find blacks repulsive.

I hope you get back together soon.

I almost got attacked by a wild turkey in Oklahoma, those birds are nasty.

I'm actually quite worried. This just started. We've never met in person. And she's acting like a love you long time. And I've been deprived of female contact for so long I'm just going with it

All of you apes are shit-tier.

t. Space Reptilian

After reading about the Travis Alexander case I'm a little paranoid about clingy females.

do blacks and yellows not marry?

So white guy and black girl are twice as successful as white-white marriages, interesting.

The study isn't really good. Another study said they were more likely. Again its not really worth anything

Niggers are disgusting.

>Implying women aren't more attracted to black men precisely BECAUSE they cheat. It just means they have more options available to them. In a feminist society men who stay locked into a single relationship (especially when the divorce courts are so lenient towards women) is a lose-lose situation.

Hence why the white birth rate is declining and miscegenation rates are rising. Its also why having a generous welfare state alongside mass immigration is a terrible idea.

Oy vey!

quality post

This is an extreme redpill.