What would it take to make the American worker class conscious?
What would it take to make the American worker class conscious?
For it to work
Because having suicide netting like in socialist utopias really is working out, amirite my fellow r/socialism brother xDDDDDD
>No boss, No managers.
Yes that business will surely be successful. Every group must have a leader or it falls into chaos. These Mcdonalds burger flippers that think they can run the entire company are the stupidest people I've ever seen.
>i get disoriented when there's no boot on the back of my head
Learn from Jews
Kibbutz like workplace may be the answer
The American working class fucking hates commies.The know better how the economy functions than you do.
>No boss, no managers
Until the revolutionaries realize they need bosses and managers to "seize the means of production" which invariably means rounding up and murdering millions of people and then proceeding to inefficiently distribute some goods and services while hoarding the rest and coming up with pseudo-intellectual reasons for doing so, thereby creating a new elite with more power and capable of more oppression than what came before.
And this is why it always fails, every time, in every country it's ever been attempted.
>I make valid points
Fuck, this makes me want to become a Venezuelan citizen now!
Is there no boot in socialism? How come you have to share your wealth if you don't want to? You have the same societal pressures on you to work hard, except now you don't get rewarded.
My boss does everything besides the labor work in the factory.
If the workers had to do his job, the factory would close under a month.
It's not a basis of "running the entire company" but assuming control over the means of production, the tools they already use on a daily basis that produce the commodities, and cutting out the middle man so that the worker, the ones producing the wealth, are no longer locked to receiving a "wage" but instead see the full return of their expended labor value.
Please, for God's sake, if you're going to argue the side of Capitalists or anti-Socialism read some of the most basic works regarding the left's view on property and worker's right so you can actually counter them.
>it's a conflating capitalist problems with socialism episode
read marx
Solution – pay workers in equity..
How? through a web3 platform like ethereum
Socialism won't work here. See
>60% white
We are starting to hate eachother.
>What would it take to make the American worker class conscious?
Lobotomy. "Class consciousness" is nothing more than being suspectible to lies told by a group of organized criminals who have proven many times that their sole goal is gaining ability to indiscriminately loot the rest of the population and murder them out of sheer sadism too.
that's what happens when the capitalist class stirs up idpol and racist bullshit
keep the working class distracted and divided while they continue to exploit them
Sounds like you're describing capitalism.
Also this. To my understanding, you give ultimate power to government to set up this new system, then the government is supposed to dissolve itself over time. How can anyone believe they would willingly do that? Why dissolve when the idiot masses just handed you total control, the whole idea just creates corruption.
Shit tier argument. Here's how easy and unconvincing it is: I can easily make the claim that Marxists use their make-believe class division as a tool to distract the races from pursuing their racial objectives.
Seizing the means of production = slavery
No, you stupid fuck, its just logistically impossible. Even if you assume no corruption and impeccable work ethic, you cannot both manage a frier and handle inventory, you need different jobs. And if you need that, you need a coordinator. Expand that idea and you get a company.
there's only 1 race the human race
But that's wrong. Your entire belief system is based on a scientifically disprovable lie.
>implying a company is as large as a state
yea no.
That's only Marxist-Leninism, senpai.
The dissolution of the state is not a willing move on behalf of the statesmen in ML but instead the society becoming autonomous enough that the party is no longer needed thus the party dissolves on it's own as all that it provides is already taken care of.
It is essentially an organizational tool for overthrowing Capitalism that destroys itself by becoming obsolete, no stepping down is required.
Whether or not this is to be the case is uncertain though as we have yet to see it work, primarily due to the fact that the state is often times seized under wartime and is subject to just devolving into state-capitalism.
Hope that helps ya.
>muh race is scientific
debunked numerous times, stop posting.
Remove all Jews and destroy the federal reserve but no its capitalisms fault goy !
>It's not a basis of "running the entire company" but assuming control over the means of production
A rhetorical trick meant to make obvious cretinism more palatable.
>and cutting out the middle man
The people who make the entire enterprise run are not "middle" men.
>the worker, the ones producing the wealth
The labor theory of value has been proven to be meaningless gobbledygook many times.
>Please, for God's sake, if you're going to argue the side of Capitalists or anti-Socialism read some of the most basic works regarding the left's view on property and worker's right so you can actually counter them.
The left's view on property and worker's rights, as proven without fail every single fucking time the left takes unlimited power, is that all property should belong to them, and all workers should be their slaves, and that they should not be ashamed to tell any sort of outrageous lies to gullible morons to achieve that goal.
Americans LOVE being cucked. It's basically a patriotic duty.
>don't pay table staff a living wage
>staff accept this. (Cucked)
>American public forced to tip staff. (Cucked).
>boss gets cheap labour at no extra cost
>public forced to pay cost of product PLUS extra on top to subsidise wages of staff
>everyone is okay with this.
>everyone will defend this.
America everyone, one nation under cuck.
They are conscious they voted for Trump instead of their DNC masters
>I will project my evils on you!
Classical commie reasoning. In fact, the only one they ever had.
except you are not forced to tip. It's optional.
The opposite is true. Research just keeps piling up that there are meaningful biological and cognitive differences between the races that can be marked and tracked by genetics.
Your entire system of thought relies on poo-pooing this and weak attempts to sweep it under the rug. Human curiosity and the discoveries it leads to will always foil those attempts though.
Some kind of long term disaster that affects their standard of living. Americans are a tough and industrious people. Even the ravages of the Global Financial Crisis, as bad as it was for many of them, didn't force them into action.
They're tougher than you think.
>look at all this research
The science is settled, and has been for over 60 years. Race isn't real.
>but instead the society becoming autonomous enough that the party is no longer needed thus the party dissolves on it's own
And of course actual practice has proven that every single fucking time, without fail, the party mercilessly stomps on every sign and trace of economical autonomy within the society, even if it means to make everyone poor. Whether because they specifially have this prediction in mind, or because of simple common sense of an oppressor.
Yeah sure yeah. And Muslims have the option of wearing a headscarf. Yeah. Optional. No societal pressure at all.
cucked lad.
No one gets stoned for not tipping though.
Post debunks?
The baseless claim is to say that race isn't a thing, or more importantly, ethnicity.
>The people who make the entire enterprise run are not "middle" men.
>a person who arranges business or political deals between other people.
The "middle men" in this sense are the ones who take the commodities (the owners of the means of production), which are created by the worker, and sell said commodities to the buyer, then return profit from the exchange back to the worker via paycheck. The pay the worker receives though is never anywhere equivalent to the pay the middleman receives even though the wealth was produced via the commodity which the middleman didn't produce but merely sold.
It's the equivalent of the comic "You made this?" "I made this." "..." "I made this."
>the worker, the ones producing the wealth
While the Labor Theory of value definitely needs to be looked at again (many in the left actually agree you with) it's quite clear that the wealth is generated by the commodity, the commodity generated by the worker.
Yup. MLism has, to my knowledge, never worked as it is intended in theory and has always either devolved into state-capitalism or simply been overthrown.
Telling them the truth about the Jews
>many in the left actually agree you with)
agree with you*
It probably isn't going to happen. The closest episode might be Bacon's Rebellion back in 1676. After he died of dysentery the rebellion fell apart. The wealthy Virginia tobacco planter class then turned away from indentured white servants and instead bought more and more African slaves. The emergent free white yeomanry then took to the freedom of the frontier hills. Class conciseness has always existed on the frontier.
At this point, racial diversity has been pushed to the very limit in order to impose tyranny on the general population. California is the most extreme case of this fact. Racial animosity is a necessary feature of their system. Animosity is a convenient cover for the outsourcing of manufacturing. As the inner cities fell apart, blacks were baited by the media into attacking Korean immigrants. All so that the mayor and governor get to play the roles of peacemaker. Make no mistake, diversity exists by design to enable tyranny. Class consciousness requires a population that can't be fooled or baited easily.
>it like king
>hurf hurf hurf le good point
Yeah getting paid and having the choice to quit is just like feudalism. Fuck off and die you silly commie cunt
the king pays you with his protection, just leave the country if u don't like it
>People aren't getting paid in restaurants
>This means we should introduce a whole new ideology
What the actual fuck kind of reasoning is that ?!
>The "middle men" in this sense are the ones who take the commodities (the owners of the means of production), which are created by the worker and sell said commodities to the buyer, then return profit from the exchange back to the worker via paycheck.
And of course commodities are not "created by worker", now less than ever. No matter how many times you spout obvios lies based on the debunked labor theory of value, they will not become true.
>The pay the worker receives though is never anywhere equivalent to the pay the middleman receives even though the wealth was produced via the commodity which the middleman didn't produce but merely sold.
>Abloo, bloo, merchants are parasites
Commies' economical thought had not advanced beyond that of ancient Qin's legalists.
Of course that is assuming that any of you is arguing in good faith, instead of trying to find more dupes once again, which is frankly unbelievable in 2017.
Race exists. It was recognized long before Capitalism ever existed. If you deny essential truths you will never succeed in your goals.
What you call race is just culture and environment.
The people Sup Forums shits on for being "sub human", eg indians, chinese, africans (immigrants, not ones polluted with capitalist gangster culture), jews, etc are all far more succesful than "white" americans on average.
OP pic fails to note the difference between public entities(government) and private entities(businesses).
Stupid, like socialism.
the kingdom is the kings private entity
Oh yeah sure, I bet there is no genetic difference in people all around the world, based on their environment even though it is pretty clear that the environment around you changes your genetic code. I bet people who grew up in completely different places, over thousands of years, haven't developed any difference.
Jesus Christ, this is why no one takes your shitty ideology seriously. Please for the love of god, read the gulag archipelago, and tell me you still can look yourself in the mirror And say "I'm a commie, and I'm proud of it"
>And of course commodities are not "created by worker", now less than ever.
By that I mean that by this point already no more than 10%, at most 15% of the population is involved in creation of commodities in any way (while when capitalism began it was 95+%), the percentage which will continue to drop due to robotization. The rest are services, distribution (so "cutting the middle man" will probably leave 1/3 of the population without jobs) or government functionaries. The whole point of capitalism, since XVIII century, is fucking CAPITAL becoming the main drive of economic growth and production.
Trump is finding it out now.
The capitalist class created the divide in the first place by importing other races. Identity politics is their form of management.
The Indians, Chinese and Jews are only a small portion of total immigrants. Most immigrants come from Southeast Asia and Hispanic America. But the first groups would be expected to do well based on IQ scores and active affirmative action programs.
>It's the equivalent of the comic "You made this?" "I made this." "..." "I made this."
It's not though. People who use this argument have no idea what managers and business owners do. First of all, there are many more people who can work on an assembly line than people who can put together a large group of people who can contribute in some way to a greater goal, put all those contributions together, keep it running smoothly, and most importantly keep it profitable. One flaw in the machine and it could all come crumbling down. Business owners assume almost all of the risk, while also working nearly 24 hours a day to keep it growing. So yes, they deserve to earn more money than the guy who lifts boxes. The great thing about capitalism though, is that the guy who lifts bosses can one day start his own business if he chooses to.
>Oh yeah sure, I bet there is no genetic difference in people all around the world, based on their environment even though it is pretty clear that the environment around you changes your genetic code. I bet people who grew up in completely different places, over thousands of years, haven't developed any difference.
The science is settled, you can't argue it. There's no real world basis to race, everyone is as mixed as everyone else.
>read about state capitalism to learn why communism is bad
Why would I do that?
>another thread by this dumb pinko australian
kill yourself dude
>And of course commodities are not "created by worker
>pic related
Holy shit dude, I just dropped all these raw materials that have absolutely no utility right now and they formed into something with use-value. Damn, guess I can just fire all these workers XDDD
>now less than ever
This, however, is extremely true. With industrial automation it's become even easier for the production of necessities and luxury-commodities and all with less people working.
seeing as we have even less wages to cover.
Which begs a few question such as: Why do prices keep raising if less economic investment is needed to produce goods? How do we deal with the loss of jobs properly seeing as only so many people can be cashiers? How many hours do people have to work on average to actually produce the necessary materials for a society? etc.
It has put Capitalism in a very odd place.
>The whole point of capitalism, since XVIII century, is fucking CAPITAL becoming the main drive of economic growth and production.
>the whole point of capitalism has been to hold up the driving forces of capitalism
if you have ever worked a blue collar job in your life you would know thats %100 the case. people are dumb as rocks.
>seeing as we have even less wages to cover.
Ignore that, my posts are all over the place tonight, tired af.
Jesus fucking Christ this antifa raid is so shit
>socialism and communism will work when it's just white people doing it!
Yeah, because that's totally not how (((Sweden))) got into it's current situation right now. The "white people-only socialism" predated the muslims.
Keep on dancing your ghost dance, whites.
Because the boss is a private owner of a business and is paying your wages. A king is an unelected offical illegally taking your wages. A modern democratic government is illegally taking your wages. The difference is one is stealing from you and one is willingly paying you for your labour.
you don't need to be whipped by some fat fuck with a clipboard to have organization
stop being so cucked
>still being spooked by us vs them race war shit
jesus christ grow up and read a science book
>Why do prices keep raising if less economic investment is needed to produce goods?
because socialists are in charge of the means of producing currency, and continue to cheapen its value to hide their theft
You literally only posted a fucking scientific America article, in which the scientist "argue" that there may be no different. How stupid do yo have to be, to believe that, that means the science is settled. Show some proof, instead of just making baseless claims you moron. I can just as easily say, "the science is settled. Communism will inevitably lead to nuclear war"
He's even fucking proving it for you right here m8
because the boss is the owner of his company.
because his money create this company.
The king is only the bellator. The king protect his people and the people feed the king it's a pact.
Sure but it isn't going to run very efficiently. You got twenty people all on different wavelengths. All trying to move the others toward their specific goal. It just doesn't work.
Yeah and bosses aren't "carbdoard whippers"
have you ever workesd day in your life
there is nothing stopping the socialists of implementing democracy into any businesses they own
You know what might work, is if you lit yourself on fire.
I know what you're thinking, but think about it.
Gandhi once said it would have been better had all the Jews who died in the holocaust, killed themselves. It would have sent a more powerful message.
So yeah, light yourself ablaze. Oh and don't forget to film it. Otherwise it's for nothing.
>socialists are printing the money and devaluing it to hide their theft
Pretty sure you're confusing Socialists with Capitalists (or cronies if you prefer to use that term).
>different wavelenghts
>what are meetings and democratic decision making
have a watch of this video
Sweden is a welfare state. Communism would require that they kill their king and redistribute the royal estates. What matters is that it solves nothing because the brainwashed Swedes would still let in migrants and destroy themselves in a fit of guilt and self hate. At this point racial knowledge is likely more important than actual economic structure.
So you think that if Australia becomes 80% Chinese you'll have a happy Communist country, just like China right?
what's stopping you from setting up your own democratically run company?
why do you need the government to enforce this idea?
> how's that different from...
Free association is the term you are looking for. The own is the guy who provided the capital for the company to be founded/grow, and as a result has ownership in the company. If you don't like the way he operates, then go work for a different business owner.
I did.
There is no boot in capitalist society. If you don't want to work then don't work.
>So you think that if Australia becomes 80% Chinese you'll have a happy Communist country, just like China right?
wtf kind of dumb question is this. are chinese some scary non human monster to you that is incapable of rational thought?
A-are you okay, user?
>if you don't want to be exploited then starve
>also all the land is owned and you can't go anywhere else
>also the pigs will round you up for sleeping in the street and jail you
>there is no boot
I didn't say that. I said do "you think that if Australia becomes 80% Chinese you'll have a happy Communist country, just like China right?"
Answer my question faggot.
>oh no the universe isn't perfect and human beings require sustenance to survive
how is this the fault of capitalism you whiny retard
First of all the second company is just like any other, but the CEO is just being altruistic, good for him but good luck finding more people like that.
Second of all
Third of all that robotics company is small. Can you imagine having to get the go ahead by every employee of Mcdonalds before launching a new location? Nothing would ever get done.
i don't give a shit what color people are in australia.
it is irrelevant to the class revolution.
every man needs to be made class conscious.
You say that as if it doesn't also apply to communist society.
You're either drunk or retarded.
When leftists stop clinging on to their identity politics bullshit and realize rednecks are just as disadvantaged as niggers.
So never.
>if you don't become a slave you die
woah capitalism is some gooood shit
I am that working class proletariat you want to save, bitch.
I dont need your fucking help, I'll work for
my salt. Stop being a patronising cunt. Half you commies don't even understand the central principals of communism you just regurgitate "dude sharing lmao" and mistakenly believe we give a fuck.
All of your actions and policies have lead to widespread and increased suffering for poor people, so piss off.
in a communist society you aren't exploited and you aren't forced to pay a land lord just to live
Did you not say,
>What you call race is just culture and environment.
Are you ok with an Australia that is Chinese in culture? Are you willing to assimilate into Chinese culture? Are you willing to put your life in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party?
>i'll entrench myself in my ignorance and love my oppressor
whatever you say lumpenprole
anybody no matter their culture will need to discard such spooks when they become class conscious