I'm a student Berkeley University and i have many antifa friends asking me to join the rally and fight for communism and a free america. I am skeptical and wish to be red pilled on communism
Red pill me on communism
Other urls found in this thread:
communism is bad because it makes people die, but the wrong people die, that is why it is bad
look up "ben shapiro on communism" and you will find many videos where Benny absolutely destroys communism
>communism and a free america
You mean jewish Bolshevism?
Communism was used to destroy white christian Russia. It is being used to destroy the rest of the west today.
Saudi and Israel are allies in destroying us.
Read Albert Pikes 3 World Wars.
The stache dindu nuffin wrong.
Just look up ben shapiro and watch all his videos.
>free america
pick one
look up George soros ties to antifa, they are a political tool of the elite.
how could anyone need a communism redpill?
they had to build the fucking berlin wall to stop people running away from it
whenever anyone does communism there's massive bloodshed then starvation and oppression
communism is bad
it's not complicated
Everybody is equal. Inequality is caused by some people oppress other people, who are their equals, because we're all equal. So we have to change the political system to stop equals from oppressing equals, and force everyone to be equal, or else they won't be equal. We're all equal.
>America's two best allies in the middle east are secretly trying to destroy us.
God i'm so tired of this meme.
George Soros doesn't pay me a red cent
Useful idiots.
I thought Antifa was just some kind of anti-Trump group.. they're seriously communists? Why..
>I am skeptical and wish to be red pilled on communism
Read The Gulag Archipelago.
because they reject capitalism
People are not equal
When they ask you to 'fight' are they suggesting you take a specific class like Cleric, because honestly they may just be wanting to fill a gap in their party.
I'm equating antifa to DND because its just all pretend.
Communism allows the govt to seize private property and nationalize banks, churches, and businesses. There is no economic freedom, and the economy fails when the market isnt allowed to decide its own distribution of output and price.
Nobody has any self-interest to generate wealth for the economy, as the govt highly regulates income and taxes in Communism.
The govt will also need to spend a fuck ton to have a strong and obedient military, to retain the power. Basically a military-state where ideas are punishable by law enforcement.
Communism is bad, and you should feel bad to consider supporting it.
You should support Communism if you want everything you earn taken away from you so that the elite can """redistribute it to the poor""" (keep a huge chunk of it and tell you you're not contributing enough because there's somehow still poor people).
But if you could get us some insider info on Antifa, that'd be helpful.
A note on communism:
Let us take note of a system of thought which, creates a system of parasitism (government), which must fuel itself by taking portions of wealth from individual citizens. This, insofar as it is constructed by rational actors, is not necessarily a bad thing. A "community pot" of sorts can be directed towards improving the efficiency of the entire system and allow each individual actor within that system to go farther in pursuit of their vision.
Under communism, this parasitic government structure turns around and declares that all individual citizens must receive equal benefits, regardless of whether or not their labor is desired or needed in the broader system. It is this declaration and its unintended
consequences which spell doom for communist systems.
The enforcement of equity necessitates that state agents be in bureaucratic position over wages and more importantly over prices, even in the least meddlesome approach, to monitor said transactions for equity... and thus a "plantation owner" power structure is necessarily set up, even if it is not behaving as such at the outset, the structure is constructed nontheless.
The downward spiral of communism from here relies upon a distinction between "formal" and "informal" wages. In a communist system where all "players" in that system receive equal formal wages (a static monthly wage, for example), it is not this static wage which is most destructive, but rather the informal wage which organically arises from the attitude that government must look over the "well being" of its citizens. Being a subjective concept, these rewards are given to those who can most persuasively advocate to state power that their "well-being" in given instances is necessitates state support. THIS, I would like to give the definition of "the informal wage".
come join the dark side of national communism, friend.
The informal wage, and any reliance upon, or expansion of this concept has an interesting effect. It makes the "commanding heights" of economy not individual production, but rather political sway upon bureaucratic systems which are far more centered around the monopoly upon force than attempts at productive behavior. It upends the system, in body, mind, and spirit. There is no degree of productivity or industry that you could engage in that gives you greater political sway... whereas greater political sway (over a controlled economy) grants you additional access to rewards. The moment such a system is enacted, hard work and industry become meaningless, manipulation and political power become ESSENTIAL. In a system where politics is everything, the latent nature of political game theory becomes dominant. Outgroups, and demonized others, being the strongest form of political rhetoric in times of finite resources, become almost necessary. And thus gulags, and political re-education are also necessary. These are symptoms of a system dominated by political gamesmanship, which, as I mentioned above, become critical under a communist system.
>Free America
Nice contradiction.
>he does it for free.
What this creates is a complete shift in the game theory of the economic structure. When the game theory changes, the behavior of the players changes. In a sense (as marxist theory often agrees), the behavior of the players is shaped irrevocably by the game itself.
The change may be gradual. It may even pass unnoticed to our eyes. But the change in the behavior of the players under a Communist game theory is inevitable. In the end, the competitive impulse, rather than being directed at production of required material, shifts rather to control over political affairs and this shift reverberates all the way down the social order. What one necessarily sees (a logical conclusion of the system itself) is a decline in productivity combined with an increasingly totalitarian state apparatus, which must engage in greater and greater banditry upon a system with diminishing productivity to maintain itself, and the bureaucracy, given that it is the commanding heights of the society, will not maintain, but rather expand, as people flee towards it like rats fleeing a sinking ship.
People have long (incorrectly) assumed that the long comraderie between totalitarian governments and communist economic structures has been a tragic coincidence. It is not a coincidence.
That is the true cancer of Communism. It turns us from producers to manipulators. From actors to parasites. It does so at the level of the spirit of society, the Zeitgeist itself. It is thus inevitable, and largely invisible. Those who point it out, who attempt to sound the warning bells, are, of course, immediately crushed by a system in which political gamesmanship and the enslavement of "the other" has long since become necessary. The one who tries to ring the warning bell, is, of course, the perfect target.
Communism, in watching how it strangles production, and becomes increasingly politically totalitarian, can be viewed as a cancer which culminates in the death of the host. The most tragic stage of this illness, is when the decreasing level of economic production reaches such a critical point where the rise in food costs becomes a noticable burden upon the broader country. The tragedy in such cases is that the political leadership (having necessarily become totalitarian) will necessarily eat, as the broader-level starvation becomes more endemic. This includes the lower-level bureaucracies at each level going down, which were set up to monitor prices and equity. The monitors of equity themselves become de-facto plantation owners... due to great necessity and the collapse of broader productivity, individual citizens are forced to cultivate crops and other basic necessities in secret from bureaucrats, whose rapacity has become hungrier due to deprivation. Thus, in the final stages of communism, those attempting desperately even to just feed themselves, are singled out and targeted. The situation, at this stage, has evolved to a state little different from common banditry.
they are an ally of the deep state, not an ally of you or I
True redpoll coming your way. Communism has never truly existed. True communism is utopian anarchocommunism. Horizontal, direct democracy where every voice has a say, where individualism and community both matter and nobody needs to steal or kill to share commodity or resources. Stalin and Lenin were truly fascists just as bad as Mussolini and Hitler, they were oligarchal kleptocrats practicing rapine collectivism (which is what every government on earth to some degree or another practice, with some being more or less tyrannical than others). The fact remains however, all current governments on earth practice some form or another of rapine economics where the underclass are taken advantage of by the privileged upperclassmen. If you truly want a redpoll on anarchocommunism, read Peter Kropotkin. He practiced peaceful anarchocommunism and was persecuted by Stalin. Kropotkin had to leave Russia for a long time. Kropotkin wasn't about rule by force but rather voluntary communes.Kropotkin was born wealthy but gave up his riches of his own volition to help the destitute, and even showed how Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest is flawed because mutual aid presents itself in all life. An example of this is symbiosis. For example when eukaryotes and bacteria formed a symbiotic relationship and formed mitochondria. Sometimes life is not merely survival of the fittest, but working together for survival.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
>red pilled on communism
The Gulag Archipelago, if you don't want to read it then watch Jordan Peterson's lectures.
Communism is hell on Earth, my parents lived through it and somehow they survived it.
You need to sort yourself out.
lmaoing at these ignorant burgers with "muh human rights". in communism, there are no rights, only duties, to serve your nation and family, fight corruption and crapitalism.
America would be about 110 except niggers.
Communism is based off a book off another book about a world where anyone can get what they want at any time with no shortage, everyone is forced to work, everything is shared equally, everyone is forced to wear the same clothes, there are NO individual rights, little to freedom other than tue freedoms nature gives you as a birth right. Slavery is involved, european or not.
Problem is that its weak, its human nature to gain power, and someone could do that easily; forcing people to work is the slavery of an entire population and thats just immoral, having no individual rights removes your individuality and makes you a braindead drone
Modern communism is worse, all of this except add globalism and zionism (although zionism is just a theorey, but all the people which controlled the USSR and created communism itself where nearly all jewish) they want the world to have one culture so you can be easily controlled anywhere, there is no variation, all culture is dead, and the 1% with 50% of the money becomes the 0.0001% with 70% WHILST hiding it
Look at North Korea vs recently freed and one of largest growing economies South Korea. Look at the fall of Soviet-Unions. How about Venezuela right now? The only floating communist country is "communist" China which is arguably just as capitalist as US.
Imagine having to work really hard to take a test in school but it didnt matter how much effort you put into it because you are always given a C+ whether you really could've achieved an A or have failed.
Good utopian idea on paper but in real life doesnt work because of human nature.
Gulag Archipelago, & Jordan Peterson
>there's colors that arent on the legend
WTF is Mexico's IQ supposed to be.
Read Kropotkin. I suggest his work. Notarx. Not Stalin. Not Lenin. Kropotkin. Or Proudhon.
>what are gradients
Burger education
stay away from Stalin and Lenin ideology. Stick with Kropotkin, or Proudhon
They are based.
>in communism, there are no rights
Yeah thats kind of why people don't like it.
True anarchocommunist such as Kropotkin despised Stalin
Communism's bad. I should know since I come from a former country.
Sure it's gonna be great when you have free money, but where are you gonna get that?
Because anyone can come to your house and take all your stuff, you can't call the police because there is no such thing as private property so no one can stole anything from you.
It's literally the cuckold ideology.
Peter Kropotkin is true anarchocommunist and totally cool guy with the right ideas. Stalin is not. Stalin is fascist just as bad as Hitler
The same could be achieved with localization+capitalism.
The assumption being made here is either that everyone will be able to trade goods of equal value (bring equal value to the table), or that some will receive more value and give less value, in which case the parasitism must either be suffered or met with a punishment of deprivation, which is the same thing that occurs functionally with trade.
You talk about everyone having an equal say, but no mechanism to enforce it as such, meaning that people are forced to enforce their own say.
Also they say no starvation but thats just naive and stupid as shit, it goes like this
>i dont want to work i wanna run away
Get shot
>ima work or ill die
Slavery, except no whips, just bullets
>run + hide
Either get shot, or starve
No one wants to work, everybody wants to leave
>genocide of an entire population
Nobody here knows anything about communism. They'd rather just label antifa as a radical, fascist right-wing group.
Rich Saudi families are the biggest private supporters of terrorist organisations though.
Israel and the jews treats you like a dog, they kick you and beat you but still you keep coming back wagging your tail.
With jews the coincidences just keeps on stacking.
USS Liberty
The Federal Reserve
My condolences. Are you proud of Melania at least?
Communism caused the two deadliest genocides in history, the Holodomor in the Ukraine as it was called back then, and the Cambodian Genocide. In the latter case it reduced the country's population by 25%.
Tell your "friends" that they might as well be trying to get you to join the Nazi Party.
>Defending Stalin
Typical /leftypol/ faggot
Also watch this video. Communism is the greatest evil mankind has ever known.
Antifa IS a radical fascistic group. Use your noggin.
i don't really want to know anything about communism i just want to beat the shit out of smug hipsters.
I recommend reading "The Gulag Archipelago." It is a memoir from a man and and many others about how Communist ideologies were sold to the public, implemented, and failed with millions dead.
Prove you go to Berkeley. Post ID and timestamp. Block out obvious shit, dumb nigger.
So far.
Except they aren't. They are fighting ISIS. look up rojavan anarchosyndicalists they are fighting ISIS and giving shelter to persecuted Christians
Antifa is nowhere near fascism. Do a little research and start lifting
>I am skeptical and wish to be red pilled on communism
It's never worked. Ever. Anywhere. This isn't exactly a Holocaust conspiracy theory, user, you don't need a red pill to figure out that communism is retarded and you need to get a new batch of friends.
>1 post by this ID
Never mind.
>le true communazm nevr been tryed
>ima work or ill die
name one economic system where this isnt the case. (i suppose if youre part of the bourgiese you dont have to work but whatever)
Of course because thinking is hard.
Mainly just niggers are dumb enough to take the commie bait, especially now days in the information era. There is a sizeable list a failed commie states for you to look into. But mainly just see a history of ussr, it was probs the most successful socialist state unless u count modern China which I really don't.
Antifa is a modern Red Front group. It's the polar opposite of Fascism.
>all paramilitaries are Fascist! Dems are the real racists!
What about a BLACK cent though? Nigger.
It has killed 100 million people ...
Communism is pushed by the Jews. Anything supported by Jews =bad. They want the destruction of races and enslavement of mankind.
Another thing to take note of. When you're debating a commiefag, you'll notice that while while you're talking about the millions upon millions dead, they will only be concerned with "muh means of production" and "muh property." Shows exactly what kind of people they are.
Actually a pretty good way to put how ridiculous this idea is.
>achieving Communism through Anarchy
Communism says the whole shall own all the means of production and all will be liberated from the enslavement of Capitalism.
That all sounds well and good until you ask the question of how do you go about it? The Commies of old said you must enact violent revolution and impose it on everybody in order to achieve the Socialist Workers paradise (ala USSR, Cuba etc) hence why it was perceived as being such a threat because it literally wanted to impose Communism at the point of a gun.
More recent Commies seem to want to distance themselves from that side of the theory and say people should (((voluntarily))) surrender to Communism, that way everyone can have their cake and eat it. The problem with that absurdity is 1) it is against human nature of ownership and individuality and completely ignores the evils of human nature (greed and malice) and 2) it promotes stagnation of society and the individual on the flawed assumption that there is no need for further improvement
From these points the conclusion is quite simple, practically Communism cannot exist and even if it did is the product of the hard work and ingenuity of others or put mildly Communism is cancer.
>antifa thinks they are paramilitary
boy oh boy when you guys do something bad enough that the national guard gets called in you are in for a rude awakening.
>all of the upper class are rich jews
>implying that because jews were hijacking communism and making it shit means that its a bad idea
I'm not antifa, you fucking faggot. They have nothing to do with Fascism though. You're making tedious grasps considering they're the polar fucking opposite of Fascism.
They literally walk around with black and red flags, soviet flags, and other commie imagery. Plus the group known as "anti-fascist" has always been commie even in the 1930s. Also Antifa's emblem has a black and red flag.
Their fags.
Sort yourself out.
>Except they aren't. They are fighting ISIS.
No they aren't. They are just being used as a prop.
Give us a break. If it quacks like an Authoritarian, it's an Authoritarian. Left or right is irrelevant. Communist, Fascist, doesn't matter.
Antifa are just edgy liberals.
Indeed, Facism is all about being the best you can be and always keeping a positive, upbeat attitude.
Resistance Is Futile
>for communism and a free america
>Laws shouldn't exist! If you want to defend your home and people you are the same as marxists and Jews who starve and torture people!
This video from 1969 is a pretty good explanation of the communist MO and the tactics discussed can be seen today.
Communism is NEVER free
There's nothing to redpill. If you knew anything about communism you would be disgusted with it. And how can you support something you don't know anything about?
Communism leads to wasting of resources and laziness at the very least. And more than likely genocide of those who oppose it. Communism death count is many times more than that of Nazis. If Stalin wasn't part of the winning side it would be as vilified as Nazism is.
>communism has never been tried
Laws should exist. Should we have Antifa enforcing laws? No. Time to rescue your father from the belly of a whale.
You should decline to participate, but then show up anyways and start beating them up with a stick. You could have anime level drama and betrayal once the masks come off.
Stupid goyims don't know that a right implies a duty. The law codifies enforcement without which you are on your own in how you are to enforce the duty. Without a proper enforcement mechanism, that "right" ceases to exist as a "right" for all and therefore becomes a right for the privileged few who can enforce it.
Anarchists by dismantling the current system, are actually tyrants seeking to promote greater inequality in the guise of promoting greater freedom.
here's something your dumb little friends won't tell you because they don't know. U.S. is already a communist corporatocracy.
Of course not but Fascism's laws and ideas are completely separate from anti-fas and by conflating them you come across as an r/the_Donald "based legal immigrants. Leftists r da real Hitlerzz" faggot.
I agree completely. My original point was that Antifa's authoritarian nature makes them just that. That's their problem, it's the "up down" axis on the political spectrum that I'm more worried about, not the "right left" axis. Imposing their misguided will onto others using violence makes them authoritarians
TL;DR Antifa are faggots