
Has anyone noticed the mainstream media/cable TV/youtube toning down their SJW side and letting Netflix takeover? PJW said libs would be pushing a Netflix model of sjw marketing. He reported some 100,000 comments were deleted from Dear White People while we see a continual onslaught of degeneracy with shows that are soap operas with a focus on gay and minority issues. Last but not least, Netflix removes their rating system after Amy Schumer was BTFO. Please share your thoughts or tell me why the fuck you still support Netcucks

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Thanks for the article this is either a huge pile of cognitive bias adding up or a fuck ton of evidence.

Any good alternative to Netflix?

Amazon Prime.

It would certainly explain this

Hulu, sling, HBO. Netflix is mostly shit tier and buggy anyways.

Couchtuner, ThePirateBay with ad-blocker enabled

It is odd. I'm actually seeing shitlibs sperging out on SJW shit a lot less in IRL now.

Also seeing a bit less SJW shit in the media as well.

It really makes no sense for Netflix to do this, unless they think they are going to capitalize on the remaining SJW crowd since the others entertainment markets are backing away. Idk, it's a very weird idea.

I really didn't believe this shit when I first started lurking but Jews really do have their hands in so much and crush any criticism before the public can even know what happened.

Free from kike degeneracy please

"Truth does not fear scrutiny"

Watching libcucks shit themselves over sexist air-conditioning used to be my main source of entertainment.

right well alot places want to be on the front of these things to cash in .. theres stuff on there i diagree on but then you can also watch that rodney king, stage, single person peom rap .. cought some of that .. thought it was going to be a docu ..
then theres bias docu of ruby ridge, waco , and the okie bombing .. so theres deversity. but , if its hip at the moment . and can make dollers of it .. its a good deal..

Theres good parts sure. The problem is the focus or what seems to be the focus.

Actually the entire SJW movement made me very nervous, I rarely found it funny.

I live in an SJW haven, and from 2013-2016, people were acting like fucking nutcases. Like unhinged lunatics going on a witch hunt for "racism" and all of this crazy shit.

Like 70% of my friends got really into SJW politics and they just went nuts. It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen. SJW shit made people act extremely psycho and hostile too. It is like a contagious mental disease

Fuck off normie SCUM

The way we used weaponized autism to find flags is the way libs used weaponized aspbergers to chimpout and ruin some guys life. I won't lie it is scary unless you have nothing to lose.

Stop watching tv, start lifting weights and reading books faggit.


is this guy in under the skin

Many media companies shilling social justice will pack it In when social justice no longer sells. Obviously some ((media companies)) won't change but long term, sjws will learn big companies don't care about them either. Once Hollywood moves on, it will officially be dead

How is kodi any good?


it's no coincidence that netflix ditched the ability to rate shows before it launched. you can't see how other people rated a show anymore


lol I NEED to see that

Streaming sites. Don't pay for this trash.

>PJW said.


>not paying for the celluloid Jew
good goy

I don't even watch TV / Movies, I'm not giving my
money to the Jew machine. Haven't owned a TV in 20 years.

Dick as in Richard, not as in penis.
It's a really shitty show about some aging woman lusting after Kevin Bacon.

>Has anyone noticed the mainstream media/cable TV/youtube toning down their SJW side

>toning down their SJW side

I have not noticed, but I have anticipated this turn of events.

The market responds to demand.

This has been my experience but what makes u think it's slowing down?

>It is like a contagious mental disease

what if I told you, that's exactly what it is?