How can white man even compete
How can white man even compete
Big Lenny is white
By being superior in every way imaginable.
bim in the front with the french tips is down for w/e
0 chance of white boiis competing with this
It piss
That's a white guy painted black. Boy builders do that.
He looks like he is made of metal. Why did they paint that man?
Knowing how melanin-envious body builders are, that's probably a white guy.
"Nothing like having a dime cum in your mouth"
-Lenny Persin
Left = some 145 lb twinklet, probably squats with the maxipad on the bar
Right = what is cardiovascular endurance
Keep talking white boiis, you aint got nothing.
He has transcended humanity
Is the Democrat National Committee back in session?
His belly button is about to be force projectiled from his stomach, how gross
That's what AIDS looks like?
Pussy ass white bois aint shit
Big Lenny is a white Trump supporter, he uses a lot of tanning stuff
>that tiny peepee
He used to be a pretty good looking guy. I'm gonna stand up and do some squats.
lmao watching misfits rn
I'm curious about length to weight ratio of taller guy
Lenny is the ultimate alpha male
Youre all just a bunch of cookie cutters
How can Australian men even compete
wtf is going on with his calf muscles?
That's a hernia, it's his bowels that are poking through
i'll just be white, that'll show 'em
pecs are too small.
defined, but not well-developed.
traps could use some work
right quad more defined than left; symmetry is off.
also, he's white.
the spray tan accentuates the muscular development
t.mfw former poster, etc.
>what starts with MOAB, and ends in kaboom?
>every third child born in sweden 2017
That HGH stomach looks like shit
How will blacks ever compete?
It goofy woo woo, it former ronie coleman yootoob mellonare celerying
you're missing the obvious, nigga's pumped full of HGH and has a bloated abdomen.
by ruining your welfare system
>right quad
Stop acting as if you know what you're talking about.