Jesus Christ doesn't
Satan exists
Christ will win.
How does a concept not exist?
Both exist, but Christ is God
No he doesn't and yes he does he just dead.
True in a way. All the gods we don't believe in and consider evil (Caanite gods, Ein Sof, Satan/Set/Saturn, etc) are real. I know most of you won't believe this, but try some blood rituals and you'll see they're working.
Jesus Christ and Muhammed were basically Devil's little helpers who wanted to keep us all ignorant and weak.
damn satan is thicc
If we assume Judaism true, that's how it is.
Eh, Zhe is average by your local standarts I bet.
>fairy tales
Christ already defeated him by allowing himself to be killed in our place and raising from the dead, all this while being sinless. Take his offer user, give your life to Jesus and you will find true joy.
Jesus will save you from your degenerate lifestyle and help you quit masterbating.
Justin trudeau? Is that you
Jesus already beat the shit out of Satan
How so? Prove to me Jesus is real. How do I confirm his existence? When you light a fire for Moloch and drop your blood into it the mere reaction of the flame is evidence that he is real. Any such proof for Jesus?
>Kali will never straddle your demon cock with her blue pussy on a funeral pyre with some other tiger-crotched person and a blood rainbow
Even if this is true, fuck using some extra-dimensional crutch to make myself better. It's like using cheat codes. Takes all the challenge out of it.
And that's why you will always be a slave.
If I want anything you have, I can take it from you, but you can't do the same to me because you're not worshiping the right gods.
>denies the son of God but praises the faggy angst that couldn't handle the bantz
suck a dick
At least I can die knowing that everything I accomplished was of my own doing, not the result of some "divine" intervention.
Knowing that is good enough for me, even if you took everything I have.
Then why will God beat Satan's ass?
>>but you can't do the same to me because you're not worshiping the right gods.
>>And that's why you will always be a slave.
>worship isn't being a slave
what of yhwh as invisioned by the isralietes? seems to be the opposite of jesus' beliefs and seems to be from the timeperiod of those you mentioned
"Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up."
Mmm I'd put it in Baphomet...I've fapped more than a few times to these.
>All those other religions? They're hocus pocus, nonsense made up by unenlightened people living in a primitive time.
>But my religion is the true religion.
You people are retarded.
time to go bust a nut in some goat pussy
That's not a pussy user
>hello rabbi!
Shouldn't your post be: "dam satan hot is sex. can u be marry me???"
oh i'm referring to a real physical goat
I sure hope so, I've been trying to communicate with Satan but nothing is working. I wish to become his servant. Only the sweet embrace of darkness can you show true light. Christ is a false prophet, his father created evil while Satan punishes it.
A Muslim in sheep's clothing, and.....rectum.
Satan will rule the world
Check em
just think about it, out there somewhere there is an user balls deep in a goat's pussy, moaning "hail baphomet" as he's pumping her
I am more enamored of the obscure equinnae myself. As the colloquial saying goes ''Horsepussy, best pussy''.
Satan is a fallen angel of God you moron, he tried to claim more than he was allowed to have, thus he was thrown out and banished. Christ is eternal, and He is God.
Those "gods" you speak of are nothing more than Jinn that has strayed from the true path and rebelled against God/Allah. They are real and they can do things that you'd perceive as "godly", but they are nothing but frauds.
My truck is more more tonight if the offer officer. He told it it if fucking devil or Satan nigger?
You are the exact same as any Christian, Muslim and whatnot,
if you believe you are always right, and everyone else is always wrong.
Textbook religious nutjob.
And even if gods are real, there are far older and more numerous ancient gods than your Jewish ones.
So your Abrahamic crapshoot is one against many.
Thrown out by all loving all knowing God.
Lol faggots
Oh shit Lucifer you really surprised me even though I'm all loving and all knowing
Fuck out of my heaven bitch
God made Angels to serve, he made the rules of the game and all possible variables. he is both to blame for the good and the evil for he created the system's limits. Create a track, create pilots and force them to race, then punish those who seek to see beyond the tarmac.
I applaud your taste in animal pussy, good night to you
>knows he's a peasant
>is completely happy with it
christianity is the religion for you my friend
Can't escape logic sorry
All loving
All knowing
Surprised by Lucifer
Surprised by Adam
Angry punishment
It's all lies. Anyone who believe this shit story is retarded
Anything that comes from the jews is innately bad
Also check the death toll made by the "all loving and forgiving god" and compare it to Lucifers.
The nature of this reality of dualistic, you cannot have one without the other.
I agree, and who's the fool that proudly does evil and and exhibits himself in the shadows? We all know true evil hides in the light, where those blinding by it cannot tell foe from friend.
Filthy casuals. Satan is just a Jewish knockoff of Ahriman which the Christian heretics stole from Pharisees because both of them were too shit to be Saducees and worship Zeus like their rightful king Antiochus IV commanded them.
Why not just become Manicheans you dirty Parthian bootlickers?
Jesus lives.
Even if He is just a meme, the meme is clearly alive. In fact, OP, you just helped keep Him alive, by repeating his name. By reminding us all of Him. The Logos.
In the eyes of whatever deity you pay reverence to, you're a peasant too. Don't get too egotistical. Humans are infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things, and that includes you.
The only difference between you and I is who holds the leash. Everyone is a pawn in the game.
What do you mean surprised? Is that the Christian narrative?
In Islam angels are more or less robots, they have no free will and just follow orders. Therefore Satan is not an angel but a Jinn. He doesn't punish the evil nor he's the keeper of hell. As it is his punishment to eventually be sent to hell, he tries to lead as many as he can into the hell just to proof he's superior to humans and our creation was a mistake.
This world is created for the purpose of testing us. Any good and evil that happens are a part of this. It is nothing but arrogance and ignorence to expect to be comfortable/safe in this world.
S-satan has some nice tits.
Sorry, don't have memes for you. You are too irrelevant.
Don't cut yourself on those sharp edges
Additional information: this post includes a sage
I don't care
This is exactly why I never judge Atheist or Satanist...
If Lucifer who shone so bright and was so mighty fell, what chance have the little children of men who are so easily swayed with trinkets and false promises?
>eastern despotic absolutism
the universe isn't this hierarchy that you think it is, just remember that you don't have to worship different forms of yahweh for your entire existence
one can't exist without the other. either Christ wasn't God and satan doesn't exist, or He was God and satan does
Hail Satan
Death to jews, muslims, and christcucks
I think it's a female Minotaur
The true light of humanity will prevail_ we will rise from the darkness you swell with pride in, and you will be sent back down to your hell, where you will stay forevermore. Truth and love is the answer, however, we are not afraid to fight with sword and shield. Bless you all, even you devils; though we shall strike you down just the same.
Nice try, Satan.
I'd fuck that
nice tits
We have jesus. Satan did not.
satanists & co are even more retarded than the less edgelord counterpart their cults are based on.
underage need to go back to