I need help Sup Forums

My brother just swallowed the "gender is a spectrum" bluepill from Shill Nye the science goy and he's sperging about how the gender binary position is not "backed by any science".

Could any one of you point me in the right direction to redpill him, thanks in advance.

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Time to bring back bullying, you need to mock him until he cries.

There is a lot of power in shame


Suck your brother's dick.

That'll teach him.

Beat him to tears daily

ask him what combination of chromosomes make you non binary. If he says any dumb shit like XXY then google it and laugh at him for being so wrong.

Tell him that there are only men and women. Everything else is just mental illness. If he wants proof, then tell him to look outside his window and look at all of the men and the women. He will not be able to see any pink-haird degenerates, and that he shouldn't trust literal celebrities for moral and ideological guidance, as they will take over his free-will and pervert him with degeneracy

sry to say so taco, but your brother has to go


>binary position is not "backed by any science"
He is a dumb fag literally 99% of people are what gender they were born in, this gender non binary or whatever is to accompany less than 0.9% literal freaks and tumblrinas who want to be special snowflakes.

punch him everytime he says something gay


Start with what influences young people. Music. Get them listening to some good RAC/Oi music. Before you know it they will be a proud neo-nazi.

Do they like anime?
Show them Strong Style, Aggro Knuckle, Sledgehammer etc.

Maybe they like euro-fag stuff?
Obled, Legitima Offesa, Verde Bianco Rosso

Okay they have started to get into it but they aren't ready for German rac yet. so lets hit them with some from Englad.

Combat 84, Violent Storm, Brutal Attack, Strikeforce UK

By this point they should be full on alt-right lets lay it on them.

Storkraft, Arresting Officers, Offensive Weapon, Para Elite, Landser, Bully Boys.

If you don't know any of these bands you have two options. kys or lurk more.

Gonna be hard, "science" did a pretty terrible thing last year or so with that paper which shows that you "can't" separate male brains from female.

It's flawed on a purely mathematical level (assuming that multidimensional data is not separable just because they are not separable in any single dimension, obvious bullshit if any correlations exist), but you'd have to get some understanding of what a multivariative Gaussian looks like to convincingly demonstrate the bullshit on a piece of paper.

buy him an anatomy book. cheap or expensive it will show the scientific backup. as if there would be a need for proof.

depending on prenatal hormones your brain gets in your mother's womb "gender is a spectrum" is somewhat correct desu.

BUT unless it's some kind of extreme hormonal mishap, 99% of ppl feel like a "man" or a "woman", no matter how much their own brain structure deviates from 100% male or female.
You can somewhat derive this from certain cognitive abilities (e.g. spatial awareness is stronger in a testosterone booted brain etc.), social interaction (e.g. estrogen booted brains are better at reading subtle changes in body language etc.) and so forth.

BUT as stated above, not being 100% male doesn't magically make you a pansexual demi-kin faggot cockgobbler or whatever delusional subtype you want yourself to be pressed in; you're just a male amongst the regular spectrum.

How the fuck can you be confused about this? Either you have a bepis or a babinga Jesus Juan slap some sense into him. Did your mother drink 8 gallons of tequila every week of her pregnancy with him?

> if you push the arrow on the spectrum to pink your penis will morph into a vagina
> If you push the arrow towards blue you turn into a white male

It all makes sense now

actually, that's been disproved. You can tell differences.


dont mean to throw god into this, and it don't have to be, but its the only way I can interpret this.

We dont need to seperate male from female brain because they are the same, but because of the randomness of God, we dont have to think anything other then what our bio-definitions are, which are bestowed upon us by god.

This Gender spectrum thing is fucking retarded bullshit, and OP's brother should go kill himself for even thinking that a "scientist" who is getting paied by "them" to "educate" us with no real evidence to back his claim other then "my feels". This is the kind of shit that brings us closer to our end, right here.

All this started with one person saying edgy shit trying to be different, other retarded faggots thought "hey I wanna be an edgy faggot too!" and jumped on. If you ELIMINATED everyone who believed the gender spectrum was even a thing, and never again spoke of it, it would vanish. All it takes is one retard spewing bullshit, and neglectful parents too.

God is going to kill us all for this faggotry.

Just make sure he differentiates sex and gender. A biological male is a biological male, etc. Redirect his budding political awareness to other places like "le wage gap"

You see in law when you get something which is somewhat correct you discard it because it blurs the probability of your outcome being close to a truth.

If the spectrum is somewhat correct, it is only likely and possible of confirming something.

So It's unconvincing to say i'm a male on the regular spectrum since the test doesn't produce a probable result.

The binary test is a good test.

cut his face off like any normal Mexican would.

XXY does exist though, along with various other karyotypes

Buy him mint and vanilla ice cream with nuts and then rub it on the floor in front of him.

These are such rare occurrences that redefining the entire concept of gender for them is retarded.

XXY is a genetic disorder though.

agreed, you have to make sure he understands how fucking retarded he is for accepting everything some guy on tv tells him.

Show him any biology text book and ask him what peer reviewed articles Bill has cited showing that gender is a spectrum.

Punch him in the face really hard then ask him how many genders there are. Repeat until he answers 2.

Tell him how fucking dumb he is to be listening to a guy who calls himself a scientist but really isn't

Have the fucker check his chromosomes then (visit a doc, get a blood test or something). If they say XY, then boom.

If gender is a spectrum, why do transgenders exist? Couldn't male brains in female bodies just be a natural part of the spectrum? If the solution to body dysphoria is to physically change a persons gender then that could only mean that there is a knly a binary choice. There can be only two

It's like with cigarettes, now you gotta make him suck a whole box of tranny dicks so he knows he's wrong.

Show him your trap porn and force him to fap to the trap porn.

It will work, just trust me


This is like saying the solution to depression is to kill yourself.
Sure, it's the easiest solution, but are you really solving the problem?
When someone is diagnosed with a mental illness we don't just say "consciousness exists on a spectrum" and then pretend that the voices they hear are real. We medicate the crap out of them and put them in an institution if needed.

So fucking what, retards exist also. Its a genetic disorder.
Look at this fucker here

>buy him an anatomy book
and beat him with it.

Here's what you need.

cant believe no one has mentioned this in this entire fred.

go lift with him. preferably heavy weights, and get him to the point where he can bench/squat/deadlift like 150% of his bodyweight.

the looks he'll get will teach him that yes, there are two genders.

Thanks /fit/

lel, get out more user

Kindly remind him that the concept of Gender itself isn't backed by science, but that it is rather a linguistic concept of convenience, that denotes not only masculine or feminine sex, but also whether the object or concept is generally active or passive in nature (in most languages that have gendered objects).

Kindly remind him that, while *gender roles* are social constructs, these roles are almost universally accepted across all cultures and times, and in almost every case are associated with cultures which people would consider "successful", with a few notable exceptions (such as the Minoans). The societies that buck these trends are one which, speaking generally, either did not survive the historical contest against their neighbors of similar power (such as Etruria against Rome), or are ones which did not advance to the iron age.

Kindly remind him that there is a difference between gender role and personal, individual, choice and preference - that a woman can engage in traditionally masculine activities *and still be a woman*, still fitting within the broad "gender role" of femininity, and not require the invention of a new linguistic concept.

nothing better than being eyefucked by attractive women all the fucking time to convince you that genderfluidity is a copout

>redpill him

Just get out your dick and show him the red pill.

you must expose him to pol this is an urgent matter user

Do you have an axe to remove the head that speaks such dribble??

You should invest in one in case it gets outta control and gets HRT and boob implants whilst retaining a dick because muh confusion.

get him to watch some (((Ben Shapiro))), he's pretty spot on on this tranny stuff.

If I find a two headed frog, I do not get to publish a paper about the new species of frog I found.

There is no space for a spectrum between XX and XY.

Anomalies that aren't XX or XY are so rare they're insignificant.
And even then the gender is identified by wether an active Y chromosome exists.

>gender fluid
Again if you have an active Y chromosome you're male. It can't change.

A male who wants to be a female or vice versa. How's that considered a gender.

It is a very simple concept.