What is (((their))) endgame?


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Complete world domination.

Merging with machines.


but thee couldn’t, thee didn’t, and user you’re paying the price, thee goddamn clotpole. I shall hath the horror of fury all ov'r thee and thee shall drowneth in t.


Control of the population so they don't do retarded shit. It needs to happen.

They are really good at the game.
They are the main characters in a serious, many-leveled rpg. They had a few tough bosses+minion mobs to fight. But they are reaping the rewards of being level xpac while the rest of us are beta

They've already stated it. It's not even a secret, it has never been a secret. They're stating ouright what their plans are.
>no more white people
>new world order - globalism, one world government
>jews in charge
>whole world united under communism
That's it.
Everyone from George Soros to Salon writers to random rabbis have stated their goals in public. It's not a secret, it's not what I would call a conspiracy, it's a plan that they are open about and they think we are all on board with it, because only a crazy racist would have something against such a plan.

To oppress the working class for shekels

To post slide threads on Sup Forums.
> Like what you are doing.

Build the temple of Jerusalem

The average Jew must think we're fucking crazy bastards.

You realise the average Jew just gets up and goes to work like the rest of us, right?

I doubt the average jew knows about us, assuming you meant Sup Forums

raping little goyim kids as much as they can

homos are gay

Bruh I'm not saying there isn't literal statements that are repeated by the most virulent sjws from decades ago, or that as a group there has been efforts by certain members to influence public policies in host nations.
However, there is a literal number of 'rabbis' who are quoted who don't exist as far as a paper trail or reliable anecdote outside the stormcircle.
There are a number of jpeg-quotes that are circulated for edginess but aren't real.
If you wanna attack an enemy, being easily debunked isn't a good tactic.
Now, it is 'due diligence/trust but verify' sort of principles that can help you stay on target.
Stay on targ

Depends on what Religion wins.

I still think we should make Kekistan official. Be the best happening ever. Tax free status bitches. Multiple wives whatever you want just post it in the creation thread.

People must take note.

To keep trying to jew you out of wanting to know how to outjew the jew

>tl;dr we are all jews

The average jew is also a left wing parasite who backstabs everyone and steals like a gypsy.
Their opinions are not my concern.

Would the average jew extend that principle to the average german who just went to work at the zyklon B factory back in WW2?

Because i'm personally tired of being the only tolerant person in this conversation.

40,000 goyim slaves per jew

There are 12 million Jews

They need 480 billion mixed race people to make this a reali


They're still angry their Messiah never offered this to them, as they believed it was their birthright. They will try to accomplish it without Him, no matter what foul things they side with.


Debunk this, kike

The elimination of the White race.

There's like 10 Jews in your nations.


There's more than 10 jews in the government here, even though jews are less than 0.01% of the population.

Jews will have no future under globalism even as slaves. Israel rightly wants no part of it.

Honestly? If Jews ever take over the world they'll run it much better than globalists ever have.

Go beat the shit out of a Red Army veteran or whatever you do when you're not shitposting.

>If Jews ever take over the world they'll run it much better than globalists ever have.
Jews are the globalists, you stupid faggot leaf.

Globalism would literally not even exist if there were no jews.
If we dropped all the nukes in the world on Israel and EU headquarters globalism would be dead, and it would never come back.

>standard Jew
money to become a powerful Jew
>powerful Jew
complete global domination and total authority over the one race they helped create
Chaos for the sake of chaos

The fuck are you talking about? The average jew isn't a left wing parasite. How could you say something so bad? I mean, just look at Israel.

They're right wing, conservative, parasitic, pale niggers. Fuck 'em.

Did you know in some cultures instead of paying for immigrants and welfare people use their money to take vacations to tropical countries?

If Jews weren't wealthy people wouldn't see them as a threat.

The prophecy is self fulfilling.

For a long time they molded cultures and created religions. This gave them much power. But to have greater control meant exerting greater influence. Thus we have the current world we live in. Where we think ourselves "free" and yet every aspect of our lives is designed to make us their slaves.

We're in the end game. We've been here for decades. The only difference between now and the future is someday we won't even be able to process that we are slaves. Their "programming" will be so efficient that will worship them wholeheartedly.

If jews didn't openly state that their end goal is to destroy the white race and rule over the world, if they didn't control 99% of the lying mainstream press, if they didn't stage communist revolutions in every country where they have been left to their own devices etc then people wouldn't see them as a threat.

If you actually look into the reasons behind why jews have been kicked out of every single country they have ever been in, you see a very clear pattern. These people are destructive scumbags.
Mein Kampf is still relevant today. You could change up some words in it, change some dates, and it would pass off as a book written in 2017.

No wars for three centuries.
Peace, equality and social justice for all of the world (courtesy of Canada).

If you dropped a nuke on Tel Aviv, Israel would fire nukes at most of Europe's capitals, setting off those nations' nuclear arsenals--- and that would ve the end of the world.

And the end of Latvia too.

Jewish Israelis just want to be left in peace to practice the faith of their fathers and live their lives, and not have to apologize for even existing. To be a richer and warmer version of Latvia. They don't want to rule the world. They couldn't even if they wanted to. There's not enough of thrm.

Some globalists have Jewish blood, yes. Most don't actually practice their faith and none at all take it seriously. To them, the Torah is for fools and fundamentalists. They bankrolled the rise to power of the Bolsheviks, who opposed all religion, AND the Nazis, who plotted the destruction of the Jews. Atheism and anti-semitism remain their most effective disinformation campaigns.

Globalism is in nobody's interest. It's a recipe for human extinction.

And the worst fucking posts I have ever seen, fuck all of you

>Jewish Israelis just want to be left in peace to practice the faith of their fathers and live their lives
So that is why they have destabilized every single Middle Eastern country, created a migrant crisis and forced Europe to accept these people into their countries to cause more chaos and destruction, all while openly promoting the idea that Europe is no longer going to be European. Because they just want to be left alone.

>the right hand is dressed up to look different than the left hand
>oh my god! this proves it's two different people!

Also funding ISIS seems very peaceful. It's like Israel wants to be left alone or something, that's why they fund people who want us all dead. So peaceful and tolerant. Based Israel.

From what I can gather (and I admittedly don't know much/shit in the grand scheme of things), the creation of a totally globalized and homogenous society (economy, race, laws, military, and everything else) with them at the helm. Whether they do it because "we need to do this to keep Jews safe", "we want all the moneys and all the powers", "this is the only way we will ever achieve global peace on Earth", "this is how we fulfill some end times shit in our holy book", "this is the only way mankind will advance as a species (space colonization)", some kind of combination of the all of the above or something I'm missing/forgetting, I'm still trying to figure out.

oh god here we go


That was the Saudi royal family. Their price for keeping oil cheap (and Russia poor and weak) was dominion of the Middle East. US Middle East policy since the Eighties has been devoted to removing any checks on Saudi control of the region. If Israel didn't have nuked she'd have been regime changed too.

Same as it ever was.


>What is (((their))) endgame?
To force the hand of the goyim to finish the job.