Has Sup Forums become too powerful? (((They are onto us)))
We just chillin, doin our thang.
we the jews now
>turns out Tim Pool has always been one of us
get your beady eyes of my foreskin shlomo
>Has Sup Forums become too powerful?
For (((their))) comfort?
Absolutely, you're not supposed to have this amount of power unless you are a billionaire.
rules 1 & 2
OMG, the leftists have begun responding to logic!!!
>inb4 leftists eat him for using logic.
eat yourself you hue tripfag
I mean he has been doing some pretty good working showing how shitty Sweden is while LARPing as at least center or libertarian
Stop being a faggot tripfag.
His left bias is ridiculous had to unsub. JEW PROPAGANDA. Oh, and take the fucking hat off you look like a twat wearing it indoors.
Tim pool is a jack ass. I hate this guy. The dumb nigger goes to Sweden and does not even go in a Muslim filled ghetto for more then five minutes of tape. It was such a fucking waste and let down. Never link this niggers shit again or else.
>eat yourself you hue tripfag
How is that done?
Can you post a tutorial?
>Stop being a faggot tripfag.
Who on earth can compete with your cock sucking skills, user?
It's weird that they accised Russia for election hacking and not Sup Forums. It would've been much more devastating.
I really like his stuff man, good goy.
He dropped out of highschool and loved computers. Of course he was one of us.
>Larping as a libertarian
>implying Sup Forums is not a libertarian board
Lurk moar.
nah. that would have killed us.
when we regrouped, they wouldn't have shill mods in place. we'd be STRONGER. they cant risk it.
>Tfw Sup Forums names the Jew but the Jew can't name Sup Forums
This fuckin guy thinks he's so smart.
>hurr durr some lefties are easily triggered and that is amaaaazing
>b-but lets just forget about the fact Sup Forums is always right and just focus on them trolling
Pol is natsoc