>macrons wife start a twitter poll
>who will you vote for?
>80% answer le pen
>she delete the poll and start a new one
You know what to do.
Macrons wife start a twitter poll
Other urls found in this thread:
Voted, retweeted, and bumped
Still 60% Le Pen LOL
keep going goys
Top kek my dude
65% le pen
Holy shit. Her excuse for deleting the poll is "we forgot to add blank as an option"
She makes me shoot blanks.
bahahaha fucking lol old cunt
>Oops. I deleted it. By accident.
What is it with leftists and twitter polls? They set them up, then when they don't get the result they like they delete them. Why even bother setting it up in the first place if you're not interested in the result? Are they just inherently dishonest?
She thought her friends in the lying press would tilt the vote
Leftists do this with everything. Every time a vote doesn't go the way they want, they try to re-do it until they get the results they want (see also, calls for second brexit vote, impeach trump, etc) Just watch, once le pen wins the election in France, french leftists will call for a second vote or say it was (((rigged))) or something else to get the vote overturned
you can't make this shit up
english: "I'm Macron's wife not his mother or grandmother. Love knows no age!"
>Love knows no age!
Why does Macron's mom go with him everywhere? How can a momma's boy be President?!?
Aaaaaand it's gone
Is the poll thing removed again for the 2nd time?
She got the "Sex and the City" dream.
Being way too old, but somehow jagging a young investment banker.
true or not that she was his teacher at a esuit school + that he was groomed by the rothschilds?
if so, le frogs are too funny.
Two American women assaulted by musllim immigrants at the Eiffel Tower:
How's that tourism working out for you, France?
>need google translate for a fuckin tweet
deffo a square head
this is the teacher he married?
She was his teacher when he was a little boy, isn't that it?
No need for 2nd vote if Le Pen wins. I assure you she'll get massively screwed at the parliement elections right after.
its the globalist leftist "free love" pedophile agenda at work again
He was 16 (so a virgin) and she was 39 with 3 kids
>nyeaaaaaa, you'll never see the last of me, He Man!
I can understand fucking MILFs when they're younger than 50, hell, I'm fucking a 47yo and I'm 27, but 60+, that's just fucked up.
Looks like a fake account
But seriously, fuck french.
I could mandarin faster than that tongue twisting bullshit.
the french love their pedophile politicians
>Never having used twitter last night
>Made one just for the poll
>Reply with praise KEK to the poll
>Wake up and see this thread
>See pic related
#EnMarche #Macrondindunuffin
Untill last night*
He's gotta lose the french male vote, fucking hell how can you respect this guy france?
oops the globalists SHUT YOU DOWN
Anti Macron vid spread it like wildfire
How can they blackmail him if he's not into children?
By blackmailing him for being into grannies.
I chucked
she looks like a neandertaler, hot af. would species mix.
I knew I recognized him.... her....it..
Reminds me of the (((EU)))
En tweet innehåller maximalt hundraåttio tecken, förstår du detta utan att översätta det med Google? Tror knappast det.
It's france not saudi arabia. unless you're homeschooled you can't still be a virgin at 16
You mean like Brexit?
this this this
Neanderthal hot AF and master race
was she divorced when she began dating him?
Nah she was fucking married. She's a horrible person.
Maybe she's his handler? How else can "marrying" that fucking creature be explained?
Holly shit she deleted it again...
Her hypocrisy knows no bounds.
I don't speak croissant
> Why does Trump's daughter go with him everywhere ?
No and Micron's parents tried to protect him against her by moving him out 200 km of the school. She followed him.
> Les Intouchables
We need a savage meme of Macron pushing his femme in a wheelchair. Holy fuck, that meme would spread.
It's different for men.
Men can produce children until the day they die pretty much, while it gets increasingly risky for women to have kids after they hit 40, and it's officially game over at 55.
Has it been deleted? Link is not working for me.
ça a été délétée
>Macron's step daughter
WTF! My allegiances have changed because of this!
>la fille de ma femme
Macaroon is like a Sup Forums meme incarnate
pls someone does that
Get this. She's so fucking old he never had any kids despite being more than wealthy enough to have a big happy family. What the fuck is wrong with this shit?
because she's working to control him for her jewish masters
would that work? We do not know the french mind so well, so our memes are scattershot attempts to hit something in the dark
Time that some one links this to her poll so they know they are trolled by us cunts.
And le pen is controlled by russian bank jews.
Well fuck.
Bet she's s great fuck
>the nose knows, goyim
>la trogne à la Trogneux
mon dieu elle fait peur
It's not her, the account is not verified and the pinned tweet is a joke
We won, i hope this old cunt has learnt how the internet works now.
>tfw Sup Forums was right again
kek i knew it
>French people verify sources
This might be the worst news for Le Pen yet.
I clicked on your link but the page isn't there. Also ayy lmao @ the pic.
Most white french have those ugly hook noses.
Yes it would spread like wild fire.
Same happened to me.
They allow ISIS twitter accounts but get all triggered by meme magic.
It may be too late but can someone make an image of macron as a baby and his wife as the mother? This is our best target point
Trump's a big guy
This is pretty great
For you.
found this
This thread as so much potential, pls keep going!
I feel like shes watching me through the screen.
Link is down!!!!