Have any of you considered that this may be the final get?
Sup Forums needs to last about twice as long as it already has for the next get. The happening to end all happenings or board shutdown could easily happen between now and the 2's. Whether we make it or not, it's been a pleasure.
The Final Get
Other urls found in this thread:
If internet anonymity doesn't get shut down by the end of the year I'll be very suprised. Appreciate every shitpost and meme. They may be a thing of the past soon.
Damn.. wtf. Net neutrality means more than anything to me.
i didnt fucking know man i swear to God i didnt know we were the same flag
Your kind aren't welcome here anymore
im cataloguing all the infographs and info posts at about 24GB so far
my kind never was.
half black 4th generation uae arab
half british
not a manlet
i embody what Sup Forums hates
what is your purpose here?
got bored of /fit/ and Sup Forums and figured id check on Sup Forums, saw this thread, wanted to find the origin of the get, turns out its same flag kek pretty funny desu
ww3 would suit this fina get perfectly
it was a fucking pleasure shitposting with you last.
lets go home to the black moon.
Its a sad day when the Chinese internet porn site that you spent your teens browsing is literally the last haven of human future
so you're gay?
Traps aren't gay.
>traps ain't gay
kill yourself.
>lanklet half breed weeb who wants sexbots
um sweetie that's Sup Forums in a nutshell
wait what. are all you cunts half breeds?
more gets coming soon
>Traps aren't gay.
I unironically expect this from you desert closet homo's
i knew you were gay cause you went to /fit/ lmao
Only the faggots who shillpost like that user.
They like to do meetups and then try to use them as proof that Sup Forums doesn't have white people when you know damn well that real Sup Forums users are too fucking paranoid for that shit.
oh go me hopes up for not being the only half breed here on pol
Fucking shitskin.
nah not a shitskin.
Fucking Jackie Chan.
I'm a quarteroon, unfortunately. Passable as (((American White))) but I know I'm not part of the white race. Despise the vast majority of American blacks though, hold so much contempt for their antics it makes me depressed to think I have even a drop of blood in common with them.
RIP in peace sweet prince
thread theme
123456789 wasn't important anyway. There's no meme magic inherent in the number 123456789. The get was meaningless, regardless of who got it. Who cares.
such is life hey user.
we got the short end of the stick.
rest in peace in peace? rest in pieces in peace? rest in poop in peace?
half abbo you fucking reject.
the main singer looks like such a faggot and has such faggot expressions like puckering his lips he looks like he cant wait to suck 12 dicks
so new
fyi RIP = Requiescat In Pace / Rest In Peace
writing "RIP in peace" is redundant and utterly retarded
oh, a leaf, nvm
>Being this new
You're doing God's work
swede posters man
>every number our mathematical system uses lined up from smallest to largest
>not important
He's right and you know it.
you'd be unironically correct. topping some boipussi is fine. its only gay if youre bottom
swede's are like parody's of humans. You're all like Wimp Lo from Kung Paw
And nah, that's where you're wrong kiddo.
half black half british manmore checking in. not a mudshit though
mulatto takeover when?
those aren't swedes. those are a forgotten race of men from up north that died out.
you two aren't related.
you got pretty much the most based get possible. ai gf is the future
Says the low-IQ redneck living in the "USA of America" apparently. This is just golden. Man.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior
As long as this Jewpanese slitface owns this site, compromised will be an understatement.
Notch, Shkreli or any /guy/ with enough money has to wrest control of it from the fucking nips.
Know Jesus Christ.
it wasnt me dumbass
daily my nigga u ever clubbed? they love us
I'm spanish what do you think I am