This is how bravery looks like

This is how bravery looks like.

Other urls found in this thread:

>surrounded by cops

>people sat in trenches, breathed in mustard gas and had their lungs turned to oven mitts for this shit

If he got any closer he could have contracted aids. What a hero!

>no danger
>friendly cops nearby
>cameras on you
>a fawning media
>government will protect you

No, numbnuts, this guy is.
He had no protections.

If they're so violent, why didn't they do violence to her?

>Russian Proxy

For god sakes, sort yourself out.

Now you're cooking with gas, my man.

Got anymore of last month's memes on reheat Ivan?

>suicide is bravery
A real man would live and fight and kill his enemies, not roll over and die.

Being smug while surrounded by protection sure seems like bravery


Thankfully, your braindead worldview isn't in vogue.

He also didn't die.

But he obviously intended to, because he is a pussy like yourself.

Yeah so brave provoking a single guy while surrounded with 10 other guys that protect her. That's the definition of a coward you faggot.

we are doomed to keep repeating our mistakes.

we never learn.

The more popular picture makes her look hot, but seeing her from this angle she is garbage mud.

all so some paki can be a cunt.

low quality bait

Fed up of seeing this pothead squatter paki whore everywhere

>be brown in public
>become national hero

Tank man was ready to die to protect the rights of his people.Are you?No.You just talk shit.
Tank man is a true hero

This picture is the correct response to any leftist "act of defiance"

*record scratches*
Hey, you see that guy over there, the one surrounded by all those rowdy women?
Yeah, that's me.
You want to find out how I got stuck in this mess?
It all started one cloudy day down in Brazil.

That's not brave!!!

Bully Boys - Superstar

Now THAT'S bravery!!!