Why can't they just admit that women, niggers, and spics are just too dumb for tech?
Here's why women, blacks and Hispanics are leaving tech
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Danke mein neger för der eine archiven linken! Das ist fantastische mann!
Her wiki says her fathers a jew and his has see also: jewish american activists
Why can they never stop subverting things?
Spic here, I'm currently working on my CS degree. Less competition,hopefully Trump bans H1B visas so dirty pajeets don't take my future job
No one wants you, monkey.
Liberals hate facts. That's why they're trying to rebrand science as something that's opinion based in the same way they tried to brand the Democratic party as *the morul* one but gave themselves away as fake pretentious idiots with their psycho virtue signaling shit
>the man behind Lotus Notes
He should answer for his crimes.
>here's by the homeless drug addict with 70 iq is leaving tech
they were never in tech. they were paid for being a woman or poc doing literally nothing and after a while they were fired
it's amazing how hard the Jews are pushing this.
only once it starts hurting their wallets will they stop, but by then China,India, and Eastern Europe will have taken over.
You can't leave something you were never apart of
Jews ofc always jews
I'm still going to get my degree and I'm still going to "steal" your job. How does this make you feel?
I do work at several tech companies and they are all liberals/progressives and this is in eastern Europe of all places. I refuse to believe that western tech companies are 'toxic' environments.
>all self-reported
>Jamal, your code doesn't compile
Why do you fucking retards always misquote people?! GOD DAMN IT. EVERY TIME. EVERY FUCKING TIME, and her real quote is almost as bad, but you take away all credibility by misquoting or misattributing shit. "Hey guys, guess what Solzhenitsyn said. I found it on Stormfront" Fucking idiots. Nobody takes this shit seriously unless you sort it out
yeah maybe not. But it's more explicit this way. Alot of retards lurking pol these days.
They were never in tech nice cover up
If people take the time to find the truth they probably have a brain and will see for themself
underrated post
Where are they going?
if you're a US citizen have at it bro. If you're daca or an illegal alien piss off you've gotta go back.
Fuck this garbage program and every shitty ripoff program IBM makes
I think Olav Normie is skeptical when he just hears the term Jewish supremacy. He's the one we want to get curious and start researching
Back on social welfare.
Looks like someone forgot to add the proper reference.
Fuck yeah, Israelites are coming back!
>leaving tech
They weren't in it in the first place.
tech is a fucking mess
its all about having the right connections, networking
>the man behind Lotus Notes
Wow, way to remove all credibility right out of the gate.
can you imagine spending hundreds of millions of dollars on diversity initiatives, doing everything "diversity experts" tell you to do just for it to fail? that would be like admitting your gullible retardation wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on snake oil.
Leaving? Were they ever there?
Also: Black programmers? Didn't know you could write code with an xbox controller nowadays...
What if us spics are both legal immigrants well atleast I am you dumb honkey
Something I've always wondered, is there no shame in the people receiving affirmative action? Do they not look around, see they're the token minority, and think "oh" ?
No one really cares. Genetics. You are mentally incapable of doing IT work that's not literally tightening screws and connecting wires.
>is there no shame in the people receiving affirmative action?
No. At least not for nogs. They don't know the concept of shame. If anything their problem with gibs is that they're not getinng more gibs.
And Liberals telling them "Murrica has been built on slavery. You wuz kangz" doesn't anything to change that.
Don't know for spics and other subhuman races though.
>champions of equality aka anti-scientific cult mentality
Gee, I wonder who was right again.
He should be hanged.
Hurensohn aus Deutsch Faden entdeckte
>inb4 you're probably some arab guy
Your country is cucked
Not when I'm actually the smartest person in the room
> sexual harassment, gender discrimination, bullying and racial bias
so why would a company choose to bring this into their workplace?
leave it to autistic white males and you could save MILLIONS in legal battles.
> Men from underrepresented groups, such as African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans, were most likely to leave due to unfairness (40%).
"oh look, they want me todo my job! unfair!"
>their hope for a more diverse tech workforce in silicon valley
Read: cheaper.
More brown yes-men to spit out code for the next social network boondoggle, and no longer having to pay ivy league/white guy salaries.
It's like everything a democrat/liberal does is to secretly(not so secret) profit from slave labor, because fuck giving your fellow countrymen a decent job.
>Kapor Center for Social Impact
Let's look at their website.
>The Kapor family of organizations works to remove barriers to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education and tech careers for underrepresented people of color. We take a comprehensive approach to fixing the leaks at every stage of the tech pipeline, from K-12 education through the workplace with education programs, advocacy, and social impact investing.
Sounds objective.
>education programs, advocacy, and social impact investing
Sounds totally progressive and not at all like a culty brainwashing mess.
If Poos did better work and women were actually paid $0.73 per dollar then tech/stem would be DOMINATED by mustachio'd dot-head cunts.
>"no seriously, white guys cost so much more, but we hire them anyway just to stick it to Pajeet and Stacey muahahahaha"