New White Power Symbol

Sup Forums, a challenge for us: Making the OK sign into a white power sign was fun. But it did not really cause retards trouble.

Here is a challenge. Let's take something more fun.

Let's make the Hijab into a symbol of white power. If anyone can pull that off, I would have eternal respect. And it would be eternally hilarious.

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O god can we even do this
maybe we an make it something to do with cover up brown girls or something like that

I'm not sure this would make sense though

Not even White Power just make it a symbol of suppression of women/keeping them out of society/nobody wants to see them/etc.

nice thinking

Oh look it's a gen z dumb ideas thread

Nice try Achmed

Just start a Christian movement pushing for the hijab

They'll be burning church's within the hour (and the pope will probably encourage it too)

German soldiers talk to a Muslim woman in Mostar, Herzegovina, 1944.

nice photo

>hey goyim wouldnt it be fun if we wore the hijab? i bet that would be so funny!

I want the gen z meme to stop

You want to piss them off? Wear one with "Hulkamania" on it. They would love that.

next up: lets make race mixing a symbol of white supremacy.


your ancestors already tried that one Polak

know who else wants to wear hijabs?


The Hijab is used as an identifier of lesser peoples, anyone who wares the hijab submits to the supremacy of the white race

That's basically what it is, though.

gtfo of germany

Let's spread this

>hijab=immediatly identified as inferior

Step 1: Wear Hijab
Step 2: Commit robberies

If mass robberies and other crime were done by people in the full burka, police would either have to crack down on hijabis (increasing tensions on the Muslim side) or let criminals go free (This would annoy the general public).

>not using the super popular white and pointy hijab

where are you OP?

you can wear it open faced

Thanks, makes a good wallpaper.

maybe link it to slavery and the kkk ? say something like slavery is allowed in islam. some verses for credibility. then some bullshit story about how the kkk got inspired form that ?

Cultural Marxist thread pretending to be le epic troll wanting to make white women embrace the hijab

we're on a different layer of irony from the leftists

One idea could be that non-white women are not that beautiful so they have to hide.


But... Isn't that the actual reason they wear the Hijab?

That's not how this works you dummy. You're trying to force memes, and forced memes are never going to work.

Soros forces memes all the time and they work

liek last time

What if white people started using them on their white and race-mix girlfriends. Only we don't call them hijabs. Give them a new name and make it a new Christian fad. Fuck, call them bitchsacks or something I don't care. The media will jump all over it if it's Christians hating women and covering them up.

Then we ask them what's the difference between this and what their beloved Islam does?


Doesn't work. But let's make redpiller join hands with Muslims.

Such as?

Muslims wipe their ass with their hands, bitches tryng to hide a dirty Sanchez n shit