Why do people believe in communism even though it's been proven to be awful time and time again.
Why do people believe in communism even though it's been proven to be awful time and time again
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The same reason people believe in libertarianism even though it's been proven to be awful time and time again.
Dumb and poor people envy the smart and rich. And also the Jews push their Marxism.
Because they feel that right wingers don't care about the real issues.
Cause they havent been/lived in communist state ever. Fkn niggers
Why do my parents who lived in the USSR have a good opinion of communism then?
Life was good according to them
Because it's fashionable and sexy.
Delusional people who will never accept that things aren't the way they idealize them.
I live with one and reasoning with him is not possible.
Maybe they were members of communist party? In every system there are elite's.
No, they were ordinary soviet citizens: mom was a komsomolets in her youth and then a nurse, dad served in the army then was a truck driver. Nothing elite
Mom is nostalgic of socialism, tells me how great it was to have communism as a common goal, how good it felt to know your children will have a future in a degeneracy-free country, so much things were free (housing, etc.), she went on holidays to Crimea every summer
Free stuff. They believe that all of society's wealth should be shared equally. Those who believe this are, of course, those who produce far less than the average person. They would benefit by receiving more. Those who actually are productive feel that they should receive more of their own productivity. Those at the lower end of the productivity spectrum are also at the lower end of the intelligence spectrum as well, so are quite susceptible to the lies and distortions of pseudo intellectuals. In short, human trash want more free stuff.
Because your fucking parents were government collaborators who ratted on their neighbors, pal.
>it's been proven to be awful
Curious as to what examples you cite.
Because real communism was never tested or tried. Stalin's USSR and Mao's China were all forms of far-left fascist governments. Not a single ideal of Marx was implemented.
Because capitalism and especially global capitalism is so fucked and communism is presented as the only other option. People who believe in ideologies are sheep.
More productive, like the class of parasitic bankers/speculators who produce nothing of value but just move capital between different instruments? Or do you mean the wealthy class of people who struggle to hold two to three part time jobs living precarious lives?
Because we still haven't stomped out the (((root problem))) and our empathetic whites just eat that shit up because utopia
Name a country where it hasn't been
because in order for people to put you in a bind they must give you two options, capitalism/ communism.
Now these two notice how they are economics , not political ideology . And the reason that the fork is about moni, is because it's set by bankers . Communism too was set by bankers , new york jews with jews in russia . We said in another thread Stalin got the soviet jews BTFO or else they'd still try to collude with wall street to get their hands on anything they can.
I am interested about you saying that communism failed. Dare to give a practical example of a country under communism that failed? As far I know, there are known.
There are none to cite from. Perhaps very early United States. He's talking BS
"My perfect form of Marxism has never been tried"
Because an era or shortage is better than and endless perpetual cycle of warfare in the capitlistic world.
>judge economy separate from national resources and competition in global market
you know there exists a deadlock: you can't compete on global market, because natonal industry is outdated compared to developed captilalism states, and you can't upgrade your industry and infrastructure becaues your country don't have resources.
global economy is all about who got up first.
the only solution for this is to sell raw resources (if you have one) or cheap labour (investment), but this is exploitation and was banned in communist states.
>Why do people believe in communism even though it's been proven to be awful time and time again.
why do people believe in christianity? why do people believe in fascism? why do people believe in the first place, you should never "believe" in anything you haven't been showed proof of.
>like the class of parasitic bankers/speculators who produce nothing of value but just move capital between different instruments
These "parasites" gamble their own capital, or capital that has been voluntarily entrusted to them and can't force people to work for them or buy their products.
Meanwhile the communist bureaucrat takes everything from the worker, misuses it for decades, cashes in on the privatization and comes out unscathed.
At it's root Communism is theft. People who have nothing and envy those that do believe taking property by force is better than the effort it takes to produce property for themselves. They never think what will happen after everything has been taken and they have destroyed the people who do produce. So the end result of Communism is lazy thieves and no one left worth stealing from.
True communism hasn't been implimented yet
the juice
>degeneracy free
>lazy fucks who want communism because they think they're poor because of the oppressive capitalist system
>communism is by definition that everybody works and contributes to society
>symbol of communism is literally two blue collar tools
I would love to see those fat pinko feminists working on a fucking field 12 hours a day.
Good goy, very good goy.
You think Antifa is going to get it right?
like burgers like yourself even comprehend communism. hasn't capitalism also proven itself to be awful time and time again
you need more than personal anecdotes to persuade these fascists, comrade
they need the gentle persuasion through the medium of rifle butts and bullets
it's just easier to lull the masses into submission under capitalism
>who lived in the USSR have a good opinion of communism
I guarantee they were not among the "commoners"
Communists gonna tell you that true communism didn't really exist. So, if you point out that Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao were communists in the true sense of the word they will ignore you. Stupid faggots never learn.
Das ryte
Marx was a swarthy kike.
How did Stalin etc achieve workers ownership of the means of production? Don't talk about things you don't understand, uneducated euroshit.
Name the "succesful" socialist economies, that's always amusing
This pic is everything you need to know about communism
All successful countries have mixed market social democracies. Free markets are for poor countries and virgin libertardians
They want an alternative to the capitalism that caused this mess but have been taught fascist/nat-soc is the ultimate evil so it's the only option they see.
>why do you believe in the first place
Because if you ain't first, you're last
Brainwashing and a leftist education system.
A mixed economy isn't a socialist economy. If there's wage labor, private means of production, and a market system, it isn't socialist. Learn the difference between a welfare state/public goods and socialism
>le virgin xD
Typical commie
It's almost like your gay ideology is a scam which objectively centralizes power in the hands of dictators.
All of those good little leftists who died screaming and begging for their mommies in the gulags deserved it. Your friends died pleading so that Stalin could stuff his face with rich red roast beef, and suckling pig. Commissaries held down good little leftists just like you, and broke their fingers for fun, then shot them.
Millions of people died like this, so that Stalin could enjoy his daily fresh hot dumpling soup in his mansion in St. Petersburg. That's communism. But at least they shot a dog into space once.
my guess would be because these usually middle class people think that they're the poor and oppressed ones, therefore the beneficiary to the rich people's assets should a communist revolution occur, yet they haven't experienced, or even heard about the mass famines, actually being coerced to redistribute their own stuff, and the amount of force required in order for redistribution on that scale to be successful. they apparently don't teach that much about the gulags in soviet russia
That's true. I'm simply pointing out that some socialist policies benefit their nations.
America is literally experiencing what Finland experienced back in the 60s and 70s.
not too knowledgeable on my finnish history. story time?
What did Finland experience back in the 60's and 70's?
That post was so bad, I thought you were a leaf for a moment.
>le virgin xD
This is actually a perfect exemplar of how certain insults against others in communism are justified. Hear me out on this.
Lets for a second assume communism is actually what it says it is.
A society where everyone gets the same.
How does one move ahead there in a way?
through property is impossible, since everything is common good. what remains is position, and this can be acquired through either hard work or interpersonal skill. Since hard work, is well, hard - and since everyone knows this -, that's not really a valid option. Thus what remains is interpersonal skills.
Being called a virgin this way is thus not only saying someone is a virgin but also saying that that person should stay at the bottom, even in an "equal" society. Just like racist, xenophobe, bigot, sexist, (you name it), it is an insult to put down the other persons interpersonal skills, which would be exactly the most needed asset to not starve under communism.
do enlighten us, albino mongol
>my grandfather was a high-ranking official in the military
>had more privileges than 99.99% of the population
>still thinks socialism was retarded
Because they had security. They knew that they would grind 6 days a week and have food on the table at the end of the day. Most people aren't ambitious, especially when brought up under the hammer and sickle. Socialism cripples you from birth and makes you unable to compete in a free market.
But it wasn't REAL libertarianism!!!!
Look up how Mao managed workers ownership of the means of production with his backyard steel furnaces.
Wait a second, your world could crumble into small pieces. Think it over, my little gommunist friend.
because le everything possibly good about anything communist is le propaganda!!!!
What is Greece?
It's almost like there are dictators who try to exploit any system, and that no matter what system is in place you should keep dictators out of power.
The workers took orders from Mao and his central planners and produced steel in government-owned factories that happened to be located in backyards.
>proven to be awful
>time and time again.
When and where? Source?
>They called themselves "communists", so it means they were!
Wew lads, from now on I'm calling myself "the most intelligent person on Earth", so you'd better listen to what I say!
Neither has true capitalism. You part way communism killed 100,000,000 people in the last 100 years. If Communism had been implemented properly, we would ALL be dead.